i THE PIOCHE DAILT RECORD, orncs-wwr end or laootjb stbeet. tbrmhi om vesr. by Hall or Tare, IN. TUB UAILT KBCOKD to diUnnd In Ploche, Balllonvlll end Ram. rw 1 rtrwBMM uu paid fw.
KoDtf'y Baa Prandm WM. GEDLINO Bulllonvtll. T. MABB Haaelltoa PIOCHE. NEVADA.
STnT5J? oomn or mncoln. Seventh Judicial District. end conutv ifniMiul li.ki -tnmtm mini JUBjtlght, ill aU of, or aakaown. Is Mm following described property, to wit: Tta. powMory claim end I per.
ooal property, to wit: Lou 80. 7 nd wjln f. 1011 Improvement, on LoUM tJ. No. 17.
1 1 ao.S nd in Block Mo. ud the Improvement, on Lot IS in lart numbered Block .11 situated, lying ud being in Plocne. Lincoln eonnty BUteof One promissory note, detect Ben frencieeo, December 1ST, beerlng Interest until paid, executed by the Florel Mill and th Si lorored By mortgage on ft WUJ given oot TheTf' "n.sr, inSOELLAHEOUS. i I. for th.
return oi UuaU Meadow Valley Bars bu: liojst, Stolen In Deoember end January Jul from ay wagons, or r'i 1l Proportionate Amount For Any Part of The. jeS-td W. L. PRITCHARD. TRAM a MINBHCLL.
Agent. ICE! ICE11.ICE11! i TilC CRYSTAL ICE DEPOT. McAL-INS SALOON, i MraUw Valley Ploeh. FAJLTIOULAB ATTEHTIOH PAID ITO SUPPLYIBO FAMILIES! Ice Delivered to any Part of the from the Hid town of Floeh. houMhold end uiooen larmture, 11 wagooa, male, greet.
kmbT Mmmonedto appear before the Dtttrict Court, Seventh Judicial District, County of Uneoln, on th. Twenty-nth day of August. 1874. at 11 o'clock to mower unto the complaint of the BUIe of Nevada, which uee to recover the lum of thirteen hundred and, vnj-mnm Tto-iw aoiiara, gold coin, delinquent taxea on the before deacrlbed property, together with peroantage and ooat. aa la provided by law, aa fully act forth in a complaint on Sle In ny offloa.
And If you tail to appear and anawer, the Plaintiff then and there will take Judgment againit you for the aforeaain anooni, together with all ooata aubarauent tn the uu. neat of laid taxea and of thil action, and for Iftperceattun la addition to thetaiof 10 per centum thereon. (Mtcu under my band, and th oral of the Diatrict Court, Seventh Judicial Diatrict, County of Lincoln, tbia aoth day of July, A. D. 174.
r. a. uillub, Clerk By J. M. HaXTOlD, Deputy.
fttate of Ifenda. Oountv of Llneoln.KT)i.trirt I Court. Beeenth Judicial Diatrtet. i n. Btate of Nevada to the Sheriff of laid County.
You are hereby required to make du and legal aervioe of above eummons and make your return, thereon within th. time preacribed by HMUWi i P. B. MILLER, Clerk. By J.
M. HAKToao, Deputy. 1 July 30. 181. A true copy: Atteit, W.
B. TRAVIS, Sheriff. By B. U. UUIIOI of Principal Place of Buaineai, Franclaoo.
Calif oruia Location of Worka, Bly Diatrict, Lincoln County, fl. upon the following de. criDed on aooout of I (No. 9) levied on the 23d day of May, 187. the aeveral unounta aet oppoalt th name of the reapect- Haww: No-Of No.
Of name. A.tA 1 Arnuia, Trustee 7n Oeo 0 Arnold, Henry Bromer, Truitee 174 Bunngton, Truatea 17 Bunngton, Traate 907 eumngcon, rrnatee 820 JM Bufllngton, Trueteo .....87 JM Buangton, Jr. .161 at rreuna. Trustee 156 onn a.ononuke..n.... Martin Schilling Barcanter Richard Behadd Richard Behadd Blchard Behadd Richard Behadd Richard Behadd Webster, Trustee.
Webster, Trustee And in coordanj order of the Board of oaD, Deputy. )y31-td City! ALL. OHDEBS PROMPTLY FILLED W. R. WILSON, Ageait.
UlT-tf PIONEER Sale and livery Stables SIOOK OO. ARE AUA1H AT THE1K Je. old tUnd on MEADOW VALLEY STREET, nd would moat respectfully Inform their old rlendt ud tta public uiAt uwjr ttoiia Keep ulJ First-class Turn-outs .1 i awm BuBciea and Saddle' Horses. BTOOS KTTPT i Zl.eaBOsiTA'blo Term, And aatiafactlon guaranteed In every Instance. mylt-tt COOK CO.
I berg, a jam.ua a. to compel TATE OF NEVADA, COUNTT OF LIN 7 Coin. District Court. Seventh Jlidlcim District, and county aforesaid. The BUW of Nevada to John M.
Worley, and an owners 01, or cuumania, anown or unknown, to the following described nronertr. to wit roaaesaory claim to notue and lot in Bullion. villa, nouae and lot in vulllonvllle. House 14 ed a. a atore.
Oreetln: You are hereby summoned to appear before the District Court, Seventh Judicial Dlstrloi, County of Lincoln, on the Twenty.flfth day of August, 1874, at 12 o'clock to anawer unto tno complaint 01 tbe But of Nevada, wblcn sue to recover the sum of Three Hundred and alxty-aU dollars, gold coin, delinquent taxea on the before described property, together with percentage and coata a is provided by law, aa fully est forth in complaint on file in my office. And if you fall appear and answer, the Plaintiff then and there will take Judgment against you for the aforesaid amount, together witk allaost auharauaal taw aawaassnant of said taxeeaad of tkia action. 1 mven under my nana ana the seal or th Diatrict Court, let-stun Judicial District, Coun ty at unaoin, taw wta oay of July, v. in. P.
B. MILLEB, Clerk By J. M. HairroBD, Deputy. state of Nevada.
Oountv of Lincoln. District Court. Seventh Judicial District. The But of Nevada to the Sheriff of said 1 wunij: 1 1 ou are nmoy reqmreo to maae on ana 1 lesal aarvica eg above euoaaeon and vour I return ibeveon within to tioM prescribed by tatut. P.
B. MILLER, Clerk. By J. M. HaNroBD, Deputy.
Ploche, July 2U, 1874. A true copy, W. 8. TRAVIS, Sheriff. By B.
H. HnnxronD, Deputy. J31-td HINIira SALES. 10 81 10 1 10 1 so 1(10 10 40 4 1 IiS 68 50 26 IN 10 1 400 40 10 160 2011 20 10 1 400 40 300 SO 800 80 soo an 10 1 100 10 207 421 ....422 3M ,....88 8U7 8W 411 432 .....175 190 with law act Diractora. nude nn the 22d day of May, 1874, so many shares of each Earcel of auch stock aa may be necessary will 9 sold at publio auction, at the office of the company, Booms 87 and 38 (third floor) New MerchanU' Exchange Building, California street.
Ban Franclaoo. California, on Naf ur. day, the teStll day of July. 1874, at the hour of i o'clock p. m.
of said day, to pay said delin quent assessment thereon, together with cosU 01 ana expense 01 tn Ml. J. 91. BUFrlNuTUN. HecreUrv.
Offlt-e 37 and 38 third floor! New Merchants1 Exchange Budding, California atreet, Ban Fran. ciaoo, uauiornia. Jyv-Ul OF IBX tecelpta snd ParnvenU of tk TreiHimt of Lincola County for the Txtno atamth BaullaaT Jam 30, 1ST. Balance from last Quarter 14,600 87 Distributed in the following Funds: Bute Fund School rand .......:1 72 Oen'l County Fund 06 Contingent fund IK 16 indigent Blck fund-. Fire Fund Interest Fund 1.606 83 Judge'a Salary Fund 43 20 Treaaurer'a salary Fund 31 26 rit.ww in COMPULSORY EDUCATION CHILDREN SCHOOL.
TO ATTEND ApproTtxl February 96, 1871. The People of the State of Nevada, represented in senate ana vaemoi7, ao euaoi aa xuiiowa Section Every parent, guardian, or other person In the State of Nevada, having control and charge of a child, or children, between the ages of eight and fourteen yean, shall be re quired to send auch child, or children, to a puDiio acnooi ior a period 01 at leaat sixteen weeks In each school year, at least eight weeks of which shall be consecutive, unless such child, or children, are excused from such attendance by the Board of Hchool Trustees of the school diet riot in which such parents or guardians reside, upon its being shown to their satisfaction that the bodily or mental eondiUon of such child, or children, has been such as to prevent his, her or their attendance at school, or application to study, for the period required, or tust sncn enuo, or cntidren, tre LEGAL. ETC. Statement M1EDERH0LD GOODMAN Pioneer News Depot. OENTS FOB TBI FOLLOWING.
DAILY PAPERS: Alta California, S. P. Bulletin, Sacramento Union, San Franclaoo Chronicle, Examiner, San Francisco News Letter feia-tf Receipts for the past Quarter. 112,088 68 Derived from the following sources: Delinquent Tax, 1873 $1.11 Personal Property Tax. 1874..
1,611 1 Htnmg Tax, let quarter 101. County Licenses Gaming Licenses Justice's Court Fines Docket Tax Poll Tex. Apportioned aa follow: General Fund State Fund Contingent Fund Indigent Sick Fund School Fund Judge's Salary Fund Treaaurer'a Salary ire jninu Bond Interest 2,722 (2 .1,700 00 ...68 00 .133 00 1,200 00 0) 65 ,....8,647 20 400 36 eto 36 ..613 37 127 IK 816 83 44 04 73V 32 69 During the past Quarter th following transfer was made: From the Treasurer' Salary to the Judge's SalaryFund, By order or tne County Auditor Payments during the Quarter. Torn tne following uuoa: 18 General BUte Fund Contingent Fund indigent sick runu. General School Fund Judge's Salary Fund Treaaurer'a Salary Fund Intereet Fund 89 ..0,670 61 ,,..166 26 ...410 10 ..8,082 00 ,,..600 00 ...460 00 ....60 36 IS RECAPITULATION, rash Balance March 81, 1874 $14,600 87 Becelpu during the past quarter.
Total $26,684 66 PaymenU during th put 20,213 18 Balance on hand Jnn $0,1874 $6,471 88 Distributed In the following Funds: General County Fund $723 71 Bute Fund 112 ,...621 so ,...900 64 ..1,823 02 12 66 ....460 00 66 24 82 Oontlmrent Fund Indigent Sick Fund School General Fund Judge'a Salary Fund Treaaurer'a Salary Fire Fund Bond Intereat 38 SUMMONS. THE DISTRICT COURT. SEVENTH JU. A dlcial Diatrict of the Bute of Nevada, in and T. LEVIN fc CO, cuuatn Imported and Domestio Cigars, TOBACCOS, HTATIONKBY, SCHOOL BOOKS, And Large Aaaurtaneni of OONFKCTIONKBT, Main Mtiwat, il-tf The Floral llill, PIOCHE, NEVADA, Is Now Prepared to Bedaww Ore GUARANTEEING AS LARGE A PERCENT, ag as say mill In the oaunty.
ADVAXCES MADE ON OEM. t. monasters, JylT.tf StsportmUiailMt. iiipir up. A LL PERSONS A.
BADQLKY will ph IMDEBTKD TO F. i dst to tne aneex- LKned on or before UAT0 RDAT, tM ltfth toet. or suit will be oommenoed. lylfWjt P.L.OOWAN. P.
L. Oowan has removed to the Bscoa BvTai-mkm OrrocK, Laoour street. fur the Oountv of Lincoln. Bertha L. Kellen.
riainuu, va. Aioert n.eiienuerg, ue fendant, Action brought In the District Court of the Seventh Judicial District of the btate of Nevada, in aiid for the County of Lincoln, and the complaint ftled in said oountv of Lincoln, In the offiue of the Olerk of said District Court. The Bute of Nevada sends greeting, to Albert B. Kellenberg, Defendant: You are hereby required to appear in an action brought against you by the above named plaintiff in the Die trict Court of the Heventh Judicial District of the Bute of Nevada, In and for the county of Lincoln, and answer the complaint filed therein, within ten days (exclusive of the day of service) after the service on you of this summons, if served In said county; or, if served out of said county, but within said District, within twenty days; and in all other caaea forty days; or Judgment by default will be taken against you, accurding to the prayer of said oomplsint. The said notion is brought to obtain decree of this Court to dissolve the bonds of sxiatri-moay existing between you, said defendant, and amid ulaintiff.
on the ground of extreme cruelty, and failure to supply the common neoesaariea of life; all of which is more particularly set forth in plaintiff's complaint on file, and to which vou are referred, and fur costs of suit. And yon are hereby notified that if you fail to aDnear and answer the said complaint, as above lnired, the said plaintiff wUi apply to th Court Tor tne reuei nerem aenunaca, ana iur oosts of suit, in gold coin, (11 order of Court.) Given under my hand and the seal of the District Court of the Seventh Judicial Diatrict of th State of Nevada, in and for the i L.s.I county of Lincoln, this 6th day of Au-I -1 gUBt, in the year of our Lord on thousand eight hundred and seventy-four, P. B. MILLER, Clerk. By J.
M. HAKroaD, Deputy Clerk. BisHor Basin, Plaintiff's Attorney. au6-lewlm LUBBOCK'S Cheap Cash Uarket, FoilJluoU.CttyMrtMrkt, UaU BIBTtM HOCES, miM, a N.xt to rrank Wheeler A Co WILL BE OPENED On Wednesday Morning, THE $11 For the accommodation of tn poblle, with full assortment of Meat of the very best quality, which will sold At Half ths Presast Ifotes. Th i of Cash Customers to.
fnllT MsU Mtvmsl ft Ar FH Leave your orders. i WM. IdCVstOCK. SherilTa Sale TY VIRTUS OF AN EXECUTION ISSUED rx Ant nf tha Diatrict Court In and for the cuunty or Aanooin, ntate oi inevaua, aou uw directed and delivered, for a Judgment rendered in aaid Court on the first dsv of Auffust. A.
D. 1874, infaverof W. Clute ad agssoM th Highland fjbnsolldated Mining Oompany, fbr tne sum or seven tnoussna ana twenty-seven 56-100 gold coin dollars debt, together with three hundred and fifty-nine a 6-100 dollars tax ooata, and all accrnins coata and interest said Judg ment having a credit of 15,214.841 nav levied on tne rouowing propeny, wis: 9 bellows, 1 cross-cut ssw, 1 lot of track iron and steeL 9 Iron wheelbarrows, 1 wood 1 hpAftfi bt. I crindstoM. 9 ore tuba.
1 lot of Issnps, 1 clock, I parts or sags oi swiis, uw au-a, washers and belting. boxes of candles, MO feet of fuse, more or leas, 1 lot of stocks, dies and tape, 1 hatchet, 1 anvil, 1 lot of picks, drills and gada, 1 lot of shovels, 1 lot of pick handles, 1 lot of rope, I powder cans, 1 can of tallow, a cans of eoal oil and lard oil, part full, 1 windlass. 1 box of old iron, 10 -ledges, 1 lot of picks without handles, a part of a blacksmith's outfit, fl mining oars, etc. Notice Is hereby given that os Mmisr, th 10th, Dar Atiffsut, a M.i.v will Mil all th rliht. title and intareat of said dfeiant in and to tbTabovTAescribew property, the Oonrt-house door, in Pioche, at Publio Auction, for cash in hand, to th highest and beet biddff.
to mUMtj ssM ewewtion and all By B. H. Hnrann, Deputy Sheriff. i tiuVid tauubt in a nrivate achool. or at home, in such branches as are usually taught in primary schools, or havs already acquired the ordinary branches of learning taught in the public school; provided, In oase a public school shall not be taugut ior tne period or sixteen weeis, or any part thereof, during th year, within two miles, by the nearest traveled road, of the residence of any person within the school district, he or she shall not be liable to the provisions of I this act.
wo.ai. it nail o3 nm quit oi iui Doaro ui School Truatee of each school die (riot in this BUte. on or before the first Monday in Septem ber in each year to furnish the prlncipsl of each puoiic acnooi 'igni in aucn aisinci wim a iutt of all children, resident in the school district, between tbe sges of eight snd fourteen years, said list to be taken from the report of the School Census Marshal. At the beginning of each school month thereafter, it shall be the duty of th principal ot each shool in such district to report to th Board of School Trustees of such district the names of all children at-tendina school durlrur the previous achool montn; when, ll it snail appear at toe expiration of four school months, to the Board of School Trustees, that any Darent. guardian other person having charge or control of any child, or children, shall have failed to comply with the provisions of this act, the Board shall to oe man unon sucn Darent.
guardian, or other person, for the amount of tn penalty nerinaner proviaea: wnen. sucn Darent, guaidian, or other person shall neglect or refuse to pay the same within five days after the making of such demand, the Board snail oomnieuce proceedings, in the name of the school district, for the recovery of the An hereinafter provided, before ary Justice of the Peace in the township in which said school district Is loeateor; or, if there shall be no Justice of the Pesos therein, then before the nearest Justice of th Penes In the oountv. neo. a. Any parent, guardian or otner person having control or charge of any child, or children, failing to comply with th provisions of this set, shall be liable to fine of not lesa than fifty dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars, for the first offense, nor leas than one hundred dollars, nor more than two hundred dollars, for the second and each subsequent offense, besides the costs or collection.
Bee. Whenever it shall appear to th satisfaction of the Board of School tustees of any achool district in this state that the parents. guardians or other persons having control snd charge of any child, or children, to attendance UDon the nubile school of aaid district, in accord ance with the provisions of this act, are unable to procure suitable books, stationery, etc, for such child, or childien, it shall be the duty of such Board to procure or cause to be procured for such child, or children, all necessary books, stationery, the same to be paid for out of the fund of aaid school district, in th same way that other claims against the school district are now allowed and uaiu: proviaea tnat ail dooks. stationery, purchased under the provisions of this act snsu oe aeemeu ie oe ne property of the school district, to be under the care and and control of the School Trustees, when not in actual Sec 6. All fines collected under the provisions of this act shall be paid into the County Treasury on account of the Stat School Fund.
Bee 6. It shell be the duty of the County Superintendent of Public Schools in each county lu this State to cms tbia law to be publlaned in i me newspaper In bis eonnty, If any there four consecutive times, annually, for a pe- BtntmSit of Funded Debt $181,000 00 Liable to be Funded 83 10 Floating Debt 46,139 SO XM.vn 40 Less Cash In different County i NEVADA MARKET, I MAIN ITBMT1 OppoaiU Laoour. LOST. Ctasni wo All. FOR ElOHTY D0IXAB9, irit f.vorofVlgo Smith or order, and payable at th.
one. of w. Fw BaFijaeM.C.l All perareeiwooed taliirt plKbngor nagotlOiM lot th. sms. .71 Poatofflo In latter H.
flTHE UNDERSIGNED BEOS TO niTOBM rii to Vigo imllh. RlchB.ldah. 1 the people of Fiooh SeiltMtJl end has not beta tracW beTond hpurchfTomwe.AbadiaATBro. th. Aufut W.
above Mark, aa will tammJr7 seme labia own name end on ni. own md whore partiee can rvly on purchaaing The" Civeajrwist Meat it 050 RnV7ARD 08T-BETTXX1I PIOCHE AND THE ALPS i ij xtttw, a -rl et, Mutton; vai, fork; riiskof Qiucksflver- SAUSAGES AND SAUSAGE MEAT. b.pidoalUratarl rlod of two year, th axpauH of such publics, tion to be allowed and paid out of the General School Fund of tha county. Th Board of uhnAi Tnini.n. in each achool diatrict snail cause to be posud, annually, for a period of two years, in three public plaoe In their district, no.
tloMof th requiremenU and penalties of this act. Bee. T. Thli act shall Uke effect and b. In force from and af tor its passage.
Dividend Notice. rfTHE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE STATE I BANK OF NEVADA an hereby notified tnaf at th regular monthly meting of the Board of held on laat evening, the BEOULAB DIVIDEND was declared for the month of July, of el Pel stair P.V Ot. On tk. emeuct ef capital srck, parabls at the nana in hum bum fOM oota en ajunvaa, IH HH lOB. J.
w. WRIOHT, Bant Manager AUgut 4, 1874. LOST, APB9MI880RT MOTS FOB THE SUM OF $300, dUd February 1814, and do April 16, 1874, drawn by Juan Jo. FnnUr sad F. T.
OoiMaan, and payabl to H. D. Boaa-craa or bearer. All peton hereby tioned agalaataegelUtlng ta. fwytaaat ha been atoppto.
-i H. D. SOSECBAN8. PlMhAiigaatt.lBTA, ul.tf 1131,670 W.H HENDERSON, Co. Audltori JOHN BO ED EH, Co.
Truaurer. Piecba, Lincoln County, s.v.. July Hit. J7-lw BUSIKE83 0AEDS. San Francisco Restaurant C.
CLARK BROTHER 8TON32 5TOBB, LOWEU MAIN STREET. PIOCHK, NEVADA, WHOLESALE AND BETAIL GROCERIES, PROVUIUNS, fOWDlR, FTJSK, AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE, 01Tl-tf JOHN ROEDER, 8TONE STOBE, WEST SIDE LAOOfJB STREET, FIOOHE OITX, NEVADA, Dealer in Groceries, Pro- visiona and General Merchandise. Highest price paid for Country Prodac. sock ae roiMo, agga, autter. etc.
Java JACOBS to SULTAN. Ploche A Bulllonville. Wbolsuli aks Smn. Dsaubb GENERAL MERCHANDISE, ETC Particular attention paid to COUNTRY ORDBRS HOTELS EESTAtJEABT. MEADOW VALLtT STBEET, Oppoalt Dexter tubla.
61btla BHssMlwr, Prwpttsw. Fresh Orsters In everv stria. Open dar and nisht far th aflsosniswadation ai uw pnnuo. KU-U Granger Chop-House, Unat aid PetMc. Balldiag, Proprtetrea.
ya. THIS POP! LAB a. HOUSE la now opened to the publio and will be kept mm ravi-ciaa. 1nop.noua. Meals at all Hoar, af tha Day a Nlg-hl.
Meals oooxed to order. Oyster la every stjle. laii-ti Ploche Bakcrv QUILLEN a DONAHOE, Piprtelor. Dealers in Groceries, WISES AND LIQUORS, Maad.w VaUer St, Th highest price paid for Utah Produce aulJ-tf MAM rMAltCMCO ACBBfT O. W.
CBANE, MontgoMy street, at SoLa aasat for ta. vmcbui Dan.i im iaaii. atar laed to oBtraet and oullect fur advartla. menu, at our lowest cash rata, la cola. Ad vertlser mrm requeete leave their order lth hiss, a.
aon other will he recognised. TKltlUt Ua ADVIUtTleilNtJ. Delinquent Bale, pet aquas. Poatpoueatent lieliuitieacta, per Dlasolutaoa hotioe to Creditors Court Bamxaona. oer oaam Spacial Ln-alFlfty Uenta par line, for ant.
Niwgm uaaeruoa. JOB WOKE, Don at ta. Rcooan office ta in. beet style kaown to th. art; and moat be paid for an delivery, unlcea paraoa having the work don aave atanaing account with th omea.
No VUUioa froat tat. rale. ASSESSMEBT U0TICI8. Piorlte fillvetr Mlsilsiep Cowanaa. w.
Ideation of principal paoa of busineas, Sam rTancuoo, iuoruia iocauon oi works, tiy Mining District, Lincoln eonnty, Nevada. Notice aereby given that at a meeting of tbe Bomrd of DinMrtora, held on the 29th day of July, 1874, an ass anient Ho. 1) of On Dollar per sham waa levied upon th capital stock of the oorpo- ration, payable immediately in United Bute old coin, to the Secretary, Boom Csli-. ornia street, Ban Francisco, California. Any stock upon which this stwment shall mnain unpaid on -1m ft day of splemtfr, 1B74, will be dflinquf-nt, and advertised for sale at public auction, and unless payment is tosde before, will be aold on Vtiday, the teal day of October, 1874, to pay the delinquent aseess-ment, together with costs of advertising and ex pcnsi-a of sale.
By order of the Directors i C1AJ4.E. 11LUOT. Scrtiry. Office Room 28 Hay ward Building, 419 Call- fornia street, San Franciaro, Califoruia. aui-td 4 U.
Deputy Mineral Surveyor (or tbe District of Lincoln County, hereby gives ootioe to the owners of saining claims and mill lite, situate within this County, that he ta now prepared to execute tbe necessary survey, required by law, for parties who msy be desirous of securing their elainis by a patent from the uovernment. All tne necessary lniormatlon as to the requisite preliminary steps will be afforded on applying to the above, at bis office on Meadow Valley atreet. Immediately below the Meadow Valley Dump House N.B. Mr. Weaooatt will continue togivwhis best attention ta mining survey tug and en gin.
eerlngt niri'i-tf A. COHN tk BRO. Wholesale and Ketsil Dealers irm-j IMPOETEDAKD DOMESTIO Olgcvrfi and Tobaooos, MEEESOHAUM and 0THEE PIPES Perfamery, Coanba aad Bra.he. Etc, Kte. la oppo.it Meadow Valley it mlS-tf.
Chief of th Bill tuning Company. Lection of principal place of bust, ness, ban Franoisoo California. Lacataia of worka, Ely Mtuiug District, Lincoln county, NevadaNotita la hereby given, that a meeting of the bald on thellthday of August, 1874, an asseeHuent (No. 8) of Twenty, live (116) Cents per share was levied upon th capital Btovk of the corporation, payable Hume, dlately In United State, gold coin, to the Secretary, at th uffloe of Ilia Company, Boom mi Hsyward'a Building. 41U Calilonua atreet, San uaiuorma.
Any atock upon which thla assessment shall remain unpaid ou the 11th day of M74, will be oelinuuent, snd advertieed lor sal at public auction, and unleaa payment la mad oer ore, will be eoldoa tbe lwt day of October, 1.74, to pay th. delinquent meat, to. gether with cost of advertising and axpenaaa ufal. CHAS. B.
NEAL, Beeretary. Office Room 2S H.vward'a Bulldina. No. 41t Calilonua atreet. ban traDcto.
California. Sheriff's Sale. BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF BALE issued out of the District Curt tn and for tu oouuty of Lincoln, State of Nevada, and to me directed and delivered, for a Judgment ren dored in ssid Court, ou tbe 30th any of May, A D. 1874, In favor of o. P.
traerwoou ana w. a. Sherwood, F. W. Clute and A.
A. Young, B. H. Carman, A. Snodgras.
and F. E. Flannegan, and agaln.t Thos. F. Hsnly, K.J.
Hanley, J. N. Williams, Jsmes Shes, A Bouqueres and R. MoKea, composing tha firm of Suae, Bouquera A Ko Ke, O. W.
Chesley and J. S. Jonea, oompoaing the nrm of Cowley A Jodsi, for tha sum of B-1U0 gold coin dollar, debt, together with 834 80-100 dollars tax and all accruing ooat and interest, I have levied on th following property, to wit; -me, certain 10, Meadow Valley street, in Ploche, Lincoln oountv, Nevada, adjoining on tha west those certain premises now occupied by F. W. Clute a atore, and extending westerly from aaid premises a distance of 33 feet six inches, more or leas, sloug said Meadow Valley atreet, aad extending back in a southerly direction an equal width 100 feet the same being known on th official map of the town of Pioche aa lot number 9 In block number 36, and being the lot ot land on which now stand tbst certain two-story brick and stone building known aa Armory Hall, together with all tu.
appurtenance appertain, lug thereto. lv4 xtouoe is nereoy given, On SatmrdaF, tha STthaay ar Jama, mot-m, At IJ o'clock I will sell all bm right, till and Interest of said defendant la and to th above described property, at the Court-house door, In Pioche, Nevada, at publio auction, for cash In hand, to the highest and bast bidder, to Mtl.tyid.xemtlandslliCOt. By B. H. BxxxroBD, Deputy bhtrin'.
jet-'td very effort to be mad. to make air operations aa penec as posaiDie. Orrtox Main atreet, Pioeha, next door to Halpin't. (apltf F. 0.
NICHOLS. A. B. O'DOUCHERTY, Attorney At Xjt-tK7-. omen- ox au sow viu.il mm, orr, wo.
T. mrM-tf. Notiee to Absent Claim-holders. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN TO B.F. SIDES, I B.
E. CAVALLIEB, J. M. DANIELS, THOMAS FRABEK and unit niue-Bi tAi, owners In th. qusrts lod.
known aa the Eastern Nevada Tunnel, 'j uuu. vwrw, Lincoln county and hurt of Nevada, that if th aaid B. F. Bides, J. E.
Cavslller, J. M. Daniels, Thomaa Fraser and John Wickatead do not aooear and pay their proportion of th expense licrred in the development of th. Mid 1 KMaa Nevada Tunnel within MNETX DAYS from this date, their Interest In said runnel will be to pay the tame, according to th Uw in 'FTilNEDAltBI a Ploeh, April 8, UM. p-ol ox tn PEOCEEDS OF THE an Quarter Beginning January 1, 1874, and Ending lVlaxoh 3U8T4, VOTICE IS HEREBF GIVEN THAT THE Taxea on the Proceed, of th.
Minee for the quarter ending March 1, 187, now du. aM payabl. it th. (Mac of th. Asmui.
mi th regard to their collection will be SHERWOOD. 'OAR Water Water rt HEW WATEB COMPANY IS NOW ready to deliver the WELL WATEB to the Clliaena oi novo. Th Water h) aa pur aa can be found la thl. part of th country. Th pert -a.
k.raank the well deMTv radtt for their perseverance, having worked two year before they succeeded In Boding th a-stor, which is .1 pth of ovar 4M f. Jhey ought to be patronised by oar citlaens, not only for the perse reraace they have ahown, but aliio for the ruperlor quality of Watar. Tb patrolas Uls oompany will and the W-f Jxoiliit article for wanking a wU a. drlaa. ingmd the price wUl ult ia.
Fwr-fUcuUrs spply to M. ABAJME. N.vada MwkMjia ON AND AFTBB Tuesday, June 30, 1874, THE STOCK OF THS SOUTH BIDS Consolidated Mining Company W1U bs delivered to tn proper nan by sail, ing onLANTY BYAN, Scremry Oceana lacoar aad Mala atreet. JeaT-tf DDftlBtD'S HAMS AND BACON And Full Aeaortroest of OnOGERIGG, At mrttf PH. FaXSJOrrHAL'B, A.
B. GOLDSTEIN, TAZIiOR. Tailoring, Cleaning Repairing WITH Neatness and Dispatch, AT BATES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Main Street, Ploeh, opposite J. C.
Lyncn' Haioon, niy'ia-tf Water, Water, WATSR The Pioche Water Company IB WOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY THE IN-habitat. ta of Ploche with Pure Fresh. Water In Large or Small Qnsntit.es, at Low Bates. This Water Is the best ever introduced Into Ploche for drinking or washing purposes. Tor (uruier paniouiars, sppiy H.SUAUIKfeCO., Market.
Pioche, July 19. 1874. Jjl9-lm WnatiinaTtoH aind Creolo Minlnar ComptmnjcaLocation of principal place ox businwaa. ban r'raacisco. California.
Location of worka. Pioch. Lincoln county Nevada. Notice la nereby Riven tnat at a meeting or tno board of Directors, held on the 81st day of July. 1874, an asaessnient (No.
12; of One Dol lar par snare waa levied upon tne capital stocc of the corporation, payable Immediately, In Unitfd States gold ooln, to the Secretary, Boom IV, ftew uerchanu' Lauiaagsv tAUfonua atraea. Han Francisco California. Any atock upon which this asscsssaent shsll reniain unpaid on the Until day of Afuatat, ibts, win oe delinquent, ana advertised ior aaie at publio auction, and unless psyment is niadn before, will be aold on the 10th day of Hep temrMr, isia, to pay ine aeiinqnent assessment, together with costs of a4vrtiain( aad sa penaea oi aaie, By order of the Directors. 1 FRANK 1). CLEABT.Secratsry Offloe Room IS, New MerchanU' California Bt Ban Trancisco Cal.
Jyaa-td N. WINES DESIRES TO INFORM THE CITIZENS of Pioche that after to-day he will be prepared to supply FKKHU, PUhJC well wator, In large or small qnan titles, at going rates. Par-tins detirlng to proenre a supply will plesas spply at th PEOPLE'S MARKET, Meadow Valley street. nocne. iune ibis.
jea-tr PE0PES3I0NAL OABDS, DENTI8TRY. A NT ONE FATOB1NO ME WITH XTk. their patronage may expect NOTICE. TH COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE eiisting between the undersigned, under the nrm, uame and style or Chaa. Stem is this day dissolved by mutual consent.
Chaa. Bteih la authorised to collect all bills owing the late nrm, and will also pay all bills das by said nrm. CHAS. STEIN will continue the builneBS the old stand, Main street. UUAS.
KTKIH, H.N. TOITMAN. Pioche, June 1, 1874. je3-tf Pitzer Corson, Attorneys at Law, PIOCHE CITY NEVADA S. Ooasoit, TJ.
s. Oonx-r Ooamssioirfr. ooaa-tf DR. C. HARENBERC, Ph.3rtsioia.r1 Sa Surgeon, OFFICE ON MEADOW VALLEY STBEET, tn Logan' Lodging House.
Special attention paid to private diseases. Cure guaranteed or money refunded. Umc noun, 10 a. m. uu a p.
m. ivmung. from to vai-u DR. H. BERGSTEIN, Lara or si nuacnoo.
FhTtioian, Sot-peon and Aocoaoheur. OrrxoB Wbit' Building, Uw Bute Bank of Narad. Main street, over jyat-tf DR. D. L.
DEAL, Omcl at Drug Btors, Main street. PIOCHE, NEVADA, jaS-tf DAN COHN, PIONBBB DMT GOODS MEHCHANT, Ha Bemovad To am el Cronan' Flra-proof Building on Main stret, oppoalt j. j. uaipm a uo. 1 MALAB lit BTAPLB AND FANCY DBY BOODB, RKADT.HADB CLOTBINO, MOTS' CLOTHING, OENTS IB INS AOODM, BOOTS AND SHOES, Hat, tap.
Valla, Trawls, Kta. iej.tf vr. LIVINGSTON to Importer, and Wheleaale Daler. la WINES A LIQUORS, 220 222 CiUFOUU 8TRKET, Between Battery ud Front, Baa Franclaoo Soia AgenU for tae PaelfU OoMt for AAA OM IIT, 0M 18, C. L.
HUh, tnd Prist of InntDckr WhlfltrM. Dissolntion Notice. COPARTNERSHIP HIBETOFOBX I existing between Qulnlaa A Dean, in th Mlotm baalnes. this day dissolved by mutual con seat. Tk.
walm will kavaaftH car. rtad on try Qalnlaa ODonnell. inly 1874. Jyl-lfa G. R.
ALEXANDER, Druggist and Apothecary. KEEPS CONSTANTLY OX HAND A LARGE of Pure Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery, Soaps, LOWEST POSSIBLE FBIOE. Chief East Extension lUtnlnff font-. -Location of prinoipal place of business. Ban Francisco California Location of worka, Ely Mining Diatrict, Lincoln county, Nevada.
Notice ta hereby given that at a sasettng of the Board of Directors, held on the 7th day of July. 1A74, an assessment (No. 6) of Ten Cents per share waa levied upon the sapital atock of th coruoration. payable immediatelv. in United Btatea gold coin, to the Beeretary, at the office of the oompany, 414 Calif oinia street, Ban Francisco, California.
Any stock upon which this assessment shall remain unpaid ou ths lMtb day of Aaffuat, 1874, will be delinquent, and sdvertiseo lor ssle at public auction, and unless payment is made before, will be sold on tbe Ota day of Mp-tember, 1(174, to pay the delinquent aaaene-ment, together with costs of advertising and expenses of ssle. B. WEGENER, Beeretary. fi: Office -414 Calif ornia street, Ban California. jeU-td Condor Stiver Mining Location of works, Ely Mining District, Lincoln County Nevada Location of principal place of business.
Ban Francisco Cal Horn ia. Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of this company, held on the seven-' teenth dsy of July 1W74, sn afisessment (No. 8) of Twenty-flvs Cants per share waa levied upon the capital stock of said company, payable Immediately, to the Secretary, at tlui othce of the company. Room 9, No. 340 Montgomery street, Ban Fiancisco Any atock upon which aaid assessment shsll remain unpaid on Tuesday, tftta 45111 dsy of August.
1874, shall be deemed delinquent, and will be duly advertised for sale at publio auction, and unless psyment shsll be made before, will be sold on Tuesday, aha Fifteenth day of September, 1874, to pay the delinquent assessment, together with costs of sdvertlKing snd expenses of Bale, By order of the Board of Trnstees. OEO. T. GRIMES, Berretmry, Office Room 3. No.
240 Montgomery street San Francisco. California. jy9fitd Pioeha, apposlta Laoour St. myi-tl To the Unfortunate. A-N in all NEW BEXEDIEB I NEW HEHXDIEB! DR.
GIBBON'S DISPENSARY, ISaTO. 638 KEARNT STREET, COB 11 niutuommeroiai, nan rTsncisoo, Private a trance on Commercial strre. EstaUialMd In 1854. for the treaunen of Sexual and Seminal Disease, auch aa Gonorrhea. Gleet.
Stricture. Syphilis forms, Seminal Weakness, ImpoUtncy, eto. asuasasos or years stamina, ana ijioeratsa Lum. ate. successfulur treated.
DR. GIBBON has the pleasure of announcing that he has returned from visiting the principal Hospitals of Karons, and has resnnisd practice. The Doctor has spared neither time nor money In BMking out new remedies, and has returned with increased facilities for aUevlating human suffering. nominal naauutai tVmtnal wnslssliiti at oonaeqnenos of self- abuse. This aolitat Tioe, or depraved asxnal Indulgenos, is practiced by ths youth of both sexes to an almost unlimited extent, producing with unerring certainty ths following train of morbid symptoms, salsas eomoatted by eolen-tlne Daedioal measures, vis: Sallow eoantenaaea.
dark spots under the eyes, pain in the head, ring ing in tne ears, noise nae tne rnatung or or rattling of chariots, uneasiness about ths loins, weaxness oi sna iimna. cKnruseo vision. blunted lutelisct, loss of eonndenos. difndanea in approscning strangers, a oiaiixo to rornt new acquaintances, a disposition to shun society. Ions of memory, pimples snd various eruptions about the face, kecaio flushes, fmrred tongue.
tapatia viwaiH, wnaui! fi aai aava, llllt IWDlla. monomania ana icvqaen-iy lusazuty. relief be not obtained should apply immediately, either in peraon or by letter, and havs a curs effected by his new and scientific mode of treat. Ing disease, which never fails of elbetlng a quick and radical cure. Cared at Homo, Persons at a distance may be CTTRTO AT BOMB, by addrssstng a letter to Dr.
Oibooo, stating oaae, symptom, length of tiaee the diav iase has continued, and have medicine promptly forwarded, free from damage and curiosity, any part of the oountry, with full aad plain dl rations for sne. Persons writing to the Dootor will please stat the name of the paper they see this advertise, ment In. By encloalnff HO tn eoln In ererisverea letter through the PiitDMist ottaswagh Well, Fargo a package of medlnina will hefonrerded to any part of the Union. All CfOsamnjiiceAiom strietly sooMential. Address, DR.
1. V. OIBBON, i dll-ly Box 1M1, nan Tiuotneo, Oal. Paure Pautaea Hllver Mtnins: Cons pany. Location of Principal Place of Busi-' ness.
Ban Francisco, California. Location of Works, Ely Mining District, Lincoln County, Nevada. Notice la hereby given, that at a meeting of the Directors, held oa the fourth day of August, 1874, an assessment, (No. 7) of Fifty Cents per share was levied upon the capital stock of the corporation, payable liiuned lately in United States gold coin, to the Secretary, at the office of the company. Booms 26 and 37, Merchants' Exchange, California atreet.
San Francisco. Cat. Any stock upon which this siwrnnent shall remain unpaid on the Nth day of Neptem-ber, 1874, will be delinquent, and advertised for ssle at publie auction, and unless psyment is made before, will be sold on Monday, the Ufftn slay af Hoptomlvow, 1874, to pay the delinquent assessment together with costs of advertising and expenses of Bale. HYMAN P. BUSH, Secretary.
Office Rooms S3 and 27 Merchants' Exchange California street, Sen Francisco, California. aull.td Omci or Havana Bilvkx Minixo CoM Pioche. Lincoln County, State of Nevada, Jnlyls. 1874. TO WTLLUM KELLY AND JOBN TYLER You are hereby notified that at a meeting of the Trustees of the Havana Silver Mining Company, held July 6, 1874, an assessment of S3 80 per foot was levied on ssid eons-' pany 'a mine, situated in the Ely Mining District, Lincoln county, Nevada, payable to ths Treaau-rer of said oompany immediately.
You are further notified that unless you pay the amounts smested to you, as hereinafter stated, on or before the 16th day of 1874, suits will be instituted against each of yon to recover the amount due from each ef you, as provided by lsw i William S. ...24 feet. 90 John B. Tylsr 0 feet. 14 00 By order of the Board of Trustees: JOHN WILSON, Bewetsry.
1 Office fioche, Nevada, 4yl6-ikl Office of th Ploche Water Com pany, Pioeha, Nevada, August 10, 1874. Notice is hereby given, that st a meeting of the Diractora of the Pioche Water Company, held on ths loth dsy of Aujrust, 1874, an ssssssmsnt No. 1) ef Ten Cents per share was levied upon the capital stock of the corporation, payable Immediately, in United Hates eoia eoia, to the aVaeretary, at his offloe, on Laoour street, Ploche, Nevada. Any atock upon which this assessment shall remain unpaid on the 14th day of Sep-. tMuber, 1874, will be delinquent snd advertised for sale et public encilon, end unless pay ment is made before, will be sold on Monday, the 19th day of October, 1874, to pay the delinquent assessment, together with costs of ad vcrtising and expenses or ssle.
snift-tw HENRY RIVES, neoretary. NOTICE. VTOTIOB IB HEHEBT OTvTW, THfcf ALL acoounta dn. tn. Nevada Meat Market, of-Mettn.
M. Abadi. are tbi. day trana-. erred to MeCallonirh A Wood, to waoia all ac.
oonnta must be paid through their H. ft. Breafewy, Laeonr street, near If sin, and he alOD 1 athorte4 to oolleot. eat tit ment mast mad one. Iff.
ABADrF. ft CO. MeOULLOUOH A- WOOD. July 30, 187. Jyll-lm LOST, i OH THE Wth EITHEB OS MEADOW Talley or Laoour atreet, a Derringer Pietol.
Any Tjeraoa haviTut lto.vUMtliifao. THOMAS KEOOB, Froprtetor. W.L.FBTrCHABD. ul-tf.