What is the arrangement of particles in a solid, liquid and gas? - BBC Bitesize (2024)

Key points

  • Almost everything is made of particles.
  • Particles can be atoms, molecules or ions.
  • Particles behave differently in solids, liquids and gases.
  • The particle model explains the differences between solids, liquids and gases.

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Water exists as a solid, liquid and as a gas. What name is used for solid water and gaseous water?

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Watch this video to see a model of how are arranged in solids, liquids and gases.

Describe the arrangement and movement of the particles in a solid, liquid and gas.

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Lots of materials are solid, such as paper, bricks, wood, metal, and ice.

The particles in solids are very close together, therefore they cannot usually be compressed or squashed. of attraction between the particles hold them together and keep them in place.

The particles in solids are arranged in a regular way. The particles in solids move only by vibrating about a fixed position. This gives solids a fixed shape and means that they cannot flow like liquids.

The hotter a solid gets, the faster its particles vibrate. This means that solids expand when they are heated.

What is the arrangement of particles in a solid, liquid and gas? - BBC Bitesize (1)

Did you know?

  • When substances are heated and expand, their particles do not get any bigger.
  • When heated, the particles begin to vibrate more which causes them to move slightly further apart.

What is the arrangement of particles in a solid, liquid and gas? - BBC Bitesize (3)

By looking around, how many examples of solids can you see, touch, hear or feel?

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There are many different liquids such as; water, oil, fruit juice, and many others.

The particles in liquids are arranged in a random way, and are close together, touching many of their neighbours. There are some gaps, but liquids cannot usually be compressed or squashed.

The particles of a liquid have enough energy to break free of some of the forces of attraction between the particles. So particles in liquids can move around and can move over each other, allowing liquids to flow and be poured.

What is the arrangement of particles in a solid, liquid and gas? - BBC Bitesize (4)

What is the arrangement of particles in a solid, liquid and gas? - BBC Bitesize (5)

  • In a diagram of the particles in a liquid, make sure that they are mostly touching but randomly arranged.

  • If there are large spaces between the particles, you would be able to compress the liquid.

Sand can be poured, but it is definitely a solid. Why is this?

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There are lots of different gases, such as the air we breathe or the helium used to fill balloons.

The particles in gases are widely spaced and randomly arranged, meaning they can be easily compressed or squashed.

The particles in a gas have enough energy to overcome the forces of attraction between the particles, so are free to move in any direction. They move quickly in straight lines, colliding with each other and the walls of their container.

What is the arrangement of particles in a solid, liquid and gas? - BBC Bitesize (6)

What is the arrangement of particles in a solid, liquid and gas? - BBC Bitesize (7)

There are large spaces between the particles of a gas. These spaces between particles are empty, there is nothing in them.

Why is helium gas used inside party balloons?

What is the arrangement of particles in a solid, liquid and gas? - BBC Bitesize (8)

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The particle model of matter

Almost everything is made of particles, with the exception of electromagnetic waves, such as light and X-rays.

A particle is a single piece of matter from an element or a compound, which is too small to be seen, even with the most powerful microscope that you could find in a school science lab. Particles can be , or .

What are models?

are used in science to help explain scientific concepts. The particle model is the name for the diagrams used to draw solids, liquids and gases.

In the model, the particles are shown as circles or spheres. However, the particles in ice, liquid water and steam look the same because they are all water, but in different states of matter.

Why do we use the particle model in science? The particle model is not exactly the same as real life. Can you think of a way in which it is different?

What is the arrangement of particles in a solid, liquid and gas? - BBC Bitesize (9)

What is the arrangement of particles in a solid, liquid and gas? - BBC Bitesize (10)

What is the arrangement of particles in a solid, liquid and gas? - BBC Bitesize (11)

Scientists use models to show things that are too small to see, like atoms or cells. Sometimes they use models of things which are much bigger, like the solar system.

Can you think of a scientific model which is life-sized?

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Working scientifically

What is the arrangement of particles in a solid, liquid and gas? - BBC Bitesize (12)

Shear-thickening liquid

Shear-thickening liquid is an unusual liquid that can be slowly poured but acts like a solid if quickly struck. Try making this at home.

You will need six spoonfuls of cornflour or custard powder and three spoonfuls of water.

  1. Pour the cornflour into a container and slowly add water.
  2. Mix gently. It is hard to mix the cornflour and water.
  3. Stir the cornflour slime very slowly using the spoon. Then stir it quickly. Which is harder?
  4. Using two fingers, hit the cornflour slime very quickly. What happens?
    Now slowly place your fingers into the slime. What is different?
  5. Pick up a little slime and roll it into a ball with your hands. How does it feel?
    Now stop rolling. How does its behaviour change?
  6. Try adjusting the amounts of cornflour and water and notice the effects.

What is the arrangement of particles in a solid, liquid and gas? - BBC Bitesize (13)


Scientific investigations often involve things that can be changed, known as variables. Scientists often want to find out if changing one variable will make a difference to another variable.

What are the variables in the shear-thickening liquid activity?

Find out more about variables.

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Test your knowledge

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Working safely in the lab

Find out how to spot risks, hazards and understand hazard symbols

What is the arrangement of particles in a solid, liquid and gas? - BBC Bitesize (14)

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What is the arrangement of particles in a solid, liquid and gas? - BBC Bitesize (2024)


What is the arrangement of particles in solid liquid and gas? ›

Particles in a: gas are well separated with no regular arrangement. liquid are close together with no regular arrangement. solid are tightly packed, usually in a regular pattern.

What is the model for particle arrangement in solid liquid and gas? ›

The particle model is the name for the diagrams used to draw solids, liquids and gases. In the model, the particles are shown as circles or spheres. However, the particles in ice, liquid water and steam look the same because they are all water, but in different states of matter.

What is the particle movement of solid liquid and gas? ›

- The particles of a gas move quickly and are able to spread apart from one another. - The particles of a liquid are able to move past each other. - The particles of a solid are not able to move out of their positions relative to one another, but do have small vibrational movements.

How are particles arranged in a liquid BBC bitesize? ›

The particles in a liquid are still close together, like the particles in a solid, but are arranged randomly. As well as vibrating, the particles in a liquid can move from place to place. Because the particles are not in fixed positions and can move about and vibrate, liquids do not have a fixed shape and can flow.

What is solid liquid and gas in order? ›

Near absolute zero, a substance exists as a solid. As heat is added to this substance it melts into a liquid at its melting point, boils into a gas at its boiling point, and if heated high enough would enter a plasma state in which the electrons are so energized that they leave their parent atoms.

How does the particles arrangement change from a liquid to a gas? ›

If you heat a liquid strongly enough, eventually the particles will be moving around with enough energy that they overcome the forces holding them together in the liquid. When that happens, the particles fly off as a gas.

What is the particle theory for solids, liquids and gases? ›

Particles of matter have spaces between them. In a gas, there are large spaces between them. In a liquid they are closer together. In a solid, the particles are packed so close they can hardly move.

What are 5 differences between solid, liquid, and gas? ›

Overall, solids have a definite shape and volume, liquids have a definite volume but take the shape of the container, and gases have neither a definite shape nor volume, filling the space available to them. The arrangement, movement, density, and intermolecular forces differ among these states of matter.

What is it called when a gas goes to a solid? ›

Deposition is the phase transition in which gas transforms into solid without passing through the liquid phase. Deposition is a thermodynamic process. The reverse of deposition is sublimation and hence sometimes deposition is called desublimation.

What is the molecular arrangement of solid liquid and gas? ›

The particles in the solid are touching with very little space between them. The particles in a liquid usually are still touching but there are some spaces between them. The gas particles have big distances between them.

What is solid liquids and gas? ›

Three states of matter exist - solid, liquid, and gas. Solids have a definite shape and volume. Liquids have a definite volume, but take the shape of the container. Gases have no definite shape or volume.

What happens to the arrangement of particles of solid, liquid, and gas as the temperature of particles decreases? ›

#### Final Answer As the temperature decreases, the arrangement of particles in solid, liquid, and gas states becomes more condensed and less mobile, and the kinetic energy of the particles in all three states decreases.

What is the arrangement of particles in a solid and liquid? ›

Solids: Solids are made up of particles that are in a tightly packed pattern, with barely any room for movement. Liquids: Liquids are made of particles that are loosely packed in no distinct arrangement. Gas: Gases are made of particles that are free-floating with no distinct arrangement.

What is a model to explain the structure of particles in solids, liquids, and gases? ›

The particle model - OCR GatewaySolids, liquids and gases. Kinetic theory models the arrangement and movement of particles in solids, liquids and gases. It explains properties of substances in these different states, and what happens during changes of state.

Why can gases be squashed easily? ›

The simple answer: because there is lots of space between gas molecules. This space allows us to put pressure on gas, and force it in a smaller container.

What is the arrangement of molecules in a liquid? ›

On the other hand, liquid molecules are close together but are not tightly packed; they do not show any definite molecular arrangements and have no definite shape of their own. The liquid vibrates and slides across each other with lesser speed as compared to gases and therefore shows less kinetic energy.

What is the movement of particles called? ›

This movement of particles is called the Brownian motion. Larger sized particles may be moved by light, fast moving particles. They travel at very high speeds, so transfer a lot of energy when they collide with the smaller particles.

What happens to the arrangement of particles in solid, liquid, and gas as the temperature decreases? ›

#### Final Answer As the temperature decreases, the arrangement of particles in solid, liquid, and gas states becomes more condensed and less mobile, and the kinetic energy of the particles in all three states decreases.

What is the particle theory of matter? ›

All matter is composed of tiny indivisible particles too small to see. These particles do not share the properties of the material they make up. There is nothing in the space between the particles that make up matter. The particles which make up matter are in constant motion in all physical states.


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