The Fairbury Blade from Fairbury, Illinois (2024)

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The Fairbury Bladei

Fairbury, Illinois

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'3 'A 1 £rf i yW rf 7f 13 i Dedicaiitd'tofthe Interests the at the airbury Community' and Neighbors ft 1 i THE AIRBURY ELADB jjflDAY SEPTEMBER 8 1948 Married? at orrest AuguSt 22 Married i last of per city stopping the formation eve riedman 1 airbury Boy air and Ude Kersharttt MRS REUBEN HUBER S' 72nd this seem highly technical to some people but it but the nearest and all slightly above that did notreach the over 20000 set after the war The I 279 20106 29988 Living in the return the be out tied BUSINESSES CLOSED MONDAY Business houses in airbury will be closed Monday Labor day as usual Diabetic Diet for batted a Ml since boyhood U0t gtw more piajrers nn opportunity' to rids All players are mounted jMWpt pitcher Leah Ann Hildreth is a patient at the Mennonlte hospital in Blbomlng ton She underwent eye surgery on Tuesday morning I SELLS GARAGE AT DWIGHT Menno Moser sold his service sta tion and restaurant at Dwight re cently to Gus Ulfers Mr and Mrs Joe Schneider and daughter Alma Kathryn of Reming ton Ind Mr apd Mrs Saun ders of Mansfield Ohio visited Miss Madeline Schneider and the Misses Catherine and Anna Huber Thurs day Speedway Closes With Running of eature Council Meets Will Paint Street Numbers Local Boys Make Trip in Old ord Miss Duke Received Degree Miss Dula Dawson Is spending the week in Peoria a guest of Miss Gold anna Cook i irst annual airbury softball tour nament will get under way Sunday September 5 when Weston meets Colfax at 7:30 in the evening By riday at 10 all 14 teams entered in the tourney will have seen action The afield includes such teams 1 as Western Tap from Peoria Park why Tavern of Streator Riverside of Pon tiac Streator Merchants plus entries from surrounding towns Two games will be played each night until the champion is deter in the game starting at 9:15 Sunday evening September 12 How ever there will be no games played next Monday Labor day because of the Donkey game There will be cash' prizes tor the first lour places plus a most valuable player award given to the most de serving man in the tournament first opponent is Tile Co of Chatsworth on Wednes day evening at 7:30 If they pass the first test they would then meet oither orrest or Chenoa PAPER DRIVE MONDAY A paper drive will be conducted by the high school senior class Monday The proceeds will be added to the senior fund The members of the class request that the bundles of scrap paper be set out if possible CONCERT NUMBER At the band concert Tuesday ning the outstanding number to us was the Kentucky fan tasia This number had a beautiful musical ensemble and was featured by baritone and cornet solos with variations and some pleasing offer ings from the piccolo and clarinet sections The variations mentioned were polished off with clearness and distinctness and throughout every thing was a graceful accompaniment with the tubas soft and satisfying leading the way Miss Ruby Duke formerly of bury now of ort Worth Texas will receive the degree of Master of Edu cation Sunday eevnlng August 29 at the commencement exercises of the Texas Christian university Worth Miss Duke has majored in college teaching and will receive the degree in administration in higher educa tion or five years prior to leaving airbury she taught in the Temple school airbury and since then has taught in the White high school Worth or the coming year Miss Duke will retain her position as heaa of the social science department I 775 1767 127 1430 2976 4362 37 60 airbfiry irlends of Vivian Lessel Chicago have this week re ceived copies of a booklet entitled You Have Diabetes from the pen of Mrs Lessel The booklet is an inspirational volume that will do much to lighten the burden of persons afflicted with this malady Chapter headings of the book in clude: AU Mild Bright Side of ood "Taking the Out of the Nee "Learning to Say a Spouse Can The value of this work by Mrs Lessel is best described perhaps by the following paragraph from com ments on the book by Dr Morris ishbein editor of the Journal of the American Medical association: author of this handbook has herself througn the mill She lives with her diabetes and she finds it a stimulus to healthy and happy liv ing Her book is an inspiration to its readers It wUl do much to en courage those jwlth diabetes and to make lifqqslegfop' The booklet consists of fifty six 6x9 pages and is illustrated with numer ous descriptive drawings Artwork on the cover makes it a very attractive volume The work is dedicated to Dr rederick Grant Banting and Dr Charles Herbert Best co discoverers of insulin Mrs Lessel (Vivian Craig) was born and raised in airbury is an alumnus of airbury township high school and is well known to many residents of airbury and community SHANKLAND Kendall Shankland who lived In airbury during his school days and was graduated from witli the class of 1896 died on Wednesday August 18 at the University hospi tal Ann Arbor Mich uneral serv ices were held Satuiday August 21 at the lossmoor Community church He was born at Watseka March 7 1879 His father the late Shankland was for a number of years editor of The airbury Blade A graduate of Lake orest college with the glass of 1904 he served the Continental Casualty company for 39 years He was active in' lossmoor community affairs Surviving are one son Walter two daughters Mrs A Hamilton of Monee and Mrs Leonard Burns of Charlevoix Mich and three grand children TO RELEASE PHEASANTS' Compton has received word from Edward Pillsbury secretary of the Livingston County club that about 400 pheasants would be released from the Pontiac prison pens Sunday to the clubs of the county Mr Compton local secretary will report for his coop REVIVAL TENT MEETINGS HELD The workers of the ranklin Evan gelical Party will present old fash ioned revival tent meetings for the next two weeks continuing until Sep tember 12 at the earner pt Walnut and ourth streets The servicesbe cin at 7:45 nlvhtlv W'ith special jun air Association Gives Attendance igures Mr and Mrs Glen Anderson The bride was Miss Phyllis Decker of Strawn before her marriage on September 21 The Andersons' home will be on Clover Leaf farm Paxton Photo by Unique The city council met Wednesday night with Mayor Roy Taylor pre siding AU were present except Ai derman Sutter who is still 111 in a Chicago hospital With the Installation of the new type rustproofiing system the tower was reported completed At the first of the week the old tower was cut off from the water system and the new tower Is being used exclusively The old tower will be torn down as soon as the wreckers arrive The caution light for the intersec tion of Oak and ourth streets has arrived and was being installed Wed nesday but the installation was not completed when the council met However Harry Gibler finished the job on Thursday The light wiU be turned on during school hours The roof at the waterworks will soon be painted with tar As soon as possible streets and the number of the blocky will be painted on all four corners of the curb at each intersection In airbury Aiderman Mehrlngs recommended that the floor of the council room be refinished and the walls painted The councU recommended to the committee that inlaid linoleum be considered for the floor It was brought out at the meeting that Mayor Taylor wiU represent towns of less than 5000 population on a discussion panel on building codes and zoning ordinances at the annual convention of the Illinois Mu 1 nicipal League to be held at the Le land Hotel in Springfield in October' i The meeting is attended by all the councilmen and mayors in the state The following bills were allowed: General ond Waltons supplies Service Station gas Incidentals express Steidinger Service supplies Albert ades police duty Alexander Lumber Co supplies Downing park custodian Water und supplies 1 Buch Sons lime Neptune Meter Co meters LEGION AUXILIARY SENDS DELEGATE TO CONVENTION Mrs Lee William Hutton of Ex celsior Minn national president of the American Legion Auxiliary will be one of the principal guest speak ers at thes 28th annual convention of the American Legion Auxiliary when it convenes September 10 13 at the Palmer House Chicago according to Mrs Harvey Ahring local Auxiliary president Delegates from John Joda unit to attend the convention from airbury include Mrs Harvey Ahring Mrs Ray Cox Mrs Editha Decker Mrs Bartlett The 30 lap feature race closing out the fair last week turned out to be closing race of the season also Two more races to be held on the usual Wednesday night date were scheduled for 1 the American Legion Speedway but because of prevailing conditions it was thought better by the management to call off these last two sessions Point standings for the season at the airbury track will be announced later if they become available Credit for a fine racing season goes to Spud Schlipf who donated count less hours of his own time in order to make this community project a success and to his able assistants who also gave unselfishly in erder to funnel outside attention to airbury Harold Schroeder ranklin Rhoda Mejvin Schuler and Herbert Miller four of our local high school boys4 whojpeke AomeiiueaiaMeRonb returned riday fr6mva'z5000 mile trip made in a model A ord The journey took the carefree students down into Texas where It was de cided the old buggy had enough left in her to get them to California The car useB oil purchased at fill ing station platforms along the road and carried in cans on the running board of the car Several of the cans were worn out from the vibration of the auto Only two mishaps were reported along the entire trip one happening before the car had moved two feet As the boys were clisnbing in to be gin their adventures Harold slam med the front door and the window glass fell out Undaunted by a misfortune of such insignificant nature the foursome started their expedition immediately and did not run afoul of lady luck again until they were 60 miles out in the Mojave Desert at 3 a A bad piston was the trouble then boys hobbled back to the town on the remaining ones was well The trip lasted two weeks ing the boys just in time for ginning of school Several stops were made along the way to view places of interest 'IM The condition of Mr and Mrs Ray Carnahan of Bloomington who were injured last riday night at the auto races when a car jumped the rail and went into the bleachers was describ ed as fair Thursday in a report di rect to The Blade from St hospital in Bloomington Mr Carnahan was to go into sur gery yesterday for injuries to his leg Mrs Carnahan underwent surgery on Tuesday on her legs one of fthlch was put into a cast and the othej set with pins Other injuries were minor ormer airbury Giri Peits Book on Diabetes gin I UlSlluJr'VWh lor services 7:15 Chalk talk art i Mta Elsa ists and other features will be pre 7 sentea COURTESY BAND CONCERT The American ederation of Mu sicians will play a courtesy concert for the city of airbury on one of the later Tuesday evenings in Sep tember date and program to be an nounced in The Blade later This concert will be paid for out of the Recording and Transcription fund of the American ederation of Musi cians James Petrillo Pres that is the musicians Will be paid by the ederation itself from royalties ac cruing from the sale of records and transcriptions and is presented with out cost to the city council and the people of airbury by the ederation The program for next Tuesday: March Royal Hunan King Popular Selected Characteristic Down South Myddleton Selection The ortune Teller Victor Herbert (Incidental Soprano Solo 4 Miss Barbara Hereford) Intermezzo La Clnquantalne Gabriel Marie Trombone Novelty Sally Trombone illmore Concert Waltz Waltz of the lowers Tschalkowsky Popular Selected Hejre Kati Band Arrangement of the Vlo Hubay Kelr Klntf Sousa riml News Notes of the airbury Hospital 4 A U'i' tag SaptamMfa Ubor vey Ahring Comfoander Mr and Mrs Ray Now on a trip through the west The new home will be in Peorla i Photo by 4 5315 See' Midget Riusr Close 1 The fair' doted' with allthe fanfare and excitement that was expected on riday night with the running of the auto races A ilhrillad throng of 3315 fans watched tm Gene Hartley Roan oke Ind A freshman driver won the 30 lap Livingston county sweepstakes and the last race of the season riday night To win Hartley was forced to drive Chuck Marsnall whom he aa fastest qualifier pndGus Kllng bell who had shown the crowd an ex ceptional piece of racing In the 4th heat After doggirig Marshall for 13 laps Gene finally pushed out in front on the west turn as they entered the 14th lap and sjjeadlly Increased the lead to beat Chuck by almost three seconds to the Checkered flag4 In the 4th elimination race Kling beil Bill Smith and harry Turner dueled all the wayr Until the 6th lap when Kllngbeil running third seem ed to become possessed and forged ahead of the other two contenders and in to first place by three lengths all in two laps ier In the ill semi final event Chuck Vogel was in the lead at the 12th lap when Shook driving a 8 powered car locked wheels with Bill Smith who was trying to lap' him and was thrown Into the rail His car con tinued along the ran soms' fifty feet then skipped the ran entirely and went into the back stretch bleacher section The car skidded through the retaining fence striking two persons sitting in the front row of the bleach ers They were taken to the air bury hospital where it was found that the woman had suffered two fractured ankles and the man had sustained injuries to his legs Water Tower Protected By Rust Preventative The most modern and satisfactory method of preventing rust and corro sion fro mdelerioratlng the inside of containers subjected at all times to water is Being installed in the new ly constructed water tower here in airbury Paint and other compounds have been proven to be Inadequate under these circ*mstances as the smallest scratch on the Inside surface of the tank will allow a chemical reaction to take place and spread throughout the tank The' mechanism of corrasion has been established as an electro chem ical action This new method puts into use what is called the cathodic protection battery This battery is nothing more than the simple "cor rosion used in school labor atories with an auxiliary anode act ing as a substitute for the lobal an ode on the metal surface to be pro tected Tne electrical energy supplied by I orrs'5aa prevent the flow of cur rent in the local cells on the pro tected surface With the flow of cur rent stopped the escape of metallic Ions from the local cell anodes also ceases thus of rudst Tnis may and involved amounts only to the stopping of a chemical reaction by petting up a reaction of the opposite type whlcfl neutralizes both Such an Installation in the new tower will lower cost of upkeep over a period of years and insure a fresh clean supply of water at all times 3 jit Nmt' 9 Uniforms Shulman Roth Hurl' Ward in Godiva Race BoardCirculates 'Petitions for Issue i Proceeds of Bonds Would Build New Gymnasium and A 7 farm Shop at High School I I'li'i'ri Board members are circulating pe titions ln Township High School Dis trict 130 and McLean counties requesting an election to vote on a proposal to issue $350000 School Building bonds for the con struction of a gymnasium and farm shop Petitions were circulated a few weeks ago but were withdrawn af ter It was found that only ston county was mentioned petition After a sufficient number sons sign the petitions a date for a special election to decide on the bond issue will be set The new building project nas been under discussion by board members for a year accordirfg to Robert Cummins high school principal A farm shop is needed because the upstairs room now devoted to voca tional agriculture Is Inadequate for present needs he saiiM'Thp state su pervisor of vocational agrlcqlutre has been Intimating that vocational agri culture facilities at airburyare sub standard The proposed farm shop which will be a one story building would have facilities for repairing large farm machinery and a modern lab oratory for testing soli and tmllk he said adding that the new farm shop is the more pressing of the two pro posed buildings xThe new farm shop would house the industrial arts department thus removing the noisy machinery from the educational building he added The farm shop which would take from $80000 to $90000 of the $350 000 would also house the band Both buildings would be construct ed in a style similar to the present building Mr Cummins said Attendance figures for the airbury fair were released week by Karl Keck treasurer of the fair association Attendance was of last year but all time record of 1946 the first fair total for four days and nights was 16289 paid Records were broken however for first day attendance Tuesday 4395 paid admissions passed through the gates and ofthese 3524 found their way into the grandstand Ward car stunting daredevils were the attraction that day and did not fail to please the packed house The harness racing also brought out excellent crowds A total of over 3000 watched the three days of horsemanship Nine hundred slxty four season tickets were sold which would add to the total paid attendance of each session 2726 automobiles were ad mitted to the grounds during the four days and nights The new dance platform drew well on the thref nights of dancing as 6654 persons danced to the music of two leading orchestras of this area The attendance broken down by Ten Registra CentT8 Set Up In County iAll Age A Groups Iq Regtoter Same Day a' 1 Youths betwetti 18 25 may register at' tfieridiest of ten regis tration points ta county named by Miles CaIMb Pontiac chair man of the draft Board Wednesday This measure vill save trips to Pon tiac for" LlviNgttor county I youtlis Those youths "obt Registering on the day scheduled fdr ineir newest reg istering board 'must register at Pon tiac Septemberjl3 and 18 In airburjCc Vestch Sr and Bartlett' Srhave been named by Calkins to appoint a board of clerks and typists fc work on regis tration day Thostf townships regis tering at the Upstairs room city hail airbury on riday September 10 are Indian Creek Belle Prairie Avo ca and the southeast part of Eppards Point 7 Each registration i point will be open from 9 a jri 4:30 and will accept registrfmts of all age groups throughout period All registrants reporting before 4:30 will be taken care of before 4he offices are closed All veterans should bring discharge papers Calkins said He also urged that employers haying several em ployes stagger the Junch hour so as not to throw too Igrge a burden on the registration clacks during lunch hour i Those who have registered will be given a certificate of registration which must be carried with them ut all times I Appointed to work in the airbury registration office riday are Veach Jr Spud Schlipf Joe Siagel Dude Wessels Don "Kramer and Cail Bach i The time and plate of the ten reg istration points in tie county are: Pontiac riday Sept 3 Coancll room city hail Pontiac Tueeday Sept 7 Town hall Lonsc Point Wedatestby Sept 8 school buildinff Long Point Cornell Wednesday $ept 8 Town hrll Wednesday Soft 8 Community hall Saunemin Thursday Sept 9 Directors' room State bank Thursday Ss pt 9 Wilson gram mar school Church stnet So Streator ThundayzjMoL 9 Bdg btiesfr rida LWPPTOK timm riday Sept 10 Upstairs 1 hall 7 PRICE $250 TER YEAR i SEVENTY SEVENTH YRABMKLll its 'Tt Un Solo March Robinson's Grand Entry Intermission March airest of the air Selection High Jinks Popular Selected Rhapsody Slavish Rhapsody Selected Musical Comedy Selection from Oklahoma Jerome Kern March Stars and Stripes Sousa Rt7rARY LE(yQNpIinr BALL AME MONNlGHT Visiting 2:00 to 4:00 7:30 to 8:30 Tuesday Aug 24 LAUgust Kock of Cornell ronna Cook Mt Vernon Clayton Hetherington medical Wednesday Meta Rush orrest medical Mrs Pauline Beyer of Cropsey medical Jay Hummel of Chatsworth Russell Hammer surgi cal v' riday William Chancellor Sib ley Gagnon orrest Melvin Shook Manville Mrs Ray Carnahan Ray Carnahan Bloomington Curds Deputy Lyle Ricketts Mary Ham merNorval Knapp medlAL William Beal'Cornwitib medical Phyllis Stephens of orrest surgical Win Bars surgical Monday Robert Decker Strawn surgical Bernadine Brandt "Weston Mrs Homer rora piemen a Pearson Chatsworth James Mies at Saunemin medical Wednesday Qua Bachtold Chats worth David Nash surgical Discharged Tuesday AUg 24 ronna Cook August Kock Carl Metz Wednesday Mh Dorothy Bender and daughter Clayton Hetherlnton George Ruhlander Tommy Aaron Thursday Jay Hummel Richard Meyer Russell Hammer John Yoder Mrs Helen Allen and son 7 riday Huser Kathleen Liddle Melvin Shook Lyle Ricketts Mrs Ray Carnahan Ray Carnahan Mary Hammer Norval Knapp Mrs Geneva Spence and daughter Saturday Mrs: Shirley Runypn and daughter Leona Orendorff Mrs lorence Wascher and son Sunday Mrs Edna Mueller and daughter Ethel Hemphill Phyllis Stenhens Robert Decker Josephine Mack Tuesday Mrs Georgiana inne gan and son Mrs Lois Boma and son Curtis Deputy Richard PearsonLols Simpson 3 Mrs Leia McCoy and son Gus Bacl*told Gifts Mr and Mrs Robert Wince One bushel of tomatoes Mr and Mrs Toma toes Cucumbers sweet corn Walter Peaches Honegger Sweet corn'' Leah Case apple sauce John 2 bu tomatoes Did Yon Know That a new boiler has been in stalled that will make all the steam that will be needed now for sterilinz ing laundry and kitchen and for the future expansion of the Jiospltal? AIRBURY HOSPITAL BIBTH8 A Tr rr and Mrs Harold inneean on Thursday August 26 a boy Jpu Robert To Mr and Mps rank Boma lot Piper City riday August 27 a boy Michael rancis To Mr and Mrs rank Tammen on Sunday August 29 a girl Ari Elsie To Mr and Mrs Herschel McCoy Jy of Piper City August 30 a i boy Wayne LeRoy" i To Mr and Mrs Clarence Bruckar of Colfax August 30 a ATTENTION LXGrfONNAMBS The next njeetlng of John portWill bo heM at the aOH DMI Rotary LeaiontoPlay Donkey BallMonday Lee Garber on aculty of Pennsylvania Wren Garber of Cadillac Mich spent last week here visiting with his mother Mrs Ida Garber This week Mrs Garber's son Lee of Knoxville Tenn is making her a visit Mr Garber has resigned his position with the TVA at Knoxville and has ac cepted a position at the University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia as a teacher of graduate courses in Edu cation Administration The summaries: 1st heat Jimmy Carls Roberts Easton Tima 2:4153 2nd heat Kelly Petille Warren Erwin Hartley Tims 2:4095 3rd Manhall Weyant Vosel Time 2:3909 4th heat Gus Kllngbeil Smith Turner Time 2:4072 Handicap Gus Kllngbeil Weyant Mar shall Time 1:3406 Semi final Chuck Vogel Paul Blokell Harry Myen Merle Heath Bob Thompson Bill Smith Ralph Reel Dwight 'Brown Shook Kerns Branson Sanckln No time Race stopped on 12 th lap due to aeeldent 30 lap feature Gene Hartley Chuck Mar shall Johnny Roberta Rex Easton Gus Kllngbeil Weyant Turner Carls Swanson Erwin Petille Roeuler Time 7 :4699 UVTNGSTON COUNTY ARMS ABOVE NATIONAL AVERAGE Eighty eight percent of the 3246 farms in Livingston county are re turning an annual cash Income that is above the average for the farmers The rating of Livingston county in the cash farm Income ture is revealed in a study announced by the research department of Cap armers from figures of the Census of Agriculture Only 72 of the 3072 counties in the United States are so well off as Liv ingston Twenty tliree of those are in Iowa 11 in Illinois By comparison there are 1662 counties In which less than 30 per cent of the farms bring in an Income as good as the national average In 1947 the average Income per farm was $5150 The research workers of the farm magazine rated each county on the basis of the pro portion of its farms that have an ip come above the national average In come was the value of farm products sold or used by the farm household They tabulated figures on 5859160 farms in the United1 States that had a total cash income of $30174744000 last year No fires wiU be permitted for start 41A Urban Dtiamp andl 1 Illg L1IV UVlinJO way Legion battle it out for the airbury donkeyball championship on Monday night at the fair grounds month' Proceeds of the game will to the airbury high school band for' new uniforms acordlng to SlLM ser committee chairman The Lady Godiva Reliy1 Race' ms of the hfghlignts of the evening for the Rotarians and Herb Hart mm Harold Ward for the Legion A eotnr efly feature this event is highly eogfrW' petitive rne nrsr man on eacn i is given a suitcase which contain! girdle brassiere wig hat dpess apd pOCKetDOOK' After the first noraeman rides treat home nlate to second base and dotim mmseu in ine icnunme ICIUUIIUW SfW asusmv whnra kA vefltMia lintaffUAl 1 habit to the suitcase for the naxt racer The first team to set its see nnd man hftrk home and Oilt af tte Godiva costume iyins the racex Rotary Competition will open when Mayor Rov Tavlor Ditches the first ball 8:15 Among those riding falling and playing for the Rotary are Noble TDt Woodall Lloyd Borngasser EU Moadr Dean Williams John Gerber? Harry Klopfenstein BUI Orth rank PrntL John Langstaff John iPittman Rfibtn Maurer and Louis Shulman A Marshall is manager' r' Some of the Leglon hcnrserieir aie Gerdes BtU BartlStt Chuck Purdum Bob Hainlme Virgil Mmn Carl Rapp and rancis Mowery Thefi is team is managed by Johnston Bisides Si Mdserj members of tha (K Rotary committee for the' gdme are Dean Wlllims John Wade anffRoy Taylor Game Deeeeflsed Donkey softball is' ptayed in tim chukkers like polo instead of Inninas DraftwHall SepteiroarllO sift in or four balls (and the umpire samc! that no one strikre ouW and starts his ride around the attemats ba ThoM am orlv met auvse iM renew mwr aaaaipameiw i chukkers Izy longer than any audience can stand to laugh r'L The airbury athletes will be trato ported oy Santa re orea pottos a rwuM hafwoan UmHmh hnpm and a show pony Trained for softball near Kansas City the donkeys waBt the other way when a rtter falls at and remain in 'one spot most tte IVi fin jlwfciiim Jt icai UL MW MMTC) Mwreyavv eirei urglngs of drivers Jj ''TS Tickets at Advaoce Prieek 7 Tickets are on sale at sdvanea prices at most airbury business houses and may also be purchased al the ticket booth aU day Saturday and from parade time till 5 JO Monday Umpires will be Spud Schllpt Hurt and Ike KUgus alternate high school band will parade Sator day night at 7:30 starUng at Bach lumoer yarn a uuwr wvww town will seU tickets at advance prices from 3 UntU the stores close Saturday night Millonth Bushel of Wheat Hauled by Iessl A bushel of wheat' worth Kr i to Ernest Bess end another brought $25 to his son Howard on their trucking expedition In Kansas Before you rush down to the elevator 1 and tryto sell your wheat for that" amount let it be said that those two bushels were not just ordinary buShr els of wheat They were the millionth and 99999th bushels of wheat to he 7 received at the Harris Grain Co In Scott City Kansas 4 The proposition madeby Harris be fore the start of the season was that the trucker delivering thh millionth bushel of wheat to receive the fifty dollars and the truckers deUy ering the load just before and imnje diately after the millionth would git $25 each It so happened that the Bess trucks came in iot two ox uiese prizes Mr Bess and sons returned from their trip through the wheat belt soit Tuesday of last week 4 Many Star Teams Included To keSwer or In LdcaTT wrnament 4 1 as MV r7kA a Jit 'W awai if smaAkw I I 1 I rv' 5 MM kB i eotehae Thar faaMsr r'aB ill days is as follows: PdAdm to Gdz Gdftd Tuesday 4396 8524 Wednesday 8348 2680 Thursday 4216 8421 riday 4330 4177 Totals 16289 13802 I ft.

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The Fairbury Blade from Fairbury, Illinois (2024)


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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Views: 6224

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (67 voted)

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Author information

Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.