The Surrey Advertiser, County Times from Guildford, Surrey, England (2024)

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The Surrey Advertiser, County Timesi

Guildford, Surrey, England

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28 THE SURREY ADVERTISER AIVD COUNTY TIMES SATURDAY DECEMBER lz 19T? The gift for someone with holiday plans SIX LADS ADMIT BREAKING INTO LEATHERHEAD CRICKET PAVILION Epsom Court on Monday Ronald Charles New (17) a labourer of Cobham Road Fete ham a 16-year-old youth and a boy of 13 both of Fetcham admitted on or about June 27th breaking into the pavilion of Leatherhead Cricket Club at Fetcham Grove and stealing twelve bottles of orangeade total value 9s the property of the club are for people not for congestion in Leatherhead is attacked forcibly and suggestions made for its solution in the current issue of the official journal of Leatherhead Associa- tion The primary essential is to clear the town of all through traffic by providing by-pass roads and ensuring that they are used says the journal THE BOOKHAMS People today like to be seen with elegant and colourful new luggageon their travels why they'll love to be given a present of Revelation soft-sided luggage luggage super-light colourful lovely to look at and reinforced with wonderful Woven Fibre-glass So give Revelation this Christmas New and the 16-vear-otd together with two boys of 14 and one of If all of Feteham admitted mi or about Oetolier 23rd breaking into lie same pavilion and stealing a half-bottle of whisky 36 bottles of minerals and seven bottles of beer total value Announcing the opening of FISHMONGER AND CRIPP8 POULTERER Phone Bookham 4022 Fresh supplies of Fish and Poultry Advt OPTICAL ILLUSION AT ROUNDABOUT Larger warning sign Graham Edgar Brooks of Ivor House £2 4s 9cl Woodlands Road Bookham was fined New was sent for trial at Surrey Saving that a walk or drive along High Street on a Saturday suffices to show that traffic congestion and Its attendant risks are riot a feature peculiar to large cities only and that things are going to get worse "The goes on: Yet there is still no sign that de-y EATHERHEAD Accident Prevention velopment of the town allows for any-council will ask surrev rmint thing more than what we now have face If this goes on it will not be dcnot Jns the turn at the roundabout wt ca done Quarter Sessions and was allowed bail and had his licence endorsed by Epsom magistrates on Monday for ex- The other five defendants were re-ceedlng the speed limit on Lower manded to Epsom Juvenile Court on Road Fetcham on September 29th December 22nd All were granted bail Bookham Congregational Church JW? hoto't nlSle a trf th ml Ulster trateTto find out more about Rev Iac who was at tbe intoTon I i other oil eoces to be Into con- church during the ornlng and aftt- sld eratlon was sald by Det Sgt noom in the evening 100 members have preylous fin8dlngs of 311 guilt One boy of 14 asked for four was followed by entertainment other 0ffences0 be taken llUo con Widening the western side of Dor-sideration and the 13-year-old asked king Road Bookham between Chrys- for one other offence to be considered tie Lane and Beales Road for which The 12-year-old had one previous find-provision has been made in the esti-ing of guilt mates will entail demollsihlng a wall The ground manager of Leatherhead and removing the majority of trees Cricket Club Mr A Townsend and bushes on a bank Leatherhead of Grove Corner Great Bookham told Council highways and works commit- the court of the damage done and the tee have been told missing articles Associa-i Det- Doyle told the court that parents had no idea that these A A piece of Irish delight HE Irish are a nation of poets setting anil it is perhaps their genius Foster) George Paddon wildness which painted by and yet a a price we can "The then states that the first essential Is to clear the town of through traffic by providing bypass roads and ensuring that they are used DESERT OF CAR PARKS It continues: "The next Is to segregate the remaining local traffic at least where It is heavy from pedestrian traffic New buildings must also be made to digest the traffic they generate or the alternative of an ever-expanding desert of car parks must be accepted j- "These are all expensive measures but they -will be much less so If they reply are planned for now and Introduced gradually as development goes on than If they are left until they must be taken to prevent strangulation are for people not for pieces Ample warning signs were provided of itinerant machinery and sooner or and it was not thought that replant-later action will have to be taken to! mg bushes or shrubs would help return them to people: why not start Mr Butler agreed that there were now while there Is still ample warning signs but they did not help He thought the illusion was due to the levels of the road and the fact that on the left hahd side there was a wire fence Mr Grigg did not think any A concert of Christmas music In aid alteration was required and Mr of the National Children's Homes Is to Leyland thought the whole trouble be given by Leatherhead Choral was because they had a very good road quency of accidents near the roundabout and several members commented on an apparent optical Hlnsion present in certain lights when the approach from Dorking to the roundabout was misleading It was thought that an alteration of the contour of the top of the roundabout by planting bushes or trees would increase road safetv at tht point and the secretary (Mr Preston) will write to the countv engineer accordingly At meeting in the Leather-head chamber the chairman i Mr Berry) reported that a had been received from the county that' the trees and shrubs had heen remnverf frntn the roundabout at the request of the urban district council and the police Amnio warninn sien nminorf things were going bringing poetry fantasv and makes her seem at home the drama at one and the Laidlaw polling's Chris Mahon the mtorf anTdvertising same time which makes the more pro- playboy is also excellently done rieiawaiKer director o1 an aaveriismg sa1' Englishman suspicious of Irish Starting with the look of a frightened His' P1- their greatest sons rabbit he grows In confidence under ''iL ar0uSed hrterat as was -J Synge wrote a play which was the ministrations' of the village girls tflk arouseuRreat interest as was howled down in Dublin and lauded In until that delightful scene when he shown by the number of questions London strolls complacently in his borrowed asked- He was thanked by the chair- The Spinney School Parents in Great Bookham heard Mr Drive for greater support HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY ASHTKAD Horticultural Society which Is run in conjunction with Mr- w- Hadfield Recital on If was "THE OF THE nnel'y WESTERN given at Leathernd drama wlth 8reat and head this week as the fifth in the a real of the Poetic At PlPPet which Is Chris Ian Curry draws an amusing plc- Mr Galling merges comedy as the fifth In series of the world's great plays 16th century viola fierce 'tlmugh sf desperately fearful Shawn one must suppose that it was the use whlle Patricia Lawrence is a strong of the murder motif as a comedy vehicle which upset them It is easier while Patricia Lawrence is a and determined widow Quin There Is a well-conceived Michael with Marjorie Lempfert a member of Thej ht English String Quartet gave an ln- are to Floral Arrangement Group make a drive for greater sud- teresting recital of music for the viola of lnonthiv ertlire and to Bookham Music Club on Monday exhl5ltors the' wlmnler and autumn admirably supported by Victor Yates shos A hp sltcMy annilal lneet 3 lng on Wednesday attended bv fewer A Handel sonata opened the Pe- J0 cent'(f tUe members gramme followed by a charming jth halVman Mr Love Joy said adagio and rondo by Mozart and the ith la a good vear although not all ri James by Daniel Thorndike to understand why London approved T- ii i A Philip Anthony and John Cater are for this is Irish drama at its mosti tvnlcai anH its best lb great form as his two hangers-on tpcal and its best Terence Soall Is a gaunt Old Mahon Synge's sense of poetry wit and land the girls are played by Loulda character are here fully! harnessed and 'Vaughan Anthea Lynex and Hazel the result Is a theatrical delight which Lewthwaite These last four are not 5 Society at Leatherhead Methodist Church on Tuesday The 6th Leatherhead Scouts (St Peter's) raised £20 towards the cost of new equipment at a Christmas bazaar at the Conservative Club Leatherhead on Saturday surface and motorists approached at speed They did not realise they were approaching the roundabout as quickly as they were Of the 55 accidents in the urban district from October 21st to November 24th four were caused by dogs There was one fatal accident on the lyrical sonata Hi flat by Brahms flUanrav nlavorl with nlocolnal niirlrv rtf aTVlP The society made an aggregate loss played with classical purity of style and impeccable technical finish 13a 7d on the summer and Miss Lempfert described her very autumn shows and a at los8 on remarkable viola which was made by the year Qf £43 17g6d of Which da Sa ratb0lft sundry debtors wri-ten off accounted of the very first If not the first for £43 4s 6d Tlle accClUnts were eve ade- ns ls a presented by the treasurer Mr full and Miss Lempfert brought out all jrd lt! The secretary Mr Hardy said The second half of the programme weFe trying to publicise their consisted ol suite by the Jewish activities In the coming year it There Is a tendency to hurry chosen to precede "Babes In the Ernat Bloch written in 1919 ho edr lve bet-er service to road the action and the dialogue in places i Wood this year's panto "The Tun- whence was belngJnfluencbyhU 8teward8- He appealed for road Ernst Bloch written In 1919 line hcliuii aim one uiajugue imteo i "vuu the Vast Torlles Tt eras itlvpn i Stewards He AAeu East inm it was could have come from nowhere but always happy with their accents but Ireland It is a truly national play otherwise the production has an Leatherhead Council Public Health side of the Givons Road great enough to become internatlomd astonishing Irlshness Committee have recommended thatroundabout and 17 other accidents in-! Roger Jenkins the producer at Lea- picture by Ayling shows their first additional public health in- volved personal Injury six severe andttherhead does not sound as if he is ASithea Lvnex Patricia Lawrence spector should attend a series of lec- 1 slight including three children one ion his own ground with this drama) tures on radioactivity and its hazards wbom was seriously injured Four of the shabby wilds of Mayo If not in biology and medicine 0f the accidents occurred in the Book-ithen his achievement is doubly pralse- Leatherhead Round charity ham ward five in the Fetcham ward! worthy for he has managed to catch fund benefited by over £80 by a 10 in Ashtead and the remainder ln the curious rhythm of the Irish way charity dance at Fetcham Village Hall Leatherhead lot life Its warmth eccentricity and The Round Table have thanked traders and others In the district who gave prizes Schemes for lighting Leatherhead bridge scheduled as an ancient ment by post top lanterns mounted on the parapet with either 200 watt tungsten lamps or 40 watt fluorescent tubes are to be submitted to Surrey County Council by Leatherhead Council highways and works committee Cyril Smith the famous pianist who lost the use of his left hand and Phyllis Sellick his wife are to appear at The Crescent cinema Leatherhead to-morrow at a concert of carols and Christmas music presented by Ashtead Choral Society George Plzzey will conduct and the accompanists will be Winifred and Jane Boston mother and (laughter Bv permission of Miss Hazel Vincent Wallace a collection taken in the foyer of Leatherhead Repertory Theatre (Widow Quin) Laidlaw Mailing (Chris Mahon) and Louida aughan FUTURE PROGRAMME It is perhaps appropriate that Tunnel of Love" (by Joseph Fields: and Peter de Vries) should have been 1 1 1 1 I Piltnp'rhpan tllfl for as though Mr Jenkins felt in doubt nel of ls a rather saucy comedy leailieriieau am I0rwhether6his audience would tolerate about a couple who badly want a -these characters for themselves He baby need not have worried for Synge and) The pantomime this year opens a very competent comnany take care Boxing Day and continues until To the Editor iof that between them The characters ary 16th a run of three weeks An Sir -The working committee ap- after this is Noel! Coward's "Hay "Tea and Sym- and Beverly successful Merchant Navy story More A NEW SECRETARY OF LEATHERHEAD GUILD THE Leatherhead Guild met for tlielr annual party last week when business given stewards for tbe 24 vacant roads and I IT rtT suggestions for the monthly el meetings single instrument powerful ex The shQW secretary Mr aeepiy moving as The music Croucher reported 102 entries and 451 fg individual exhibiits in the summer aqulethttle ofmembers xhlbnid The" sbow had 341 exhibits and 68 entries Mr Croucher appealed for more exhibitors PAYING FOR THETR I the summer show 111 be on July 23rd and the autumn show on September 10th' Officials elected were: Chairman Mr Lovejoy vice-chairmen Mr Slaughter and Mr Rimmer hon secretary Mr Hardy hon treasurer Mr Wiseman hon shew secretary Mr Croucher hon membership secretary Mr Messenger committee Messrs A Bailey A Grayer Holland At a Christmas fair in the school on Saturday Eastwick County Primary School Bookham Parents' Association raised nearly half the £200 lent by the English Schools Swimming Association for the construction of a swimming pool The children by a jobs at home collected over £27 etteTshows Llia- Eastwick Drive Bookham and Miss S1Mrs yd Mrs 3 Stubbs pnnard recently apppointecl deputy Mrs Murphy Mrs Griffin Mrs head of the school Mrs Wiggins and Mrs The swimming pool will be ready Lovejoy for use next summer Miss Leggett resigned after 10 years on the committee FORETASTE OF SPRING Members of Bookham Evening is being undertaken by the Voluntary Service for Civil Defence Wayside The Crescent Leatherhead who profited considerably by their experience with the work done at the tima of the Hungarian crisis Mr Cole manager of the Nat-! ional Provincial Bank Limited Lea-! therhead branch is acting as honor-! each evening during the week ended November 28th In aid of the British Leprosy Relief Association realised £22 7s 6d A whist drive for the same cause held on Thursday of last week at the British Legion Hall Leatherhead made £13 All prizes were given From Melbourne Australia comes the announcement of the engagement of AIr Peter Smlthrsecond son of treasurer and all donations should Mrs Smith of 22 Highlands whn Road Leatherhead and of the late Mr Organisations who Organisations who feel that their Institute had a foretaste of spring when Mrs Carter showed her slides of the Scllly Islands "The Daffodil at their December meet- "r'WPTQTM A ing Mrs Carter introduced her photo- JvJ -I vUO UilUViiG 1 IVliAO graphs with details of the islands and the livelihood of the islanders After tea there were carols Under the leadership of Bookham Afternoon WI choir There was a well-patronised bring and buy stall the proceeds of which are for the children's Christmas party on January 4th me Christmas part jk with the walls of the Peace Memorial llall lined with many bright and sparkling arrangements All down one side were different DECORATIONS ASHTEAD Flower Arrangement December meeting was A Smith to Miss Yvonne Alexander younger daughter of Mr and Mrs Alexander of Melbourne Mr Smith was active ln Leatherhead Parish Church organisations was a parish church councillor Sunday echool teacher and youth leader He has been in Melbourne for the past four years with The Missions to Seamen Miss Alexander is a member of the Harbour Lights Guild with the mission in Melbourne which provides dance hostesses and honorary canteen workers on Thursday was eutydown to the minimum It included' the election of a new secretary Mrs Shurvey In succession to Mrs OITen who had resigned for health reasons The other officers had expressed their willingness to serve again the Mrs Roberts and the treasurer Mrs Chapman Three new members had also Joined the committee Mrs Charlton Mrs Chilman and Mrs Reeves Regret was expressed that Mrs Bartholomew was giving up her charge of guild savings which she has held so long ln partnership with Mrs Greenwood Her successor ls Mrs Essex Two newcomers yuere welcomed in addition to a former member who was rejoining Notices included a change of date for the February meeting from the 4th to the 11th the hall not being available for the first Thursday and fresh instructions about outings announced by Mrs Price the outings secretary ln future payment must be made at the time of booking and coaches will only make three stops on the return Journey CONTRASTING PLAYS A main interest of the meeting was two plays by the drama group produced by Mrs Shepperd They formed an excellent contrast the first entitled being serious while the second Something was punctuated with bursts of laughter from the audience All the actors are to be congratulated on the rendering of their parts as is the producer for her casting The tangled relations of which nearly lead to tragedy were most sympathetically presented centring round the affection of a young girl for her adopted mother I members would like to know more de- tails of the refugee problem should get In touch with the Rev David i Geddes Christchurch Manse Epsom Road Leatherhead who is co-ordinate Ing the exhibition of films and speakers i No target been fixed but we are our wagon to the I feel sure that such a worthy cause de- serves the whole-hearted I support of neaQ ransn oa oaluruay every man woman and child' who will CanQn Ball officiating of Mr Leslie be only too glad to make a thank offer- Hg Godfrey Knight eldest son of ing to support and relieve so many Mj nJ Mrs Knight of Ingle-who 4ve in such appalling conditions ylew CIiftonviIle Dorking and Miss bad that we can hardly realise Carole Ann Attwater only daughter of what it really is like to be homeless Mr and Mrs Rtcbard Attwater Thorn-May I ask your Leatherhead readers croft Lodge Dorking Road Leather-to send us their contributions both bead large and email and make this Lea- Given away by her father the bride therhead appeal the largest of anv i WOIe a white full-length brocade dress Scottish honeymoon nrHE wedding took place at Leather- the whole-hearted support of head Parlsh church on Saturday Interpretations of Christmas some bright and exuberant others A motor-cyclist Mr Smith ofdanty and full of charm Old Lane Cobham fractured hls Next came the Christmas welcome wrist when he fell from his machine an arrangement suitable for a hall a at Cobham on Saturday evening He was taken to Kingston Hospital and detained that have gone before Yours etc ROBERT BISHOP (Chairman of the Council) Council Offices Leatherhead WIFE OPENS CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Mrs Rawllnson wife of the MP for the Epsom division opened the Christmas bazaar of Great Bookham Conservative Association at the church house on Saturday She was presented with a bouquet by Miss Ann Fortescue Mr Rawllnson recalled that the last time he was ln the hall was Just before LOCAL DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS Development proposal applications considered by a committee of Leatherhead Council this week Included demolition of Sagamore The Marld Ashtead and erection of four detached houses with garage installation of a petrol pump and tank at Bramley Comer Epsom Road Ashtead erection of a sports pavilion and construction of a car park at St Dominic Savio College ground Harriotts Lane Ashtead conversion of The Folly 118 Lower Road Fetcham Into two flats and the erection of a detached house and 13 flats (three single room and 10 three-room) with 16 garages approval ln principle to development of 685 acres of land at rear of 67-72 Eastwick Drive Fetcham by 25 detached houses or bungalows with garages and the erection of five detached houses on land at Cannon Court Farm Fetcham made by herself with elbow-length veil and headdress of white roses Her bouquet was of yellow roses She was attended by Miss Linda Harris (cousin) and Miss Virginia Knight sister) dressed ln blue corduroy trimmed with white fur with matching muffs and headdresses of white fur They carried sprays of white heather Mr Leslie A Raynor was best man and Messrs Malcolm Knight brother) and David Shukman groomsmen A reception was held at St Nicholas Church Hall and the honeymoon ls in Edinburgh -the general election The decision to The comedy showed an old granny return the Conservatives with a Perhaps the most attractive was of red anemones and sparkling ivy in a cut glass decanter On the opposite side of the hall was the novice competition arrangement with holly and ivy predominating Several members did exhibition arrangements and it was interesting for those who could not get to Chelsea to see the arrangements which Ashtead members had staged there Congratulations were offered to Mrs Slaughter for her arrangement for a buffet table staged ln a tiny wood barrel for which she was highly com mended at Chelsea The twelve table arrangements which varied from golden gondola to mystic blue lake were Judged by popular vote First came Mrs Preston (Christmas roses on a mirrored base) with Mrs Beldam and Mrs Lane second and third The other competitions were Judged by Mrs Struan who awarded the following certificates Senior advanced: Mrs Beldam 2 Mrs Hall 3 Mrs Hawkins hc Mrs Floyd Advanced: 1 Mrs Prior 2 Mrs Clarke 3 Mrs Roberts hc Mrs Watson Novice: 1 Mrs Williams 2 Mrs Wakeford 3 Mrs Rimmer hc Mrs Williams Unfortunately there were only three entries for the inter-club competition a wall arrangement Outstanding was the Banstead exhibit staged by Mrs McGregor in gold and white contrasted with the brown of fir cones second came Ashtead and third Surrey CD STRENGTH RISES There have been 46 favourable replies to a Civil Defence recruiting appeal to 8870 householders in the Leatherhead urban area and from it 38 new recruits 19 men and 19 women have been obtained Under a Home Office Civil Defence revision of establishments the strength of the rescue section of the Leatherhead unit will require to be increased by 564 per cent from its present 39 members The establishments of other sections are likely to be similarly increased with the possibility of the warden section being perhaps trebled MODEL FLYING CLUB Officers elected at the annual meeting of Leatherhead and District Model Flying Club on Friday last week were Chairman Mr I McConnell secretary Mr Tucker hon treasurer Mr Chilvers: Press Mr A about to wed for the third time but still resolved to sponge on her long-suffering family It remained for Mrs Often to express warm appreciation from the members With tea there were two Christmas cakes made and iced by Mrs Mayell and Mrs Todd with Mrs Price and Sandford' to help with the icing of the second They were cut by the president Miss Ash CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR DRINKING HOURS Licensees from Leatherhead Ashtead Bookham Fetcham and Headley successfully applied at Epsom Court on Monday for extensions of permitted drinking hours for Christmas and the New Year from 10 pm to 12 midnight on December 24th and 26th and from 10 pm to 1230 am on the night of December 31st Before the Justices granted the Heasman The secretary said that application they heard- from Insp membership remained at about 20 and Layton that it was different from the year generally had been successful most of the applications ln the Surrey greatly Increased majority was right He pointed out that the Socialist party were divided on nationalisation and the split ln their ranks had been emphasised at their conference in Blackpool Mr Galt8kell realised that the electorate did not want nationalisation which was out of date ln 1959 Mr Rawllnson expressed thanks to the loyal supporters who worked so hard ln the little committee rooms and the bazaars He was introduced by Major A Bell chairman of Great Bookham branch Stallholders were Mrs Bowen Mrs Cooke and Mrs Dormer (provisions and garden produce) Mrs Curtis and Mrs Chapman (cakes) Mrs Carter and Mrs Heslop (gifts) Mr and Mrs Probert and Mrs Cawte (white elephant and books) Mr and Mrs Austin and Mrs Gant (bottle stall) Mr Cooper (bran tub) Mr Jarvis (wheel) Mr Oldershaw ftreasure hunt) and Mrs White and Mrs Peonard (teas) British Red Croas Society Grand Christmas Fair -Saturday December 1 2th At THE RED CROSS HALL THE WHARF GODALMIXG Admission 6d Children 3d Opening at 230 pm by Lady Todd Christmas Table Decoration Competition Judged by Mrs Mary Lyons of Guildford Entries to be in by 1045 am Entry fee 1- First Second and Third Prizes £84 FOR RED CROSS HOME The social oommlttee of Leatherhead Division of the British Red Cross Society have recently been working to raise money for the re-decoration and renovation of Leddrede the Red Cross Home for elderly people at Leatherhead A coffee morning on Tuesday at Grey Wings The Warren Ashtead by permission of Mrs Windsor raised £50 and another last month at Gable Cottage Highlands Road Leatherhead by invitation of Mrs Naughton raised £34 OVER 2000 DRESSES IN ALL WOOL TRICEL BURLAMA BUSH-BABY BUNNY-CUDDLE in all sizes up to 56" hip at the same price of course AT EVE ENGLISH 80 HIGH STREET GUILDFORD Telephone: 61352 WHERE OUTSIZES COST NO EXTRA Constabulary area which were to 1130 pan on the 24thand 1130 pm on the th but competitions had not been well supported The club welcomed the new control line section Difficulty was still being experienced ln find! a suitable flying ground WE EMLYN GROUP (NORTH) The annual meeting) of the Emlyn Group (North) of institutes was held in the Red Cross Hall Leatherhead on Friday last week when the chairman Mrs Lainei and the secretary Mrs Willis were re-elected and Mrs Walmsley of Cobham was appointed press correspondent Mrs Kerri-son was welcomed as the visiting county organiser West End Esher and Stoke were congratulated on being first and second in the October drama festival and a balance of £8 2s lOd was announced Delegates gave accounts of their activities HAVE A VERY LARGE SELECTION OF MEETING OF SURPRISES There were many surprises at the December meeting of Ashtead (Evening) Guild the first being when Mrs Rowland the chairman Introduced the new treasurer Miss Tootill Next came the newly formed choir singing four Christmas carols they were revived by Mrs Clarke who has also started an appreciation group and a class for beginners The social bring and buy stall was well supported and it was stated that the £10 raised would go to guild funds Mefnbers saw the cake which Mrs Paine had made for the Mid-Surrey Federation Christmas fair The speaker was Miss Marjorie Nlsbet who took members on a tour round London the "city that never sleeps" Thanks were proposed by Mrs Stone Mrs Rowland wished members a happy Christmas POPPY £760 Ashtead branch of the British Legion this year made a new record for their poppy fund with about £760 jroughly £130 up on last year A quarter of the approximate £180 profits from the section ln the Peace Memorial Hall on Saturday went to the fund All the stalls at the bazaar were supplied by the section CHRISTMAS CARDS including Scripture CALENDERS DIARIES GIFT STATIONERY ANNUALS JIGSAWS GIFT WRAPPINGS GAMES CHRISTMAS TABLE STATIONERY Etc DEATH OF LEGION FOUNDER The death occurred at his home 5 Oveton Way Great Bookham on Monday of Mr William Edward Boswell at the age of 72 Mr Boswell was before his retirement on the outdoor staff of Leatherhead Council He served in the first world war and was a founder member of Leatherhead branch of the British Legion He lltved ln Leatherhead for many years and went to Great Bookham only a few years ago The funeral ls at Leatherhead Parish Church to-day at 10 am 5 QUEEN STREET GODALMING SUPERFLUOUS HAIR skilfully and PERMANENTLY destroyed by Diathermic Electrolysis MOLES AND WARTS successfully removed Mrs ANITA RAMSELL DRE (Free consultation and advice in attendance with HULL Hair Stylist 58 QUARRY ST Guildford Phone 62031 COME AND SEE OUR DISPLAY OF CHINESE PICTURES PHONE GODALMING 1318 FAIR RAISES £260 About £260 was raised at St Convent Ashtead Christmas Fair on Saturday for Christmas charities and the convent building fund The fair was well supported by pupils and parents £he convent has to bear the complete cost of all new school building A Christmas bazaair held by the women's section of Leatherhead branch of the British Legion at headquarters on raised £45 It) was opened by the president of the branch Mr Wakeford VC who was introduced by the chairman of (the section Mrs A Molyneux Fathl'r Christmas was Mr Baker There were plenty of eager hands for the lucky dip at the bazaar at Great Bookham on Saturday Photo dlrek cardner.

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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.