A New Map of All the Particles and Forces (2024)

[Editor’s note: The full, interactive map is available below.]

All of nature springs from a handful of components — the fundamental particles — that interact with one another in only a few different ways. In the 1970s, physicists developed a set of equations describing these particles and interactions. Together, the equations formed a succinct theory now known as the Standard Model of particle physics.

The Standard Model is missing a few puzzle pieces (conspicuously absent are the putative particles that make up dark matter, those that convey the force of gravity, and an explanation for the mass of neutrinos), but it provides an extremely accurate picture of almost all other observed phenomena.

Yet for a framework that encapsulates our best understanding of nature’s fundamental order, the Standard Model still lacks a coherent visualization. Most attempts are too simple, or they ignore important interconnections or are jumbled and overwhelming.

Consider the most common visualization, which shows a periodic table of particles:

This approach doesn’t offer insight into the relationships between the particles. The force-carrying particles (namely the photon, which conveys the electromagnetic force; the W and Z bosons, which convey the weak force; and the gluons, which convey the strong force) are put on the same footing as the matter particles those forces act between — quarks, electrons and their kin. Furthermore, key properties like “color” are left out.

Another representation was developed for the 2013 filmParticle Fever:

While this visualization properly emphasizes the centrality of the Higgs boson — the linchpin of the Standard Model, for reasons explained below — the Higgs is placed next to the photon and gluon, even though in reality the Higgs doesn’t affect those particles. And the quadrants of the circle are misleading — implying, for instance, that the photon only couples to the particles it touches, which isn’t the case.

A New Approach

Chris Quigg, a particle physicist at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Illinois, has been thinking about how to visualize the Standard Model for decades, hoping that a more powerful visual representation would help familiarize people with the known particles of nature and prompt them to think about how these particles might fit into a larger, more complete theoretical framework. Quigg’s visual representation shows more of the Standard Model’s underlying order and structure. He calls his scheme the “double simplex” representation, because the left-handed and right-handed particles of nature each form a simplex — a generalization of a triangle. We have adopted Quigg’s scheme and made further modifications.

Let’s build up the double simplex from scratch.

Quarks at the Bottom

Matter particles come in two main varieties, leptons and quarks. (Note that, for every kind of matter particle in nature, there is also an antimatter particle, which has the same mass but is opposite in every other way. As other Standard Model visualizations have done, we elide antimatter, which would form a separate, inverted double simplex.)

Let’s start with quarks, and in particular the two types of quarks that make up the protons and neutrons inside atomic nuclei. These are the up quark, which possesses two-thirds of a unit of electric charge, and the down quark, with an electric charge of −1/3.

Up and down quarks can be either “left-handed” or “right-handed” depending on whether they are spinning clockwise or counterclockwise with respect to their direction of motion.

Weak Change

Left-handed up and down quarks can transform into each other, via an interaction called the weak force. This happens when the quarks exchange a particle called a W boson — one of the carriers of the weak force, with an electric charge of either +1 or −1. These weak interactions are represented by the orange line:

Strangely, there are no right-handed W bosons in nature. This means right-handed up and down quarks cannot emit or absorb W bosons, so they don’t transform into each other.

Strong Colors

Quarks also possess a kind of charge called color. A quark can have either red, green or blue color charge. A quark’s color makes it sensitive to the strong force.

The strong force binds quarks of different colors together into composite particles such as protons and neutrons, which are “colorless,” with no net color charge.

Quarks transform from one color to another by absorbing or emitting particles called gluons, the carriers of the strong force. These interactions form the sides of a triangle. Because gluons possess color charge themselves, they constantly interact with one another as well as with quarks. The interactions between gluons fill the triangle in.

A New Map of All the Particles and Forces (2024)


What are the 17 particles? ›

There are 17 known elementary particles — 6 leptons, 6 quarks, but only 5 bosons. There's one force carrier missing — the graviton. The Standard Model predicts that gravity should have a force-carrying boson, in the guise of the graviton. Gravitational waves are, in theory, formed from gravitons.

What are the forces of particles? ›

Forces and carrier particles

There are four fundamental forces at work in the universe: the strong force, the weak force, the electromagnetic force, and the gravitational force. They work over different ranges and have different strengths. Gravity is the weakest but it has an infinite range.

What are the 12 particles of matter? ›

The 12 fundamental particles of physics include: up quarks, down quarks, strange quarks, charm quarks, top quarks, bottom quarks, electrons, electron neutrinos, muons, muon neutrinos, tau, and tau neutrinos.

What is the difference between a quark and a neutrino? ›

The only sensible way to compare subatomic particles in terms of size is by comparing their rest masses. The “smallest”, or lightest, quark, the up quark, has a rest mass of about 2.4 MeV (million electron volts), whereas the neutrino's mass is much less than 1 eV, likely in the range of a few thous…

What are God particles made of? ›

The Higgs boson is an elementary particle associated with the Higgs field. It is the quantum excitation of this field, like ripples on the sea. The boson itself is a completely new kind of animal in the zoo of particles.

Are there 200 subatomic particles? ›

More than 200 subatomic particles have been detected—most of them highly unstable, existing for less than a millionth of a second—as a result of collisions produced in cosmic ray reactions or particle accelerator experiments.

What is the smallest particle? ›

Quarks, the smallest particles in the universe, are far smaller and operate at much higher energy levels than the protons and neutrons in which they are found.

What are quarks made of? ›

Quarks are elementary particles. Like the electron, they are not made up of any other particles. You could say that they are on the ground floor of the Standard Model of particle physics.

What are the 5 main forces in physics? ›

If you were thinking 'earth, wind, water, fire', have another go. The forces controlling the world, and by extension, the visible universe, are gravity, electromagnetism, weak nuclear forces, and strong nuclear forces.

What are the 27 states of matter? ›

Classical states
  • Solid: A solid holds a definite shape and volume without the need of a container. ...
  • Liquid: A mostly non-compressible fluid. ...
  • Gas: A compressible fluid. ...
  • Mesomorphic states: States of matter intermediate between solid and liquid.

Are there 22 types of matter? ›

Considering all the studies that have been done till today, there are 22 states of matter in total described below: Solid: a solid holds a definite shape and volume without a container and its particles are held very close to each other.

What are the 4 new particles? ›

The four new particles we've discovered recently are all tetraquarks with a charm quark pair and two other quarks. All these objects are particles in the same way as the proton and the neutron are particles. But they are not fundamental particles: quarks and electrons are the true building blocks of matter.

Is the god particle a neutrino? ›

The 'Ghost Particle' refers to the neutrino, known for its elusive nature and minimal interactions. The 'God Particle', the Higgs Boson, is critical for its role in explaining how particles gain mass. The Ghost Particle and the God Particle are two distinct entities in particle physics.

What is the smallest thing in the universe? ›

As far as we can tell, quarks can't be broken down into smaller components, making them the smallest things we know of. In fact, they're so small that scientists aren't sure they even have a size: they could be immeasurably small! We do know that they're at least 10 18 (or one quintillion) times smaller than Alice.

Are neutrinos good or bad? ›

Of all the elementary particles that we know of, neutrinos are the least harmful of them all. Millions of neutrinos coming from nuclear reactions in the Sun pass through our body every day without ill effects. The reason is that their interaction with human tissue is next to zero.

What are the 17 subatomic particles? ›

alpha particle αcomposite (atomic nucleus)Ernest Rutherford (1899)
photon γelementary (quantum)Albert Einstein (1905)
proton pcomposite (baryon)Ernest Rutherford (1919, named 1920)
neutron ncomposite (baryon)James Chadwick (1932)
18 more rows

What particle has 17 protons? ›

Chlorine has an atomic number of 17 and an atomic mass of 35.45, meaning that an atom of chlorine consists of 17 protons, 17 electrons, and 18 neutrons. As a member of the halogen family on the Periodic Table, chlorine is very reactive with metals and forms salts.

Which particles has 18 electrons 18 neutrons and 17 protons in it? ›

Hence, the correct answer is chloride ion . Q. Name the particle which has 18 electrons, 18 neutrons and 17 protons in it.

Which element has 18 subatomic particles? ›

There are 18 protons from the argon element. There 18 electrons because it is neutral, and 22 neutrons because 40 - 18 = 22.


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