The Ad am IES Apr. 29, 1959 Volume 76, Number 89 High school senior killed in accident A month before he was to have been married, Amon Bruce Lynch of Arab was killed Monday night when his motorcycle ran into the back end of a parked truck. The 19-year-old Arab High School senior was driving toward his home just out of Arab on the Guntersville highway when he hit the truck near the high school. It was an automobile carrier from up north. The driver had parked it and was walking, back to Arab.
The boy had passed through town, about 10:45, and had waved to the Arab police as he passed. He was engaged to Miss June Sparks, a nurse at the Arab Hospital. They had planned to be married when school is out. She works on the day shift so was not at the hospital when his body was brought there. He was born at Grassy and lived there and at Arab all his life.
The funeral will be today, Wednesday, at 2:00 o'clock at the New Brashiers Chapel Methodist Church. Burial will be in the adjoining cemetery directed by Gober Funeral Home. Survivors are the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Amon Lynch, and the grandparents, Edgar Lynch and Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Rowe, all of Arab 1. SCANT CITY- (Held over from last week) The Intermediates Class of Ho well Memorial Methodist Church had a wiener roast at the parsonage Friday night, games were played and refreshments served to Jimmy McClendon, Betty Jones, Charles Martin, Mary Hunt, Billy Ridgeway, Barbara Snow, Charles McClendon, Sherry Snow, Wayne Martin, Linda Latham, Dexton Hughes and Sonny Hazel. Among those who are sick but improving are Marvin White, Mrs. John Russell Sparks and the Grady Hawk children who have chicken pox.
Mrs. Donald King, Mrs. T. D. Mitchell and Doris Hudson were in Gadsden last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Noah Hunt of Tuscaloosa were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald King Sunday.
William Tidmore and family, Mrs. Jordan of Guntersville and the Millard Tidmores visited the P. M. Tidmores Sunday afternoon. Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Carter, Hugh Carter and daughter Anne had supper recently with Mrs. H. E. Phillips in Scottsboro.
Mr. and Mrs. James Hansen and children of Sylvania and Rex Hipp and daughter from Albertville visited with Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Jones Sunday.
Lonza Dendy and girls of Gadsden had supper Thursday night with the C. E. Dendys. Mrs. Exar Huckaby! has returned home from Arkadelphia, Ark.
where she visited Mrs. Carolyn Flint who is ill. Mr. and Mrs. Corky Martin of Jasper, were recent guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Neal Thrower. Mrs. Oneal Cooper of Guntersville were out to see the H. C.
Rickards Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bodine and family went to Huntsville Sunday, to see Mr. and Mrs.
Bobby Bodine. The Bobby Bodines have a new baby daugghter. Mrs. Charlie Lipham Mrs. Rosa Anna Lipham of liam Springs died at her home Monday at the age of 89.
She was a native of Clay County but had lived at Gilliam Springs for the last 15 years. Her husband, Charlie Lipham, died in 1937. She had been a member of the Baptist Church since she was 15. Funeral services were held Tuesday at Gilliam by the Rev. Bob Isdell and the Rev.
Edsel Stevenson. Burial was in the Gilliam Springs Cemetery directed by Gober Funeral Home. Mrs. Lipham is survived by two sons, Joe Cantrell of Birmingham and John Cantrell of Arab a step-son, Herbert Lipham of South Carolina; a daughter, Mrs. Tempie Blackmon of Arab a step -daughter, Mrs.
Lola Fox of Gadsden; two sisters, Mrs. Emma Wallace of Oneonta and Mrs. Stella Freeman of Albertville; 5 grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren. Ardis Hunkapiller Killed in wreck Ardis Hunkapiller of the Egypt community and Peoria, was killed near Peoria early Saturday when his car hit a utility pole. His brother Ellis was injured in the accident and was still unconscious early this week.
He had internal injuries, head, face and chest lacerations and a leg injury. The car they were in hit the pole at 2:45 a.m. and Ardis died two hours later in the Peking Hospital. He was 27 years old. John Gober of the Gober Funeral Home in Arab went to Peoria for the body.
Funeral services were held Tuesday at the Rice Baptist Church by the Rev. George Helms. Burial was in the Rice Cemetery. Survivors are the parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John W. Hunkapiller of Egypt; six brothers, Emmett of Arab Ellis and Burley of Peoria; Elmer of Cullman; by of Eypt and Edward of by, two sisters, Mrs. Maurline Newbourn of Granby 'and Mrs. Olivia Spann of Biloxi, Miss. NORTH ARAB- (Held over from last week) David Hyatt suffered a heart attack at his home here Saturnight and a lighter one Monday night.
He is still not feeling so well. Braz Bates went to the hospital three successive days last week and received a pint of blood each day. He is feeling some better at this time. Mrs. G.
B. Furman returned Arab Hospital BIRTHS: Mr. and Mrs. Everet Estice Morgan, Lacey Springs 1, a boy, 2 April 19, name, David Nilson. Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Wright Mills, Arab 3, a girl, 7 Apr. 19, name, Shiela Maria. Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Howard Leak, Arab, a boy, 8 1 April 20, name, Dennis Howard. Mr. and Mrs. Leo King, Arab 1, a girl, 4 15 April 22, name, Rhonda Gaye. Mr.
and Mrs. Isom M. Bolding, Arab, a boy, 7 1 April 23, name, Terry Wayne. Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd Dyson, Arab 2, a boy, 9 5 Apr. 23, name, Floyd Jerome. Mr. and Mrs. James C.
Pritchett, Arab, a boy, 7 2 Apr. 23, name, James Curbie Pritchett. Mrs. Elmer Wilks of Joppa 1 is recovering from pneumonia. Mrs.
Kathleen Cagle, Union' Grove, is being treated for a throat infection. Austin Bonds, Arab 1, had surgery Saturday and is doing nicely. Irvin Owens, Somerville, had an appendectomy Thursday. Elbert Ross, Joppa, had major surgery Sunday. Mrs.
Nell Brazleton, Lacey Springs, had surgery Wednesday and is seriously ill. Isom Sheppard, Union Grove, has been in the hospital 2 weeks. He is a surgical Mrs. Mellie MaLathey, G'ville 1, is being treated for pneumonia and pleurisy. Mrs.
Pearlie Hornsby, Arab: 3, has been in the hospital 2 weeks with a broken hip. Mrs. Mary F. Perkins, Arab 3, has been in the hospital a week with a heart condition and virus infection. Kim, 2 yr.
old son of Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Blackmon, has been in the hospital since Friday with pneumonia and measles. Mrs. Mary Lee Pritchett, Arab, had surgery Friday.
Richard, 9 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Campbell of Arab, had a tonsilectomy Monday. Joe R. Lawrence, Union Grove, is a medical patient.
These have left the hospital: Iva Nell Thompson, Joppa 1, left April 20. Mary McWhorter, Holly Pond left April 20. Virginia Morgan, Lacey Springs home Sunday after staying with her son, Charles Furman in Florence where he underwent surgery. Mr. and Mrs.
G. A. Hendrix went to Huntsville Monday night to see the new granddaughter, born to Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Bodine.
Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Light, of Hawthorn, are here visiting her brother. Mr. and Mrs.
Preston Sumner and children have moved back to their home in Birmingham. Is Proud to Present the Triangle Texaco Service Station: as Their Authorized Dealer in Arab for Tires, Tubes, Batteries START and Accessories. TOMORROW? NOW YOU CAN BUY THESE NAME BRAND LINES AT THESE LOW, LOW PRICES Free If your battery's pep has WARDS SMASHES "pooped" it's time you acted Mounting PRICES NOW! Get a Riverside. NYLON Guaranteed Air 2 years All-new Riverside Cushion Nylons Riverside NOW Modern tread design! -grip ONLY 6.70-15* 24 GUARANTEE New strong nylon cord body! New blackwall Designed for $16.95 Riverside greater mileage! Whitewall excise tax and recappable tire 6 volt trade $10.95 Nylon only Full 15-month nationwide 12 volt trade $16.95 guarantee. New Riverside gives you greater All 14-inch tires now at big sav- power, longer life, better value! ings.
FREE battery check at Wards Triangle Texaco Service Station Arab -On U. S. 231 South Your One-Stop 24-Hour Service TRIANGLE CAFE TRIANGLE MOTORS FROSTY TREAT "Good Used Cars" SPECIAL NOTICE Montgomery Ward WILL YOUR CAR left April 20. Carolyn Coleman, Guntersville 3, left April 21. William Luke, Arab, left April 22.
Pauline Mills, Arab 3, left Apr. 22. Newman Mask, Arab, left Apr. 23. Estelle Copeland, Blountsville 1, left April 25.
Joyce Leak, Arab, left April 23. Johnny Cantrell, Arab 3, left April 26. Tammy Shelton, Brooksville, left April 26. Dell King, Arab 1, left April 24. Sandra Carter, Joppa 1, left April 22.
Gladys Dyson, Arab, left Apr. 25. Doris Bolding, Arab, left Apr. 26. Ethel Saylor, Arab 3, left Apr.
25. ARAB PERSONALS Mrs. Arnold McDaniel went to Birmingham Saturday to work shop for Alpha Delta Kappa at Redmont Hotel. Friday, Mrs. McDaniel and Mrs.
Johnnie Hesterley Supervisor of Education of Cullman County were in Atlanta on official school business. Delane Cranford of Boston, is home on 30 day leave with his mother Mrs. Eunice Cranford. Percy Alford of Birmingham visited them last week. Mr.
and Mrs. John Faught and children of Oklalona, have been recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. J. D.
Taylor and family. Mrs. Taylor's sister, Mrs. Gus Prosch of Birmingham, spent several day last week with them. Mrs.
J. M. Crawford and daughter Janie made a business trip to Birmingham Monday. Mrs. Joe Dyar, Mrs.
Ned Gidden and Mrs. William Howard attended a District Bible School meeting at Oneonta Wednesday. Mrs. Grace Saylor spent several days last week with her father J. R.
Bunch who is seriously ill at Union Grove. Mr. and Mrs. W. L.
Gregory and F. P. Archer visited in Decatur Friday. Glennon Betterton (Snap) of the Navy stationed at Charleston, S. is home for a few days leave with his parents Mr.
and Mrs. Toss Betterton. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hammond had as their weekend guests Miss Nellie Crable of Auburn, Mass, and Mrs.
Beatrice Richard of Bowling Green, Ky. Edd Brown of Montgomery visited them Wednesday. Miss Mary Medders spent the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. E.
N. Medders in Alexandria. Ann Hinds, ten year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hinds, won second place in the County 4H.
talent contest. She played a ukulele and sang and also played the piano. Announcements First Baptist Church, WMU giving tea Thursday from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. in basement of church. Parches Cove Cemetery cleaning Saturday.
Mt. Pisgah upper Cumberland Presbyterian Church Decoration Sunday. Union Hill PTA family night Monday 7:00 p.m. Games for children during business meeting, auction afterwards. Bring something to auction for the PTA.
CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to our many friends and neighbors, the hospital staff, Dr. Crawford, Rev. M. T. Absher, the quartet, the organist, the pianist, those who brought food and flowers, the ones who helped with the grave and others who helped in any death way of during beloved the illness and our husband father.
The Roy Vines family B1p 50c ADS Over 25 words. 2c a word extra HOME FOR SALE. 6 rooms, 2 baths, finished basement. On Worth Street convenient to town. Can be shown by appointment by calling Justice 2-3419 after 5:00.
V. J. Mabrey. 2p-5-1 HOUSE WITH 2 LOTS for sale, at East Lake. Also 1 lot, 100x150, for sale at Mountain Crest Subdivision.
R. M. Kelley. Phone JUstice 2-4466. 3p-4-29 NICELY FURNISHED bedrooms for rent to men or business ladies, quiet home, conveniently located.
Mrs. Grady Rains, phones Justice 2-3775 or Justice 2-5176. 2c-5-1 APARTMENT FOR RENT: 4 rooms, unfurnished, in Runyan Apartments, month. Call Justice 2 3939. 3p-5-1 BEAUTIFUL HOMESITES for sale, 2 large lots overlooking lake.
3 lots 50x140, located 3 blocks of schools. Priced to sell. Russell Benefield at Benefield's Jeweler, Justice 2-3201 or Justice 2-3520. 2c-5-1 FARM LAND FOR RENT: acres cotton, acres corn. Located mile Ray's Cafe.
Call Justice 2-3939. 3p-5-1 BEAUTY PARLOR location for rent, formerly occupied by Model Beauty Shop over Ratliff's Store in Guntersville. Call Albertville 435 or 83. tf-c UNFURNISHED apartment for rent, Stockton Apartments, corner Hill Scott Streets. Three rooms, bath, steam heat, hot and cold water furnished.
P. W. Stockton, Justice 2-3408. NEW BLOCK building for rent block from Southtown on 431 goSouth. 28 ft.
long and 22 ft wide. Wired for living quarters or commercial business. $40 month for living quarters, $50 month for commercial. Hattie Denny, 1439 Dunlap. 2p-5-1 FARM FOR RENT: -is commonly known as the "Satterfield Farm" three fourths of a mile outride Arab city limits, on R.
F. D. No. 3, 125 acres, more or less, open land 14-6 acres cotton allotment under A Plan, 20-4 under Plan. Don't write see Hogan Jackson, Albertville, Ala.
tfc GAS STOVE for sale, 36 inch Kenmore, used 3 years, in good condition $30. Call Justice 2-4914, Mrs. J. E. Buchanan.
2c-5-1 NORRELL HOME at 1373 Rayburn for sale, 6 rooms, guest cottage, all assessments paid. Good neighborhood near Southtown Shopping Center. R. B. Norrell, Justice 2-3698.
tf-c LAND FOR SALE: 15 acres, on Marshall Drive-in Sims School Road. 2 acres prepared for planting, rest woodland. Velmer Buchanan, Justice 2-4694. 4c-5-8 FURNISHED HOUSE for rent, behind Warrenton School, 6 rooms, bath, good electrical appliances, gas heat, large yard and garden. Floyd L.
Smith, phone Justice 2-4208. tf-c RECORD PLAYER for sale, Dr. J. C. Griggs Chiropractor Office on Arab-Huntsville Highway Open Daily Monday--Wednesday--Friday Appointments Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday SAWMILL Now Operating Eddy-Union Grove Road.
In the market for any kind of logs. Free estimates on standing timber. SLICK KING Arab, Juniper 6-5891 RCA 45 rpm $30. Also have a baseball glove for sale for $4.00. See Bobby Blankenship or 2-3454.
call SPORTY 18 FT. Chris-Craft 80 H.P. Outboard Cabin Cruiser with 2 bunks, head, pantry, convertible top, spotlights, horn, siren, etc. All in a perfect condition. Phone Guntersville JU-24438 or Huntsville JE-46204.
tfBUSINESS LOCATION for lease located US Highway 431 on of Sand Mountain, City Limits of Guntersville. This 1o- cation equipped as modern serstation, complete with deep well, rest rooms, heating units and lubrication facilities. However with very spacious driveway, this would serve as ideal location for fleet owner for servicing units, as well as retailing to public. Phone Justice 2-3211, Guntersville. tf-c 50 LOTS FOR SALE.
in and near Willow Beach Subdivision. Overlooking the lake. Some on highway, others near. Terms if desired. Red Parker at Southside Gulf Station.
7c-4-429 BIRD DOGS FOR SALE two Irish Setter puppies, 12 weeks old. Contact W. R. Shell top of Sand Mountain on Highway 431. Albertville 5, box 66 A.
2p-5-1 DOZER-TRACTOR TD-18-A for sale. Priced to sell. Phone Guntersville, Justice 2-4737. Buddy Davenport. tf-c BEAUTIFUL HOME SITES for sale in Mountain Crest Subdivision.
Prices reduced for quick sale. See or call Tommy Grainger, Justice 2-2491. tf-c FURNISHED APARTMENT for rent, 3 rooms, couples only. Bill Coplin, JUstice 2-3806. Wtf -c COMMERCIAL 50c ADS SANDSTONE.
Pink and colored flagstone and cut sandstone to your order at Red Hill Quarry. Justice 2-4770 or Grant, PArk 8-2353. Brookshire and Kirkland Sandstone. tf-c UNEXPECTED CHANGE. Can you use a week in addition to your present earnings? Supply consumers in Arab with the large Rawleigh line.
Start earning immediately. Write Rawleigh's ALD-92-337, phis, Tennessee. B2c-4-29 USED APPLIANCES. Refrigerators, 8 cubic feet, one still in warranty. Three ranges, one apartment size.
All priced I reasonably. Quinn Rogers Plumbing Co. Btf-c BUY ALL YOUR household furnishings at huge discount prices and on easy terms too! Union City Auction, South Town, Justice 2-4919. Btf-c ELECTRIC RANGES. New shipment Dixie automatic ranges, several sizes, glass in oven door.
Low prices. Jarmon Furniture, across from Elrod Mill, ville. B2c-5-1 HOME FOR SALE: in Carlisle Park, modern, beautifully landscaped, Al construction, at 500. This is the bargain of the year. Boone Realty Justice 2-4311.
B4c-5-61 CARPETS and life too can be beautiful if you use Blue Lustre for cleaning. Kennamer Furniture Telephone JUstice 2-2321, Guntersville. B-1c LEASES FOR flat bed equipment. Must be owner -operated, tandem trailers 32 feet or longer, 36 inch sides. Gas or Diesel trac- tors.
Call FA-3-6311 Collect, Bir-10 mingham, Alabama. B9c-4-29 MAN OR WOMAN to take over route of established customers in Guntersville. Weekly profits of $50.00 or more at start possible. No car or other investment necessary. Will help you get started.
Write C. R. Ruble, Dept. A-5, The J. R.
Watkins Company, Memphis 2, Tenn. B-1p DID YOU KNOW that your Merle Norman Cosmetic Studio is as near as your telephone? Call Albertville 789 for information or Justice 2-4741 after 5:30 Btf-c ATTENTION SALESMAN: It you can sell, or think you can with sufficient training, call Albertville 1490. Btf -c EXPERT TERMITE control. complete pest control service Free inspection and estimates Licensed, bonded and insured. Sand Mountain Exterminating Compay, 416 Miller Street, Albertville, phone 1337.
Btfc HALF CAR LOAD Admiral Freezers and Refrigerators with 5-year guarantee against food spoilage. Will sell regardless of price. Jarmon Furniture, across from Elrod Mill, Guntersville. B2c-5-1 FARM FOR SALE-379 acres with 230 in cultivation. 45 acres cotton allotment.
Six houses. Near Union Grove. Phone Juniper 6-3800. Arab Developing Inc. Btf-c HEAVY DUTY RUGS going for 9.95.
These are fully guaranteed 9x12 rugs that sell regularly for 14.95. Jarmon Furniture, across from Elrod Mill, Gunters- ville. B2c-5-1 USED CUB CULTIVATOR, planter and fertilizer attachments and pick-up harrow. All like new. Motors.
Btf -c TRY OUR BUDGET PLAN: Let us repair your auto or truck on our easy payment plan. Noth-1 7 suits over wreck settled for $18,250 In agreements by all parties concerned, settlement has been made of seven lawsuits that were filed over one of the most tragic accidents Brindlee Mountain has had in recent years. The seven cases were settled for a total of $18,250. Four people lost their lives in the wreck Dec. 16, 1957: Gaines Brown, 41, Donald 22, and Ted Dunn, 21, all of Arab, and Kenneth Hornsby, 17, of Mobbs.
The suits were for their deaths and for injuries to Don Hipp of Eddy, and Jesse J. Clemons of Grassy. Relatives of the four people killed receive $2950 for each death from Mr. Clemons, driver of a school bus involved in the accident. For Don Hipp's injuries the settlements provided $2950 from 1 Mr.
Clemons. For Mr. Clemons' own injuries he gets $3500 from Jimmy G. McClendon and Janice McClendon Tidmore. Mr.
McClendon, of Grassy, was driving a car that was in the wreck. Two of the cases had been set for trial in circuit court at Guntersville last week, but before they came to trial those two and also the other five were settled by agreement among all the parties concerned. The cases and settlements were: Mrs. Gaines Brown vs. Clemons- settled for $2950.
A. R. Vaughn vs. McClendon and Clemons claim against McClendon dropped; claim against Clemons settled for $2950. Alverene C.
Dunn vs. Clemons -settled for $2950. Elba Hornsby vs. Clemons settled for $2950. Don Hipp vs.
Clemons--settled for $2,000. W. B. Hipp VS. McClendon and Clemons claim against McClendon dropped, claim against Clemons settled for $950.
Clemons vs. McClendon and Janice McClendon Tidmore settled for $3500. In each case, the defendant who is to pay damages is also to pay the court costs. The accident occurred at Grassy. The school bus had taken a group of people to a basketball game and the car was on its way from Arab to Guntersville to get a ballot box for a special election on state amendments.
Except for Mr. Clemons, all those killed or seriously injured were in the car. Men in service Albert L. Morrow, 30, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Rube C. Morrow of Joppa 1, participated with the 101st Airborne Division's 502nd Infantry in a mass parachlute drop and mock attack conducted at Fort Campbell, April 5 through 9. Morrow entered the Army in 1951 and is assigned to the infantry's mortar battery. His wife, Mary, lives in Clarksville, Tenn. Archie A.
Allen, 23, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Allen, Union Grove 1, completed advanced individual artillery training April with the 2nd Infantry Division at Fort Benning, as part of Battery 15th Artillery. He is scheduled to depart soon for Germany.
Broad Street, phone 601. Btf-c PURE WHITE MARBLE chips for all purposes in any quantity, $2 per hundred pounds. On orders over 1,000 pounds, $1.75 per hundred. Carr Bros. Monument Company, phone JUstice 2-4326.
tfe REAL ESTATE, RENTALS, Insurance service. Fire and casualty insurance. Arab Developing 403 North Main Street, Telephone JUniper 6-3800. B-tf-c RECORDS, big hits and classics. New ones regularly.
All records and supplies formerly in Gilbreath Building now at Record Shop, Vaughn Recreation Center, Guntersville. B-tf-c MONUMENTS, any size, any price. Cash or terms. Check our prices before you buy. H.
H. Gaines, next to Wedgeworth Florist. Phone 2-3659 or 2-4094. BWtf-c ing down; easy monthly payments. Come in and talk this over with us.
Ralph Smith Motors, Inc. B-tf-c WHEN IN NEED OF chert, dirt, limestone, slag or moving, don't forget old Hinds. A. F. Hinds Transfer.
Phone Guntersville Justice 2-3822 or Albertville 1515. Btf-c 250 ACRES for sale. 100 acres pasture and grazing, access to 40 acres TVA land. Known as Griffith farm in Browns Valley. One large house, 1 small house, Grade A dairy barn, 1 large barn, 5 other outbuildings.
Near Guntersville city limits. Arab Developing Telephone JUniper 6- 3800. B-tf-c DRAPERY CREATIONS exquisitely fashioned. Free installation. Huckaby and Son Furniture 'Company, Albertville, North.