ANTHROPOLOGY NEWSLETTER Ball State University … · 1 ANTHROPOLOGY NEWSLETTER Ball State University Fall 2013 Welcome - [PDF Document] (2024)



Fall 2013

Welcome from the Chair

Hello all:

Another year has passed and the department

has been very busy again this year! Students

are actively working in the department and

the Applied Anthropology Laboratories,

presenting papers at professional

conferences, and participating in immersive

learning and experiential projects. This past

year, two immersive learning courses were

hosted in the department. The Fort

Recovery Project, directed by Mark

Groover, Chris Thompson, and Cailín

Murray, was completed last spring, and for

the second year students planned and

developed a museum exhibit under the

direction of Patricia Gilson. Faculty

members and staff are busy providing

quality teaching and research products.

Current funded research projects include

NAGPRA, Fort Recovery, Dearborn

County, and Montgomery County.

I hope you enjoy this year’s newsletter and

please let us know what you are doing so we

can include you in next year’s newsletter!!!


S. Homes Hogue

Student Acceptances into Graduate


Samantha Emrick (BA 2013 was accepted

into the master's program at UNC-Charlotte.

Kimberly Gregory (BA 2013) was

accepted into the Master of Science in

Forensic Sciences Program at Chaminade

University in Hawaii.

We know more of you were accepted.

Please send us the details.

Blasts from the Past: Alumni


Gary M. Heathcote (BS 1969) was lead

author (with Vincent P. Diego, Hajime

Ishida, and Vincent J. Sava) of an article that

appeared in Micronesia in 2012, “An

Osteobiography of a Remarkable

Protohistoric Chamorro Man from Taga,


Ranel Stephenson Capron (MA 1988),

Deputy Preservation Officer/State

Archaeologist/Tribal Consultation

Coordinator for the Bureau of Land

Management’s Wyoming State Office, had

an article published in The SAA

Archaeological Record in November 2012,

“Careers in Archaeology: A ‘Long and

Winding Road . . . .’”

Mitchell K. Zoll (MA 1993), formerly an

assistant director of the Archaeological

Resources Management Service and more

recently vice-president of operations at

Pioneer Consulting Services has been named

director of the Indiana Department of

Natural Resources Division of Historic

Preservation and Archaeology and deputy

state historic preservation officer. He is the

first archaeologist to hold that post of DHPA


Brandi Wren’s (BA 1999, MA 2006)

dissertation, "Behavioral Ecology of


Primate-Parasite Interactions" has been

accepted by Purdue University, and she

received her degree in May. She completed

it under the direction of Melissa Remis in

Purdue’s Anthropology Department. Her

committee included Michele Buzon, Sharon

Williams, Joseph Camp, and Thomas

Gillespie. While working on her doctorate,

Brandi was an instructor in the department

and co-director of our South African primate

field school.

Christina Whalen Blanch (MA 2006) has

recently received attention for her MOOC

(massive open online course), “Gender

through Comic Books,” for which 7500

students enrolled (a record for BSU).

Here’s a link to an article by one of her


And here is another one indicating her

course is one of 8 MOOCs in the world

transforming education



Christy earned both her BA and MA from

our program and has always studied gender

and culture issues. Cailín Murray is

currently a member of Christy’s PhD

committee in Education.

Christy also recently became the co-owner

of the Alter Ego comic book store in


Kristopher Burnitz (MA 2008) co-

authored (with Larry Schell and Mia V.

Gallo) an article in the September-October

2012 issue of Annals of Human Biology,

“Growth as a Mirror: Is Endocrine

Disruption Challenging Tanner’s Concept?”

Jacob Clere (ANTH minor 2007) has

completed graduate work in the United

Kingdom and accepted a position in

Myanmar (Burma) with an international

NGO called Building Markets.

Jessie Moore (MA 2012) is currently

working as the Cultural Resource Program

Manager at Big South Fork National River

and Recreation Area and Obed Wild and

Scenic River in East Tennessee near


Elodia Leavitt Koger (MA 2013) is

recently married and is working for the

Department of Children and Families in

Daytona Beach, FL.

Lauren Holditch (MA 2013) and Ryan

Cage were married in June, 2013. They are

living in California, and she is applying for

PhD programs there.

Recent Graduates Working in

Cultural Resources Management

Michael Lautzenheiser recently provided a

list of master’s degree graduates from the

past decade now working in CRM positions.

Mark Groover has supplemented it, but


we’re sure there are several more. Here’s

the list:

Louis Bubb (2005), Field Supervisor,

Pioneer Consulting Services

Shaun Miller (2005), Archaeological Team


Jeff Laswell (2008), Archaeologist,


Jessica Yann (2009), Curator of

Collections, Michigan State Historic

Preservation Office

Kevin Cupka Head (2010), Archaeologist/

Historic Materials Specialist, Cultural

Resource Analysts

Michael Keith Lautzenheiser (2010),

Indiana Regional Archaeological

Supervisor, ASC Group

Brent Alexander (2011), Field Supervisor,

Archaeological Consultants of Ossian

Cameron Cox (2013), Bureau of Land

Management, Utah

Emily Tucker-Laird (2013), TRC-

Solutions, Atlanta

And of course Christine (Keller)

Thompson (2009) is now a staff

archaeologist with the Applied

Anthropology Laboratories

Student Awards

The following undergraduate anthropology

majors were honored Saturday, September

22, 2012, at the 2012 College of Arts and

Sciences Humanities Dean's Honor

Reception. These students have a 3.5

GPA or higher.

Khyrstin Chance

Samantha Emrick

Kimberly Gregory

Emma Hofeling

Amber Horton

Elizabeth Hotle

Katrina Pieri

Ellen Richardson

Brittany Short

Lauren Veach

The 2013 awards ceremony was held on

Saturday, September 28. This year the

Anthropology awardees included:

Amber Burress

Erin Donovan

Kody Kirby

Heidi Noneman (double in chemistry)

Mitchell Scott

Lambda Alpha National Honor

Society: B. K. Swartz Awards

Lambda Alpha National Honor Society: B.

K. Swartz Awards. Selected from papers

and posters presented at the Annual Student

Research Conference and Anthropology

Museum Opening April 19, 2013

1st place presentation ($100) winner Kody

Kirby, Narco-Religion-Spiritualization of

Crime in Mexico

2nd place presentation ($50) winner Erin

Donovan, The Case of the Vampire: When

Bioarchaeology and Folklore Meet

1st place poster ($50) winners Amanda

Peterson and Clayton Zeigler, NAGPRA at

Ball State University

Other Honors and Awards

Emma Hofeling (cum laude) and Allison

Troutner (magna cum laude) graduated

with honors

Ashley Shade completed her honors thesis

Creating a Model for Handling Severely

Burned Victims (S. Homes Hogue, Chair)

Josh Donaldson received an Essenpreis

Grant for $1250 from the Ohio


Archaeological Council in collaboration

with the Boonshoft Museum of

Discovery/Dayton Society of Natural

History. He will use the funding to help

with his thesis research on “Investigating

Anthrosols in Prehistoric Contexts”

exploring phosphate and magnetic

susceptibility distribution at the Moorehead

Circle of the Fort Ancient earthwork.

Troyer Scholarship Recipient 2013-


A $2000 Troyer Scholarship was awarded to

senior Rebecca Rudolph for the 2013-2014

academic year. The award is based on the

student’s GPA and financial need.

Troyer Grants

Troyer Grants of $300 were awarded to

three graduate students over the 12-13

academic year; Whitney Lingle, Mary

Farrell, and Tish Neiberg.

This fall, Troyer Grants were approved for

Erin Steinwachs for a study of fire-cracked

rock and Oliver Firestone for experimental

ceramic firing.

New Grad Students

The department welcomed fewer new

graduate students this year than usual.

These five have joined us:

Natalie Davis (BS, Indiana Wesleyan,

Psychology & Leadership) is interested in

cultural anthropology and Native


Colin MacLeod (BA, Eastern Michigan,

Anthropology, Geology, History) plans to

focus on prehistoric archaeology,

geoarchaeology, and chert sourcing


Caitlin Nichols (BS, Murray State,

Geosciences) lists bioarchaeology,

paleopathology, faunal analysis, and

NAGPRA as her interests.

Benjamin Ollestad (BA, University of

Evansville, Sociology with an anthropology

specialization) wishes to focus on

indigenous studies.

Erin Steinwachs (BA, SUNY Geneseo,

Anthropology) prehistoric archaeology,

settlement patterns, and GIS in the Midwest.

Soil survey lab (Rory Whited, Colin MacLeod,

and Josh Donaldson)

Graduate Merit Fellowships

Anthropology graduate students Erin

Steinwachs and Bradley Painter both

received Graduate Merit Fellowships for

$3000 from the Ball State Graduate School,.

Graduate Assistantships Awarded

for 2013-14

Thanks to the hard work of Chris

Thompson and Kevin Nolan in the Applied

Anthropology Laboratories, this year we

were able to fund all of the new graduate

students. The five new students this year

will be supported fully or partly by grants

generated by AAL, with several of last

year’s students continuing to receive



Natalie Davis – ABPP 2013 Grant

Josh Donaldson – Cultural Resource


Oliver Firestone – NAGPRA 2012 Grant

Jacob Hibbard – Anthropology Department

Colin MacLeod – HPF Montgomery Grant

Tish Neiberg – Anthropology Department

Caitlin Nichols – NAGPRA 2013 Grant

Ben Ollestad – ABPP 2013 Grant

Brad Painter – Anthropology Department

and ABPP 2012 assistant

Erin Steinwachs – Anthropology

Department and AAL research assistant

Matt Swihart – HPF Dearborn Grant

Completed Master’s Theses

Adam J. Zajac

2013 Chimpanzees, Tools, and Climate: a

Cross-cultural Comparison of Chimpanzee

Technology and Ecology (Committee: S.

Homes Hogue, chair; Evelyn Bowers, Mark


Joseph R. Miller

2013 Site-less Survey and Prehistoric

Artifact Distribution for Blackford County,

Indiana (Committee: Kevin Nolan, chair;

S. Homes Hogue, Mark Hill).

Lauren E. Holditch

2013 Haunted Middletown, USA: An

Analysis of Supernatural Beliefs of

Protestants in Muncie, Indiana. Lauren's

thesis has been selected as this year’s

Department of Anthropology nominee for

the BSU Alumni Distinguished Thesis

Award (Committee: Cailín Murray, chair;

Jennifer Erickson, Paul Wohlt).

Mary C. Manning

2012 Homemade Magic: Concealed

Deposits in Architectural Contexts in the

Eastern United States (Committee: Mark

Groover, chair; Ronald Hicks, Cailín


Master’s Completed, Non-Thesis


Stephen Crowe (Fall 2012) (Advisor, Mark


Jesse Moore (Fall 2012) (Advisor, Mark


Cameron Cox (Summer 2013) (Advisor,

Mark Groover

Elodia Leavitt Koger (Summer 2013)

(Advisor, S. Homes Hogue)

Emily K. Tucker-Laird (Summer 2013)

(Advisor, Mark Groover)

Student Presentations at


Mary Farrell – “Use of Space and

Interaction at Taylor Village,” Eastern States

Archaeological Federation (ESAF), Toledo,

October 2012

Other student conference presentations, co-

authored with members of the faculty or

AAL staff, are listed below under

“Presentations at Professional & Other


Anthropology Student Symposium


The following presentations were made at

the 2013 annual Anthropology Student


Joseph Miller – “Ancient Beekeeping in the

Center of Town: An Examination of an Iron

Age Apiary at Tel Rehov, Israel”

Austin Poynter – “On the Integration of

Pets into the American Family”


Emma Hofeling – “Nazi’s in Film: Then

and Now”

Kody Kirby – “Narco-Religion:

Spiritualization of Crime in Mexico”

Ashley Shade – “Proposed Standard

Operating Procedures for the Indiana

Coroner System for the Investigation,

Recovery, and Interpretation of Burned

Human Remains”

Adam Zajac – “Chimpanzees, Tools, and

Climate: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of

Chimpanzee Technology and Ecology”

Mary Farrell – “Preserve America Grant:

Identifying and Preserving Indiana’s


Erin Donovan – “The Case of the Vampire:

When Bioarchaeology and Folklore Meet”

Stephanie Neeley – “Hunters in a Modern


James Hill – “WWII Pacific Theater

Disease Adaptation”


John Monger -- “Vikings in America”

Amanda Peterson & Clayton Zeigler –

“NAGPRA at Ball State University”


Annual Ball State Student


Students from the Department of

Anthropology who participated in the

university’s annual Student Symposium

included the following:

Khyrstin Chance – “Archaeological

Processes: Blackford County”

Josh Donaldson – “The Seasonality of

Construction of Prehistoric Structures

through the Analysis of Daub”

Oliver Firestone – “Investigation of Pottery

Manufacturing Methods at the Reinhardt


Jacob Hibbard – “Community, Space, and

Identity: Cultural Negotiations in Church”

Whitney Lingle – “Individual Food

Production: Perceptions of Value &


Felicia McConnell – “Bridging the Gap

between Religion and Environmentalism”

M. LaTisha Neiberg – “Cranial Nonmetric

Traits in Prehistoric Native Americans

Collected from the Campbell Farm Site”

Bradley Painter – “Looking for Evidence

of Social Complexity During the Middle

Woodland: Testing for Craft Specialization

in the Microblade Industry of the Mann


Amanda Peterson & Clayton Zeigler –

“NAGPRA at Ball State University”

Matthew Swihart – “Use-Wear Analysis as

a Test of Prehistoric Agricultural Field


Anthropology Club News

Looking for pawpaws at the department picnic.


In addition to the spring symposium, this

year the Anthropology Club assumed

responsibility for the department’s fall

picnic, which was attended by about three

dozen students and faculty.

On April 9th, the Anthropology Club

sponsored a talk by Daryl Baldwin, Director

of the Myaamia Center (Miami University,

Ohio) about indigenous language

revitalization. The talk was followed by a

question and answer session and gave Ball

State students and the Muncie community a

great opportunity to learn about Native

American language and culture

revitalization in the Great Lakes region.

Applied Anthropology Laboratories

Name Change

Effective July 1, 2013, the Applied

Archaeology Laboratories changed its name

to the Applied Anthropology Laboratories.

Created in 1978 in the Ball State University

Department of Anthropology as the

Archeology Resources Management Service

(ARMS), the program emphasized procuring

and executing archaeology based cultural

resource management (CRM) projects and

state-funded archaeological grants to

provide applied experience for students.

In August 2009, ARMS was renamed the

Applied Archaeology Laboratories (AAL) to

better reflect the mission as a student-

focused archaeology research laboratory.

AAL’s program has since grown to include

more academic research activities, public

education, and even more student

involvement. The new name reflects an

engagement with the multi-faceted nature of

anthropology and its potential applications.

As the AAL has become more student-

oriented, we have realized opportunities to

immerse students in hands-on activities in a

variety of anthropological pursuits beyond

archaeology, making for a more holistic,

experiential learning environment.

NAGPRA Project

Over the last two years Cailín Murray,

Christine Thompson, and S. Homes

Hogue have generated support ($144,619)

for the Native American Graves Protection

and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) Project

currently underway in the department. The

granting agency is the National Park

Service. The project is actually in its fourth

year. The first two years we received

Graduate Assistant support and course

releases from the Dean’s office and Office

of Research to inventory and rebox/organize

the human remains curated in the

department. The third and fourth year are

being spent inventorying the artifacts

recovered from the sites and ensuring that

human remains are boxed separately.

Students currently working on the project

are Oliver Firestone (MA), Caitlin Nichols

(MA), Khyrstin Chance, Rebecca Rudolph,

and Riley Spelman.

We have begun consulting and collaborating

with Native American tribes about

repatriation. Last spring, George Strack, the

Tribal Historic Preservation Officer from the

Miami Tribe of Oklahoma, visited to consult

with the project participants. And in

September Miranda Panther (NAGPRA

Officer) and Russell Townsend (Tribal

Historic Preservation Officer) of the Eastern

Band of Cherokees, spent a day with us. We

are learning so much about the NAGPRA

and repatriation process from the consultants

and we are very excited about future


The Department is the first in Indiana to

formally proceed with the NAGPRA process

following the 2007 ruling.


Contract Projects

Over the past year, CRM field projects have

been carried out in Bartholomew, Johnson,

Knox, Randolph, Steuben, St. Joseph,

Wabash, and Warren counties.

Advisory Board

The AAL has also established an advisory

board. The members are Elaine Fisher,

retired Director of the Ball State University

Center for Economic and Community

Development, Nancy Knapke, Director of

the Fort Recovery State Museum, and Matt

Purtill, Senior Principal Investigator, Gray

& Pape.

Students at work in the Applied Anthropology Lab.

Public Archaeology Events

An important part of the mission of the AAL

is reaching out to the public. Among the

AAL public archaeology events this year

was a presentation at the Ross Community

Center in Muncie in November. Historic

Preservation Fund presentations were given

on Blackford County at the Blackford

County Historical Society in April and on

Hamilton County at Strawtown Koteewi

Park in May. Also in May, presentations

were given at the Indiana Archaeology

Council spring workshop. There were two

presentations in July—a program for

elementary school students at the Fort

Recovery Library and an adult program at

the Jay County Library. In September, an

archaeology weekend was held at Mounds

State Park as part of Indiana Archaeology


Archaeology weekend at Mounds State Park.

A renovation was also carried out for the

Fort Recovery State Museum’s Prehistoric


Student Internship Presentations, Spring

The following students made internship

presentations during the spring: Alex

Barton and Katelyn Himes, Mounds

Research Grant Internship; Amanda

Peterson and Clayton Zeigler, NAGPRA

Internship; and Lakota Sells, Historical

Archaeology Internship.

During the 2012-13 academic year, over

12,840 student hours were logged in AAL

through graduate assistantships, internships,

volunteering, and working as paid lab staff.

Summer & Autumn Interns

Summer interns included Sarah Aown

(Collections Management), Britny Burton

(Public Archaeology), and John Monger

(Collections Management). Those for the

fall semester include Rebecca Rudolph

(NAGPRA), Darren DeBruhl (Collections


Management), Brad Painter (GIS), and

Riley Spelman (NAGPRA).

Anthropology Museum

This spring the Anthropology Museum

opened a new exhibition titled Preserving

the World’s Cultural Heritage. Completed

by students enrolled in Dr. Tricia Gilson's

Topics in Museum Operations (ANTH

377/577), the exhibition features students'

care of Melanesian ethnographic objects

from the department's Frye Collection. Over

the semester students had the rare

opportunity to work directly with

ethnographic museum objects. They

documented, researched, and assisted in

rehousing nearly fifty objects. Students in

the course were Elizabeth Curry, Erin

Donovan, Tyler Fields, Tyler Goodwin,

Kassandra Huey, Katherine King,

Nicholas Nelson, Ben Richardson, Ellen

Richardson, Rebecca Rudolph, Michael

Smith, and MacKenzie Vilmont.

Tricia Gilson, Lauren Veach, Mark Hill, and Oliver

Firestone at opening of museum exhibit.


Gail Bader, Assistant Professor, retired at

the end of the spring semester. Now she

will have lots of time to spend with her two


New Members to the Department

Nicholas Kawa, Assistant Professor

Nicholas (Nick) Kawa, who had a visiting

appointment in the department last year, has

now joined the department as a member of

the regular faculty. Nick received his Ph.D.

in Cultural Anthropology from the

University of Florida in August of 2011. As

an environmental anthropologist, his

research centers on socio-cultural

dimensions of biodiversity management and

long-term human-environmental interaction

in the rural Brazilian Amazon.

Historical archaeologist John P. McCarthy

has joined the department as a staff

archaeologist in the Applied Anthropology

Laboratories with responsibility for further

developing the CRM contract activities.

Returning Faculty Member

After a year as a visiting professor at

Rutgers, Julie Jenkins, Visiting Assistant

Professor, is offering courses about the

Anthropology of Africa and the

Anthropology of Contemporary Forms of

Slavery this academic year. She received

her PhD from the University of Sussex

(UK), based on research about the fiasidi

religious affiliation to Ewe shrines in the

Volta Region of Ghana. The fiasidi and

trokosi initiates have been the subject of a

campaign consisting of Christian-based

NGOs and various government agencies that

have labeled the affiliation “female ritual

slavery.” Her research considers ongoing

debates about the nature of fiasidi and

trokosi at a national and international level

and explores in detail the meaning attached

to fiasidi's position in three shrines that

contest the characterization of the practice as

“slavery.” Her research interests include


religion, gender, development, human-rights

and contemporary forms of slavery, media

representations, and modernities.

Faculty and Staff Kudos

James M. Nyce and his co-authors were

short-listed for the 2013 IEHF Liberty

Mutual Award for the best paper published

in Ergonomics in 2012 for “Anaesthesia

Monitor Alarms: A Theory-driven

Approach, written with Karen E. Raymer

and Johan Bergström. Ergonomics is the

discipline's top ranked journal. The paper

emerged from the literature review Raymer

did for her Lund MSc thesis which Nyce


Dr. Nyce has also been asked to serve as a

member of the Tenure and Promotion

Resource Panel for the American

Anthropological Association.

Funded Grants, Contracts,

Fellowships, and Other Research

and Teaching Support:

Mark Groover and Ron Morris

(History) have been approved for a $31,905

Provost’s Immersive Learning Grant for

their project “Yount's Woolen Mills.”

Christine (Keller) Thompson, S. Homes

Hogue, and Cailin Murray (Co-principal

investigators) received another Native

American Graves Protection and Repatriation

(NAGPRA) Consultation and Documentation

Project grant from the National Park Service

for $52, 019. These grant funds will be used

to assist Ball State University in

documenting human remains and associated

funerary objects or sensitive cultural objects

in the Department of Anthropology’s

collections in consultation with tribal


Christine (Keller) Thompson, Kevin

Nolan, and Cailín Murray (Co-PIs)

received a National Park Service Battlefield

Protection Preservation Planning Grant for

$61,577 to develop and produce a

comprehensive preservation planning

document for the battlefields that encompass

the Battle of the Wabash (1791) and the

Battle of Fort Recovery (1794) in Ohio.

These battles represent two of the largest

engagements between the United States

Army and Native American forces. The

focus will be on a detailed preservation plan

for future community development and

public education.

Christine (Keller) Thompson and Kevin

Nolan (Co-PIs) also received a National

Park Service Battlefield Protection

Additional Archaeology Grant for $69,955

to conduct systematic archeological

investigations of the northwest boundaries

of the Battle of the Wabash (1791) and

outlying agricultural land. Their findings

will become a part of an ongoing

educational process at Fort Recovery State

Museum and will be disseminated to the

public via media and web site updates,

presentations, open houses and other events.

Kevin Nolan and S. Homes Hogue along

with Robert Cook of Ohio State University

(Co-PIs) received an Indiana Department of

Natural Resources, Division of Historic

Preservation and Archaeology, Historic

Preservation Fund grant for $49,782 for

“Investigation of Early Fort Ancient

Settlement and Community Patterns: An

Archaeological Survey of Dearborn


Christine (Keller) Thompson and Kevin

Nolan also received a Historic Preservation

Fund grant for $48,824 for an archaeological

survey of Montgomery County.

Kevin Nolan was awarded a Ball State

ADVANCE Proposal Development Award

for $11,937.


Kevin Nolan, along with Brian Redmond of

the Cleveland Museum of Natural History,

received an Ohio History Fund grant for

$12,873 to study “Community Structure in

the Lake Erie Basin.”

Newspaper & Media Mentions

James M. Nyce was featured in the Summer

2013 issue of the Ball State Alumnus article

“Unraveling the Truth . . . .” His segment is

“Human Error Is the Cause of Most


Ohio’s Ohio’s Fort Recovery State Museum

blog on June 25-26, 2012, reported on the

plans, supported by an American Battlefield

Protection Program Grant, for The National

Muzzle Loading Rifle Association, the Fort

Recovery State Museum, and the Ball State

University Department of Anthropology in

partnership to create an exhibit focusing on

the two important battles that took place at

Fort Recovery, the Battle of the Wabash in

1791 and the Battle of Fort Recovery in

1794. Read more:


Greensburg Daily News reported on the

2013 Indiana Historic Preservation Fund

grants, including those that the department’s

Applied Anthropology Laboratories

received for carrying out archaeological

surveys in Dearborn and Montgomery

counties. Read more:



Indiana’s News Center (Fort Wayne) also

reported on the 2013 Historic Preservation

fund grants. Read more:




The Celina, Ohio, Daily Standard featured

the Fort Recovery project and discussed the

making of a 26-minute documentary by Ball

State students..



Kevin Nolan’s work in Ohio using soil

phosphates for locating middens and other

components of intra-community patterning

was briefly mentioned in an io9 article about

technological advances in archaeological




Check YouTube for the latest videos

produced by the Applied Anthropology


Fort Recovery:


Blackford County Survey:


Field Projects and Research

Activities Updates

Evelyn J. Bowers spent the summer

studying parts of the Atlantic coast of

Europe and adjacent islands, which is part of

her field area. This included Gibraltar,

Wight, and the Orkney and Shetland Islands.

She was invited to attend and presented a

poster at the Gordon Conference on

Development held in Italy in June. The

poster presented data on growth in children

with clefts of the lip and palate. The Gordon

Conferences are among the nations’ most

prestigious, the primary attendance criterion

being scientific accomplishment. To

encourage open communication among

attendees, however, information is presented

with the restriction that it is not for public


use. She also attended the International

Congress of Anthropological and

Ethnological Sciences at Manchester, and

the Society for the Study of Human Biology

at Durham in the UK; as well as the third

meeting of the European Society for the

Study of Human Biology.

Jennifer Erickson is in the early stages of

developing a new research project with

Bosnians in Detroit, Michigan. The study

suggests that refugee resettlement to Detroit

is akin to being resettled to another kind of

war zone, an economic war zone, filled with

new and variable kinds of violence that

refugee-migrants and other citizens must

learn to navigate. She will examine the

intersection of political, economic, and

cultural factors in shaping the lives of

Bosnians in Detroit. For example, the

greater Detroit metro area is home to the

largest population of Muslims in the United

States. Many Bosnians are ethnic Muslims,

but not all of them practice Islam. How does

religion (or lack thereof) influence the

everyday lives of Bosnians? This project

will also situate Bosnians in a much longer

history of migration to Detroit, especially by

African-Americans. Detroit is largely a

black city and Bosnians are seen as white.

What role does race play in accessing

multiple forms of citizenship in Detroit?

Finally, how does gender intersect with race,

class, and religion and impact an individual

or group’s access to various forms of

citizenship (social, economic, legal, and


Ronald Hicks is continuing field

reconnaissance work in Ireland aimed at

identifying sídhe, the hollow hills where the

old gods are said to live, that are mentioned

in medieval manuscripts. He is assessing

prehistoric monuments associated with these

sites and looking also at the roles the sites

play in Irish myth, particularly as these

relate to the agricultural and ritual calendars.

Tricia Gilson has been working over the

past year to document and rehouse objects in

the department's ethnographic collection.

Students in her spring Topics in Museum

Operations course made tremendous

headway in documenting the condition of

works from Papua New Guinea donated by

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Frye in 1996.

Professional photographer Tad Fruits

donated his time and skills to photograph

over fifty objects in the Frye Collection. Dr.

Gilson partnered with Indianapolis Museum

of Art's associate textile conservator

Amanda Holden, IUPUI Museum Studies

professor Holly Cusack-McVeigh, and

graduate students in Dr. Cusack-McVeigh's

Collections Care course to provide new

storage for West African textiles, Mbuti

bark cloth, and Polynesian painted tapa

cloth. Using materials donated by IUPUI

Museum Studies and repurposed from the

Indianapolis Museum of Art, the

department's textiles are now rolled to

ensure their long-term preservation.


Rocky Sexton recently completed a

collaborative project entitled “Cajun and

Creole Mardi Gras Traditions of Western

Acadia Parish.” It is a portable display

devoted to the rural southwestern Louisiana

Courir du Mardi Gras (Mardi Gras Run).

The display consists of twelve large panels

devoted to narrative texts, maps,

photographs, and song texts. The display

also includes sound recordings of various

Mardi Gras songs and a rotating screen with

additional photographs.

The project is based on 6 weeks of field and

archival research in southwest Louisiana

during Summer 2011 and three brief follow-

up visit during 2012-2013. Project activities

included conducting qualitative interviews

and focus groups with members of three

Cajun Mardi Gras groups (Tee Mamou,


Lejeune Cove, and Egan) to collect oral

histories and contemporary ethnographic

data; collecting and curating historical and

contemporary photographs; and working

with community partners and a graphics

company to design the display.

The project was funded by the Tee Mamou-

Iota Mardi Gras Festival Association, The

Tee Mamou, LeJeune Cove, and Egan Mardi

Gras groups, and multiple private donors.

Thus far, the display has been exhibited at

the Jean Lafitte National Historical Parks

and Preserve’s Prairie Acadian Cultural

Center in Eunice, Louisiana; Semaine

Francaise d’Arnaudville (Arnaudville

French Week), Louisiana State University-

Eunice, and the Rayne Museum.

Faculty and Staff Publications

Murray, Cailín E., Whitney Lingle, and

Britny Burton 2013 Sustainability and Food Production in

the Hoosier Heartland: Learning through

Local Engagement. Anthropology and

Environment Society online journal, posted

February 4.



Kawa, N.C., McCarty, C., and Clement,


2013. Manioc Varietal Diversity, Social

Networks, and Distribution Constraints in

Rural Amazonia. Current Anthropology

54(6): TBA

McCarthy, John P., and Aaron Brumitt

2013 Archaeology in the Real World: The

Training-Practice Disconnect in North

American Consulting Archaeology. In

Training and Practice for Modern Day

Archaeologists, edited by John H. Jameson

and James Eogan, pp. 145-151. One World

Archaeology Series. Springer, New York.

Nolan, Kevin C. 2012 Review of: Fish and Kowalewski

(eds.), The Archaeology of Regions: A Case

for Full-Coverage Survey. Southeastern

Archaeology 31(1):124-126.

Nolan, Kevin C. 2013 Review of: Pauketat, Cahokia:

Ancient America’s Great City on the

Mississippi. Southeastern Archaeology


Sexton, Rocky 2011 Too Loud, Too Wild? Negotiating

Cajun Cultural Representations. Ethnology

50(2): 117-134. (Actually published Spring


Technical Reports

Hogue, S. Homes and Adam Zajac 2012 Identification of Animal Bone for

Scott Hahn, Delaware County Coroner’s

Office, October 30, 2012

Keller, Christine, editor; Joe Miller 2013 A Distributional Archaeological

Survey of the Southern Portion of Blackford

County (18-12-41921-3), Volumes 1 and 2.

Report submitted to and approved by

Indiana Department of Natural Resources,

Division of Historic Preservation and


Swihart, Matthew R and Kevin C. Nolan

2013 Distributional Analysis of

Archaeological Remains in the Upper White

River Basin: An Archaeological Survey of

Hamilton County, Indiana. Reports of

Investigation 82, Volume 1 and 2, edited

and compiled by K. C. Nolan, Applied

Archaeology Laboratories, Department of

Anthropology, Ball State University,

Muncie, Indiana.


Publications accepted:

Groover, Mark, and S. Homes Hogue Reconstructing 19

th Century Midwest

Foodways: Ceramic and Zooarchaeological

Information from the Moore-Youse House

and Huddleston Farmstead. Accepted for

Midcontinenetal Journal of Archaeology.

Nolan, Kevin C. Prospecting for Prehistoric Gardens: Results

of a Pilot Study. Short Report accepted for

Archaeological Prospection. DOI:


Presentations at Professional &

Other Meetings

Groover, Mark, Christine Keller,

Samantha Emrick, and Jared Jarvis 2012 Fort Recovery: Immersion and

Public Education. Poster and paper

presented at 2012 Midwest Archaeological

Conference, Lansing MI.

Emrick, Samantha, Khyrstin Chance,

Christine Keller, and Mark Groover

2012 Recent Archaeology at Fort Recovery:

An Immersive Learning Opportunity. Paper

presented at 2012 Midwest Historical

Archaeology Conference, Champaign-

Urbana, IL.

Keller, Christine, and Joe Miller 2012 Battle of the Wabash 1791: Using

Archaeological Results to Support GIS Data

Modeling and Further Historical Research.

Poster and paper presented at 2012 Midwest

Archaeological Conference, Lansing MI.

Keller, Christine, Joe Miller, Josh

Donaldson, Khyrstin Chance, and Emma

Hofeling 2012 Archaeological Survey of Blackford

County. Presented at Blackford County

Historical Society, Hartford City, IN

Nick Kawa co-organized a sponsored-panel

at the AAA meetings in November 2012

entitled "Climate Change, Agriculture, and

Agrobiodiversity: Anthropological Prospects

for Engagement" and presented the paper

"Managing Uncertainty in Rural Amazonia:

Climate Change, Crop Diversity, and Social


Nick Kawa also presented a paper entitled

"Climate Change and Crop Diversity:

Manioc Varietal Management in Rural

Amazonia" on the Plenary Panel of the

Society for Ethnobiology Annual Meeting in

May 2013.

In May, Nick Kawa was invited to

participate in the Spring Institute of the

Minority Languages and Cultures Program

at IU-Bloomington where he presented the

paper "The Big Snake: An Amazonian

Vision of Human-Environmental Relations."

In May Tricia Gilson presented a paper at

the annual meeting of the American Institute

for Conservation. The paper titled "Shared

Approaches for Preserving Modern

Heritage: The Miller House and Garden"

focused on Gilson's archival research on the

Miller House and her collaboration with

conservators and curators at the Indianapolis

Museum of Art to maintain and interpret this

National Historic Landmark in Columbus,


Social Media

For the latest department activities, check

out the Department of Anthropology


Plea for News

Please contact James M. Nyce,

[emailprotected], or Ronald Hicks,

[emailprotected] about what you are doing!

Items are always needed for the next

newsletter. Even if you are thinking of them

as old news, they may still be new




information for other Ball State

anthropology graduates. We are always

interested in learning what our students have

done with their degrees, and usually the only

way we can learn this is when you tell us.

Donating to the Department of


The Department relies on the generosity of

others to support student research and

faculty interests. If you would like to make

a donation to the Department of

Anthropology Department, please visit



Below are some of the areas that you may

consider when making your donation.

501-General Fund

502-Museum Fund

503-Chair’s Discretionary Fund

516- Anthropology Research

550- Anthropology Scholarships

Thank you for your support of Ball State

University’s Department of Anthropology.

The contribution you make to the

Anthropology Department may benefit any

one or several of the accounts listed above:

For more information on giving to

Anthropology contact Ball State University

Development Office [emailprotected] or toll

free at 888-235-0058.


The watermark used in this newsletter is of

Cairn G, a passage tomb atop the Bricklieve

Mountains in County Mayo, Ireland, It

dates to the Neolithic, 2000 to 3000 BC, and

is one of the sites included in the current

field research of Ronald Hicks.


ANTHROPOLOGY NEWSLETTER Ball State University … · 1 ANTHROPOLOGY NEWSLETTER Ball State University Fall 2013 Welcome - [PDF Document] (2024)


What is anthropology class in college about? ›

Program Overview

Anthropology is the study of human beings. Anthropologists seek to understand all aspects of what it is to be human and explore the diversity of ways that human beings and their ancestors have forged a living over the last several million years.

What is college Anthropologie? ›

Anthropology is the systematic study of humanity, with the goal of understanding our evolutionary origins, our distinctiveness as a species, and the great diversity in our forms of social existence across the world and through time.

Does Ohio State have a good anthropology program? ›

Ohio State's Department of Anthropology is tied for 5th rank in the nation of the 113 institutions granting a Ph. D.

What is an anthropology article pdf? ›

Anthropology is a branch of science that studies human behavior, biology, cultures, communities, and linguistics in the present and past, including past human species.

Why is anthropology hard? ›

This field requires students to engage in critical thinking, thorough research, and often extensive reading which can be challenging for some. Unlike majors with clear-cut answers and quantifiable results, anthropology delves into diverse human aspects that are open to interpretation.

What are the top 3 majors at Ohio State University? ›

The most popular majors at The Ohio State University include: Finance, General; Experimental Psychology; Speech Communication and Rhetoric; Allied Health and Medical Assisting Services, Other; Biology/Biological Sciences, General; Computer Engineering, General; Marketing/Marketing Management, General; Accounting; ...

What GPA do you need for anthropology? ›

Before you are eligible to declare the major, you must have completed or be in the progress of completing two of the three prerequisite courses and enrolled in the third, with a grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or higher in all courses intended for the major.

Is anthropology a good college major? ›

Anthropologists can be found in an impressive array of fields and career paths. Anthropology prepares students for excellent jobs and opens doors to various career paths, by providing global information and the skills critical for succeeding in business, research, teaching, advocacy, and public service.

What are the 4 subjects of anthropology? ›

One discipline, four fields of study

Our students pursue concentrations that cut across four subfields: archaeology, bioanthropology, linguistic anthropology, and social-cultural anthropology.

What are the four 4 fields of anthropology explain? ›

Archaeology examines peoples and cultures of the past. Biological anthropology specializes in evolution, genetics, and health. Cultural anthropology studies human societies and elements of cultural life. Linguistic anthropology is a concentration of cultural anthropology that focuses on language in society.

What the heck is anthropology? ›

Anthropology is the study of what makes us human.

Some anthropologists consider what makes up our biological bodies and genetics, as well as our bones, diet, and health. Others look to the past to see how human groups lived hundreds or thousands of years ago and what was important to them.

What will I learn in an anthropology class? ›

Anthropology is the study of what it means to be human – past, present, and future – anywhere in the world. It is global and it is local. Careful record-keeping, attention to details, analytical reading, and clear thinking are taught by anthropological courses.

Is anthropology an easy course? ›

Basic concepts are fundamental, but its interdisciplinary nature can be challenging. Effective resources and a passion for the subject can make it manageable.

What to expect in an intro to anthropology class? ›

Introduction to Anthropology

Lectures and readings will describe the dialectical relationship between the material conditions of our existence, on the one hand, and, on the other, the unique human capacity for creativity both in thought and in action.


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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

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Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.