AP World History Unit 9 Practice Test: Globalization (2024)

Table of Contents
Questions 1–3 refer to the image below. The data shown in the graph provided most likely contributed to which of the following? The data depicted in the image above was most likely a result of: Which trend of the late 20th century could a historian use the data from the graph to support? Questions 4–6 refer to the passages below. Using the two excerpts provided, which common belief do both Friedman and Trump hold? Trump’s speech best reflects which of the following recent developments in globalization history? What was Friedman’s purpose in writing this book? Questions 7–8 refer to the passage below. What does Friedman mean when he states “the world went from being small to tiny”? Which modern, post-Cold War development contributed to Friedman’s statement, “all of Google in your pocket”? Questions 9–10 refer to the images below. After closely analyzing both maps provided above, which of the following options best describes the cause of the depicted trends? In the twenty-first century, which of the following was most directly a cause of the second image? Questions 11–12 refer to the passage below. Which of the following best matches the ideas presented in the passage above? The arguments made by supporters of women’s education are most similar to the arguments made by supporters of: Questions 13–14 refer to the passages below. Why is the first passage significant in representing a turning point in modern world history? Why is the second passage significant in representing a turning point in US foreign policy? References

Questions 1–3 refer to the image below.

AP World History Unit 9 Practice Test: Globalization (1)

The data shown in the graph provided most likely contributed to which of the following?


The debates about the nature and cause of climate change, especially in regards to greenhouse gases and atmospheric pollutants


The rise of the Environmental Protection Agency as a result of the decreasing levels of greenhouse gas emissions


The universal adoption of the Kyoto Protocols by 2050 to reduce carbon emissions by half


The competition by humans over natural resources for the first time in the 21st century

Question 1 Explanation:

Option (A) is the correct answer because the line graph is depicting data showing increasing global carbon emissions from fossil fuel. You can infer that this would cause debate over climate change.

Question 2

AP World History Unit 9 Practice Test: Globalization (2)

The data depicted in the image above was most likely a result of:


The rise of the United States as a world power


The increased innovations and technologies in the Globalization era


The complete transition of the Soviet Union to a capitalist economy in the late 20th century


The rise of China and India as world power in the late 20th century

Question 2 Explanation:

The graph provided does not give specific information that would indicate the rise of the United States as a world power impacted carbon emissions, the economic transitions of the Soviet Union or the rise of China and India as world powers. Therefore the correct answer is B because new technologies have a direct impact on the rise of carbon emissions.

Question 3

AP World History Unit 9 Practice Test: Globalization (3)

Which trend of the late 20th century could a historian use the data from the graph to support?


The rise of an environmental protection agencies and movements


The increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere as a result of human activity


The deforestation and desertification of large areas of Latin America


The collapse of environmental protection agencies dedicated to the environmental crises

Question 3 Explanation:

Option B, the increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere as a result of human activity, is the correct answer because there is a direct connection between carbon emissions and greenhouse gasses. Although related, the graph does not provide data on environmental protection agencies or deforestation.

Question 4

Questions 4–6 refer to the passages below.

Source 1:
“​The driving idea behind globalization is free-market capitalism – the more you let market forces rule and the more you open your economy to free trade and competition, the more efficient and flourishing your economy will be. Globalization means the spread of free-market capitalism to virtually every country in the world. Globalization also has its own set of economic rules – rules that revolve around opening, deregulating and privatizing your economy.”

-Tom Friedman, ​The Lexus and the Olive Tree, ​1999

Source 2:
"​For decades, the United States opened its economy — the largest, by far, on Earth — with few conditions. We allowed foreign goods from all over the world to flow freely across our borders...The United States lost over 3 million manufacturing jobs, nearly a quarter of all steel jobs, and 60,000 factories after China joined the WTO...But those days are over. We will no longer tolerate such abuse. We will not allow our workers to be victimized, our companies to be cheated, and our wealth to be plundered and transferred...​The United States has just announced tariffs on another $200 billion in Chinese-made goods for a total, so far, of $250 billion.”

-Donald Trump​, ​Speech to United Nations General Assembly​, 2018

Using the two excerpts provided, which common belief do both Friedman and Trump hold?


Government’s increased encouragement of free-market policies promotes growth


There are benefits from having a liberal free-market global economy


Economic institutions and regional trade agreements are fair for all nations involved


The system of globalization deals with economics at its core

Question 4 Explanation:

Friedman argues that the driving idea of globalization is free-market capitalism. Trump argues that a free market global economy has hurt the United States financially. Therefore Option D is correct because the only thing these two excerpts have in common is that they deal with economics.

Question 5

Source 1:
“​The driving idea behind globalization is free-market capitalism – the more you let market forces rule and the more you open your economy to free trade and competition, the more efficient and flourishing your economy will be. Globalization means the spread of free-market capitalism to virtually every country in the world. Globalization also has its own set of economic rules – rules that revolve around opening, deregulating and privatizing your economy.”

-Tom Friedman, ​The Lexus and the Olive Tree, ​1999

Source 2:
"​For decades, the United States opened its economy — the largest, by far, on Earth — with few conditions. We allowed foreign goods from all over the world to flow freely across our borders...The United States lost over 3 million manufacturing jobs, nearly a quarter of all steel jobs, and 60,000 factories after China joined the WTO...But those days are over. We will no longer tolerate such abuse. We will not allow our workers to be victimized, our companies to be cheated, and our wealth to be plundered and transferred...​The United States has just announced tariffs on another $200 billion in Chinese-made goods for a total, so far, of $250 billion.”

-Donald Trump​, ​Speech to United Nations General Assembly​, 2018

Trump’s speech best reflects which of the following recent developments in globalization history?


Trade agreements between different local and global nations


The emergence of an “anti-globalization” movement in third world countries


The emergence of an “anti-globalization” movement in the United States


The growing popularity of free-market capitalism in modern countries

Question 5 Explanation:

Option C is the correct answer because the Trump excerpt portrays globalization in a negative light. He states “We will no longer tolerate such abuse.” This contributes to the idea of an anti-globalization movement in the U.S.

Question 6

Source 1:
“​The driving idea behind globalization is free-market capitalism – the more you let market forces rule and the more you open your economy to free trade and competition, the more efficient and flourishing your economy will be. Globalization means the spread of free-market capitalism to virtually every country in the world. Globalization also has its own set of economic rules – rules that revolve around opening, deregulating and privatizing your economy.”

-Tom Friedman, ​The Lexus and the Olive Tree, ​1999

Source 2:
"​For decades, the United States opened its economy — the largest, by far, on Earth — with few conditions. We allowed foreign goods from all over the world to flow freely across our borders...The United States lost over 3 million manufacturing jobs, nearly a quarter of all steel jobs, and 60,000 factories after China joined the WTO...But those days are over. We will no longer tolerate such abuse. We will not allow our workers to be victimized, our companies to be cheated, and our wealth to be plundered and transferred...​The United States has just announced tariffs on another $200 billion in Chinese-made goods for a total, so far, of $250 billion.”

-Donald Trump​, ​Speech to United Nations General Assembly​, 2018

What was Friedman’s purpose in writing this book?


Explain the ever-changing and growing economy during this time period


Explaining the shift from an economy focused on manufacturing to one based on knowledge


Promote the benefits of a government who supports and actively encourages free-market policies


discourage market policies and economic liberalization of multinational companies

Question 6 Explanation:

Option C is the correct answer because in this excerpt it is clear that Friedman is advocating for the benefits of a global economy. He states, “the more you open your economy to free trade and competition, the more efficient and flourishing your economy will be.” This gives us a clue as to the purpose of his book.

Question 7

Questions 7–8 refer to the passage below.

“​This is Globalization 3.0. In Globalization 1.0, which began around 1492, the world went from size large to size medium. In Globalization 2.0, the era that introduced us to multinational companies, it went from size medium to size small. And then around 2000 came Globalization 3.0, in which the world went from being small to tiny. There's a difference between being able to make long distance phone calls cheaper on the Internet and walking around Riyadh with a PDA (personal digital assistant) where you can have all of Google in your pocket. It's a difference in degree that's so enormous it becomes a difference in kind…
For UPS to work, they've got to create systems with customs offices around the world. They've got to design supply chain algorithms so when you take that box to the UPS Store, it gets from that store to its hub and then out. Everything they are doing is taking fat out of the system at every joint.”

-New York Times columnist, Tom Friedman, ​Why the World is Flat​, (2005)

What does Friedman mean when he states “the world went from being small to tiny”?


The internet provided more opportunities for people


The Green Revolution was an impetus behind the new globalization


Large-scale industrial production is necessary for the success of a consumer economy


The significant advances in technology reduced distance between nations which made it easier to share information and ideas

Question 7 Explanation:

Option D is the correct answer to this question because when Friedman states that the world went from being small to tiny, he references technological advances that increased the speed of sharing materials. There is no mention of the Green Revolution or large-scale industrial production.

Question 8

“​This is Globalization 3.0. In Globalization 1.0, which began around 1492, the world went from size large to size medium. In Globalization 2.0, the era that introduced us to multinational companies, it went from size medium to size small. And then around 2000 came Globalization 3.0, in which the world went from being small to tiny. There's a difference between being able to make long distance phone calls cheaper on the Internet and walking around Riyadh with a PDA (personal digital assistant) where you can have all of Google in your pocket. It's a difference in degree that's so enormous it becomes a difference in kind…
For UPS to work, they've got to create systems with customs offices around the world. They've got to design supply chain algorithms so when you take that box to the UPS Store, it gets from that store to its hub and then out. Everything they are doing is taking fat out of the system at every joint.”

-New York Times columnist, Tom Friedman, ​Why the World is Flat​, (2005)

Which modern, post-Cold War development contributed to Friedman’s statement, “all of Google in your pocket”?


The rise in individuals owning sophisticated and technologically advanced devices such as cell phones


The economic conflicts related to the World Trade Organization (WTO)


The Middle East, during this time period, experiencing a new wave of economic globalization


The technological advancement of the Americans in the areas of mass industrialization

Question 8 Explanation:

Option A is correct because in the term “all of Google in your pocket" refers to the Google app individuals use on their cellular devices. It can be inferred then that a rise in consumer ownership of cell phones would be accurate.

Question 9

Questions 9–10 refer to the images below.

AP World History Unit 9 Practice Test: Globalization (4)

AP World History Unit 9 Practice Test: Globalization (5)

After closely analyzing both maps provided above, which of the following options best describes the cause of the depicted trends?


The spread of diseases globally had a large impact on the populations of different regions.


The development of government-funded vaccination programs were making the world a safer place for democracy in Asia, Europe, and Latin America.


Scientific developments in medicine were making significant advances in the United States.


Epidemic diseases spread evenly throughout the world.

Question 9 Explanation:

The maps do not mention or show vaccine trends or which countries were promoting scientific developments. Also, both maps show that death rates are not spread equally across all parts of the world but instead are rather centralized. Therefore option A is correct because staggering death tolls have direct effects on populations.

Question 10

AP World History Unit 9 Practice Test: Globalization (6)

AP World History Unit 9 Practice Test: Globalization (7)

In the twenty-first century, which of the following was most directly a cause of the second image?


Traditional values


Economic inequality


Political adversaries



Question 10 Explanation:

Option D is the correct response because the regions depicted on the second map suffer from extreme poverty. This poverty has a direct impact on access and quality of medical care to those suffering from malaria.

Question 11

Questions 11–12 refer to the passage below.

"Secondary school enrollment has increased but remains lower than primary school enrollment. Although gender disparities in access to secondary education have been reduced, they remain wider and more prevalent than at the primary level—to the advantage of boys in some countries and of girls in others. Gender disparities are even broader at the tertiary (college) level. Female participation in tertiary education overall has increased globally and currently surpasses male participation in almost all developed countries and in half of developing countries. However, women are clearly underrepresented in fields related to science, engineering, manufacturing and construction. Women are also underrepresented in the more advanced degree programmes, especially in science-related fields, resulting in fewer women than men in research. Women account for 30 per cent of all researchers—an increase compared to previous decades but still far from parity.”

-United Nations, ​The World’s Women, ​2015

Which of the following best matches the ideas presented in the passage above?


Mostly male students are given the opportunity to a primary education


Access to quality education and professional opportunities have improved for women but can still advance further


Traditional values in Asia have seen a dramatic decline


The political participation of women has increased significantly in most countries

Question 11 Explanation:

Option (B) is correct because it most closely aligns with the ideas and statistics presented in the passage, which show that, despite small changes, women still have not achieved complete equality.

Question 12

"Secondary school enrollment has increased but remains lower than primary school enrollment. Although gender disparities in access to secondary education have been reduced, they remain wider and more prevalent than at the primary level—to the advantage of boys in some countries and of girls in others. Gender disparities are even broader at the tertiary (college) level. Female participation in tertiary education overall has increased globally and currently surpasses male participation in almost all developed countries and in half of developing countries. However, women are clearly underrepresented in fields related to science, engineering, manufacturing and construction. Women are also underrepresented in the more advanced degree programmes, especially in science-related fields, resulting in fewer women than men in research. Women account for 30 per cent of all researchers—an increase compared to previous decades but still far from parity.”

-United Nations, ​The World’s Women, ​2015

The arguments made by supporters of women’s education are most similar to the arguments made by supporters of:


The equal pay movement


The Universal Declaration of Human Rights


The laissez-faire economy


The environmental movement

Question 12 Explanation:

Option (A) is correct because the arguments made for the equal pay movement dealing with gender equality most closely matches those for education equality between genders as described in the text. With these similarities in ideologies, this is the correct response.

Question 13

Questions 13–14 refer to the passages below.

Source 1:
"​Now, Therefore THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY proclaims THIS UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS as a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations, to the end that every individual and every organ of society, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and international, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance, both among the peoples of Member States themselves and among the peoples of territories under their jurisdiction."

-United Nations, “Preamble to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights” (1945)

Source 2:
“​I spoke before this body last year and warned that the U.N. Human Rights Council had become a grave embarrassment to this institution, shielding egregious human rights abusers while bashing America and its many friends...So the United States took the only responsible course: We withdrew from the Human Rights Council, and we will not return until real reform is enacted...For similar reasons, the United States will provide no support in recognition to the International Criminal Court. As far as America is concerned, the ICC has no jurisdiction, no legitimacy, and no authority...We will never surrender America’s sovereignty to an unelected, unaccountable, global bureaucracy.”

-Donald Trump, "Speech to UN General Assembly”, (2018)

Why is the first passage significant in representing a turning point in modern world history?


The adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and creation of of the International Court of Justice after World War II was universally accepted by all nations


Traditional societies transitioned and openly embraced the goals of human rights


The response was a critical reaction to the failed League of Nations after World War I


For the first time in human history, a major global institution is backing up the idea of equality for all people regardless of nation

Question 13 Explanation:

Options A and B are incorrect because they focus on the acceptance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The passage instead focuses on supporting the fight for equality for all people by the passing of this Declaration. Therefore option D is correct.

Question 14

Source 1:
"​Now, Therefore THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY proclaims THIS UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS as a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations, to the end that every individual and every organ of society, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and international, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance, both among the peoples of Member States themselves and among the peoples of territories under their jurisdiction."

-United Nations, “Preamble to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights” (1945)

Source 2:
“​I spoke before this body last year and warned that the U.N. Human Rights Council had become a grave embarrassment to this institution, shielding egregious human rights abusers while bashing America and its many friends...So the United States took the only responsible course: We withdrew from the Human Rights Council, and we will not return until real reform is enacted...For similar reasons, the United States will provide no support in recognition to the International Criminal Court. As far as America is concerned, the ICC has no jurisdiction, no legitimacy, and no authority...We will never surrender America’s sovereignty to an unelected, unaccountable, global bureaucracy.”

-Donald Trump, "Speech to UN General Assembly”, (2018)

Why is the second passage significant in representing a turning point in US foreign policy?


The US was continuing its legacy of being involved in foreign affairs in leadership positions


Traditionally the US worked to improve the Human Rights Council from within, so withdrawal was seen as a risky change in strategy


This was a rebuke of the rising popularity of populism within the US


European allies followed Trump's lead which ultimately led to major reforms of the Human Rights Council

Question 14 Explanation:

The US had criticized the Human Rights Council for many years, but past presidents felt that withdrawing would just make reforms harder to achieve. Under Biden the US rejoined the Council, while issuing a statement which praised its achievements and also highlighted its flaws.

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AP World History Unit 9 Practice Test: Globalization (2024)


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