A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (2024)

  • Family

A New Guest Posting Series: ‘Tales From The Other Side Of …’

I’ve had the idea for this guest posting series in the back of my mind since the start of the yearand have finally given myself a kick up the butt to get it started. So, here is all the info you need to know:

What is it all about?

‘Tales from the other side of …’ is all about sharing our successes. There are so many stages, achievements, milestones and heartbreaks we go through as parents and whatever we are experiencing, whether good, bad, exciting or terrifying, it’s always nice to know someone else has already done it and come through the other side.

A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (1)

How you can get involved

If you have a story to share, drop me an email to [emailprotected] with ‘Tales from the other side of …’ in the subject field followed by what it is you have come through (e.g. Tales from the other side of … returning to work). Please also give your post a title and include a short bio with links to your social media.

The topics are endless, from the heartbreaking experiences of miscarriage or loss or a diagnosis, to the more everyday experiences of getting past the night feed stage. Maybe you had a bad sleeper who has now finally started sleeping through the night. That first nursery/school drop off can be scary but we all go through it, tell us how you coped/felt. Other examples are, weaning, colic, moving from cot to bed, getting rid of a dummy or stopping thumb sucking, coping with PND, maybe you had a bad pregnancy or delivery but you’ve come through it, potty training, bed-wetting, chicken pox, bullying, teaching your child how to ride a bike or tie their shoelaces. The list of topics really is endless and these just scratch the surface. It could be a tips and tricks style post, or just sharing your story.

I will be kicking off the series on the 13th June with a post about making it through the end of naptimes and how it’s actually been a blessing (mostly). I’ll also be writing a post about making it through potty training which we are doing at the moment.

What if a topic has already been covered?

Don’t worry about it. Everyone’s experience will be slightly different and if I get a lot of duplicate topics I will compile a kind of database where all posts on a particular topicare kept together for people to read through. Posts will be published on a first come first served basis, but I have several on the same topic I may spread them out for variety.

What’s in it for you?

An all important backlink to your blog and links to your social media sites (please include those when you send me your post). I will promote the post on all my social media as well as through several linkies. There will also be a shiny new badge for you to display on your blog to say you have been featured.

So what are you waiting for? If you have any questions you can pop them in the comments below or send me an email. I can’t wait to read all your lovely posts and give your blogs a shout out x

A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (2)

A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (3)

A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (4)

A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (5)

A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (6)

A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (7)

A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (8)

A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (9)

A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (10)

A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (11)

A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (12)

A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (13)

A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (14)

A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (15)

A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (16)

A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (17)

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  1. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (19)

    The Squirmy Popple http://www.squirmypopple.com

    What a great idea! We’re currently waiting to come out the other side of a few issues (fear of bathing and obsession with cardigans…yup, you read that right) and I’d love to write about them once we come out the other side. #DreamTeam
    The Squirmy Popple recently posted…Here’s what’s wrong with Trump’s parental leave planA New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (20)

    Posted on 30 May, 2017 at 12:22 pm


    1. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (21)

      Alana – Burnished Chaos

      Thank you. Those sound fantastic, I hope you do come back and share them if you make it through the other side!

      Posted on 31 May, 2017 at 10:49 pm


  2. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (22)

    Manny – The Greenwich Mummy https://thegreenwichmummy.com/

    Good luck with your new series – looks like a good one!
    I think you’ll be getting flooded with emails pretty soon too.
    I’ll be sending you an email as soon as I have something good enough to share with you. 🙂 #DreamTeam

    Posted on 30 May, 2017 at 8:03 pm


    1. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (23)

      Alana – Burnished Chaos

      Thank you, I’d love to have you feature on the blog when you have something x

      Posted on 31 May, 2017 at 9:32 pm


  3. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (24)

    Wandermust mummy http://www.wandermustfamily.com

    Great series idea – I’d be happy to join! #familyfun
    Wandermust mummy recently posted…City TrippingA New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (25)

    Posted on 31 May, 2017 at 6:35 am


    1. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (26)

      Alana – Burnished Chaos

      Yay, look forward to reading your post x

      Posted on 31 May, 2017 at 10:50 pm


  4. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (27)

    Sarah Howe http://www.runjumpscrap.com

    This sounds like a great idea! I really need to guest post more…really bad for it! Hope you get some good topics! Thanks for sharing with #bestandworst x
    Sarah Howe recently posted…Best and Worst Week #96A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (28)

    Posted on 31 May, 2017 at 7:09 am


    1. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (29)

      Alana – Burnished Chaos

      Thank you, fingers crossed x

      Posted on 31 May, 2017 at 10:50 pm


  5. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (30)

    tammymum http://tammymum.com

    Ooooh what a fab idea lovey. I would love to take part, I will think of a tale to tell. If you haven’t heard from me in a few weeks give me a nudge (sometimes I am pretty slow and useless). Look forward reading everyones tales! Thanks for joining us at #familyfun
    tammymum recently posted…#FamilyFun…Week 37A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (31)

    Posted on 31 May, 2017 at 7:40 am


    1. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (32)

      Alana – Burnished Chaos

      Aww, thank you. I’d love to have you take part, I’ll be sure to give you a nudge x

      Posted on 31 May, 2017 at 10:51 pm


  6. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (33)

    Rach http://ourrachblogs.com

    Sounds like a fab idea! Looking forward to reading this series! #bestandworst
    Rach recently posted…Don’t Tell Me What To FeelA New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (34)

    Posted on 31 May, 2017 at 7:53 am


    1. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (35)

      Alana – Burnished Chaos

      Thank you x

      Posted on 31 May, 2017 at 10:51 pm


  7. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (36)

    Tubbs http://www.someplacestrange.net

    This is a brilliant idea as we’ve all got so many experiences to share that will (hopefully!) help others going through the same thing. Hope it goes well.
    Tubbs recently posted…The Grumpy ListA New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (37)

    Posted on 31 May, 2017 at 12:25 pm


    1. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (38)

      Alana – Burnished Chaos

      Thank you, let me know if you have anything you’d like to share x

      Posted on 31 May, 2017 at 10:57 pm


  8. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (39)

    Wendy http://naptimenatter.com

    This is a great idea for a series!! I would love to write something for this..we have come out the other side of lots of stages so I’m sure I can think of something helpful to share. Looks forward to reading these xx #bestandworst
    Wendy recently posted…What is a baby show and 3 reasons why you should goA New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (40)

    Posted on 31 May, 2017 at 6:00 pm


    1. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (41)

      Alana – Burnished Chaos

      Thank you, I’d love to have you join in x

      Posted on 31 May, 2017 at 10:57 pm


      1. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (42)

        Wendy http://naptimenatter.com

        Back again from #BlogCrush . Looking forward to reading this series xx
        Wendy recently posted…Post natal depression, it’s not how I imaginedA New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (43)

        Posted on 12 June, 2017 at 9:05 pm


  9. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (44)

    Chloe http://pinkiebag.com

    Hi, what a great idea and a fab way for other bloggers to show case their blogs #bestandworst

    Posted on 31 May, 2017 at 8:38 pm


    1. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (45)

      Alana – Burnished Chaos

      Thank you x

      Posted on 31 May, 2017 at 10:57 pm


  10. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (46)

    mymummymanual http://www.mymummymanual.com/2017/05/05/baby-mummy-and-the-blog-seven-month-update/

    This is a great idea! I’m going to put my thinking cap on and get back to you soon…. thanks! #sharingthebloglove
    mymummymanual recently posted…Give your support to the ‘Every mum movement’A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (47)

    Posted on 1 June, 2017 at 9:06 pm

    1. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (48)

      Alana – Burnished Chaos

      Thank you, I’d love to have you take part x

      Posted on 1 July, 2017 at 8:41 am


  11. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (49)

    David http://talesoftwochildren.com/

    What a great idea. The topic list is endless. Good luck with it. I’m sure you are going to be inundated with posts.

    Posted on 1 June, 2017 at 9:20 pm


    1. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (50)

      Alana – Burnished Chaos

      Thank you, I certainly hope so. Let me know if you have anything you’d like to share x

      Posted on 2 June, 2017 at 1:22 pm


  12. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (51)

    Lexie http://www.mommyhomemanager.com

    This sounds great. I can’t wait to read some of them!
    Lexie recently posted…The Best Breastfeeding Resources for MomsA New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (52)

    Posted on 1 June, 2017 at 10:30 pm


    1. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (53)

      Alana – Burnished Chaos

      Thank you, feel free to email me if you want to take part x

      Posted on 2 June, 2017 at 1:22 pm


  13. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (54)

    Rabbit Ideas http://www.rabbitideas.wordpress.com

    This is a great idea for sharing stories- I’ll have a think of any I could write, too! #TheListLinky
    Rabbit Ideas recently posted…19 STEAM ResourcesA New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (55)

    Posted on 2 June, 2017 at 8:04 am


    1. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (56)

      Alana – Burnished Chaos

      Thank you, I’d love to have you take part x

      Posted on 1 July, 2017 at 8:42 am


  14. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (57)

    Katy – Hot Pink Wellingtons https://hotpinkwellingtons.co.uk

    Fabulous idea – lovely and open for everyone to share their experiences! Thanks for joining us at #SharingtheBlogLove

    Posted on 2 June, 2017 at 9:36 am


    1. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (58)

      Alana – Burnished Chaos

      Thank you x

      Posted on 1 July, 2017 at 8:42 am


  15. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (59)

    jodie filogomo

    This is such a great idea!! I can’t wait to read them, because each person’s experience can be so different!!

    Posted on 2 June, 2017 at 2:02 pm


    1. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (60)

      Alana – Burnished Chaos

      It really can, thank you x

      Posted on 1 July, 2017 at 8:43 am


  16. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (61)

    Nicole Roder https://nicoleroder.com

    I love this idea! I’ll be sending you a post! #thelistlinky

    Posted on 2 June, 2017 at 4:44 pm


    1. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (62)

      Alana – Burnished Chaos

      Yay, thank you, can’t wait to read it x

      Posted on 3 June, 2017 at 6:52 am


  17. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (63)

    Musings of a tired mummy…zzz… http://www.loopyloulaura.com/

    Great idea for a series, I’ll get my thinking hat on 🙂 #thelistlinky

    Posted on 2 June, 2017 at 9:10 pm


    1. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (64)

      Alana – Burnished Chaos

      Thank you, I’d love to have you take part x

      Posted on 1 July, 2017 at 8:43 am


  18. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (65)

    Rhyming with Wine http://rhymingwithwine.com

    This sounds like such a brilliant idea for a guest post series. There are so many trials and journeys through parenthood and I’ve often wondered if the sleepless nights / tantrums / food battles etc will ever end. We kind of know that they will eventually, but it’s so reassuring to be able to tap into someone else’s story and see the light at the end of the tantrum tunnel! 😉 I’ll look forward to reading these! Thanks for linking up Alana. #DreamTeam x

    Posted on 2 June, 2017 at 10:31 pm


    1. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (66)

      Alana – Burnished Chaos

      Thank you, I’d love to have you take part if you have anything x

      Posted on 1 July, 2017 at 8:44 am


  19. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (67)

    Emma T http://bubbablueandme.com

    Hope it goes well. I’m a bit rubbish on guest posts because I just sit on them for ages and never do anything with them! #sharingthebloglove
    Emma T recently posted…Summer breeze – the best of summerA New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (68)

    Posted on 2 June, 2017 at 10:58 pm


    1. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (69)

      Alana – Burnished Chaos

      Ha ha, I’m the same. Thank you x

      Posted on 1 July, 2017 at 8:51 am


  20. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (70)

    Florence http://www.lifenofilter.com

    Hi Alana,

    I too think it’s a great idea and I’ll be emailing you soon! My experience will be from a different point of view as I’m not a mother but a stepmother… I have two adorable stepdaughters that have both been diagnosed with ASD before I met them, and I think that autism is still pretty unknown and scary to some people. Talking about it could help other parents recognise the symptoms and act, as early intervention is key.

    I hope that this is something that will be of interest to your series…

    Posted on 3 June, 2017 at 9:54 am


    1. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (71)

      Alana – Burnished Chaos

      Thank you, your post idea sounds fantastic, can’t wait to read it. Send me an email to [emailprotected] if you have any questions x

      Posted on 5 June, 2017 at 6:20 am


  21. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (72)

    Ann from Rainbows are too beautiful http://www.rainbowsaretoobeautiful.com

    What a lovely series – I’d love to be involved. 🙂

    Posted on 5 June, 2017 at 9:29 am


    1. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (73)

      Alana – Burnished Chaos

      Thank you, just drop me an email x

      Posted on 9 June, 2017 at 6:10 am


  22. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (74)

    Susie/So Happy In Town http://www.sohappyintown.com/a-dedication/

    This sounds a great guest series – I’ll definitely be submitting a post. #bigpinklink

    Posted on 5 June, 2017 at 10:23 am


    1. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (75)

      Alana – Burnished Chaos

      Thank you, I hope you do, can’t wait to read it x

      Posted on 9 June, 2017 at 6:09 am


  23. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (76)

    Su {Ethan & Evelyn} http://www.ethannevelyn.com/

    This sound like a great series! Does it have to be new materials? Or can it be from a blog post I’ve written? I look forward to reading it. Thank you for linking up with us on #FabFridayPost x
    Su {Ethan & Evelyn} recently posted…We Did It! The Color Obstacle Rush 5K!A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (77)

    Posted on 5 June, 2017 at 11:38 am


    1. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (78)

      Alana – Burnished Chaos

      Thanks Su, I’m happy for it to be old content as long as it wasn’t within the last 3 months. I would love to have you take part x

      Posted on 1 July, 2017 at 8:53 am


  24. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (79)

    Heather Keet http://shank-you-very-much.com

    This is so exciting! #GlobalBlogging

    Posted on 5 June, 2017 at 2:00 pm


    1. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (80)

      Alana – Burnished Chaos

      Thank you x

      Posted on 1 July, 2017 at 8:54 am


  25. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (81)

    Heather Burnett http://www.wordtoyourmotherblog.com

    Hey! Great idea! I think I may have a few dozen stories I could share!


    Posted on 6 June, 2017 at 4:33 am


    1. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (82)

      Alana – Burnished Chaos

      Thanks Heather, I would love for you to take part, your posts always makes me laugh and look on the lighter side of life x

      Posted on 1 July, 2017 at 8:55 am


  26. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (83)

    mackenzieglanville http://www.reflectionsfrommme.com

    oh wow sounds exciting, I would love to get involved. I’ll have to think about a topic and get back to you, sounds great! #mg

    Posted on 6 June, 2017 at 8:12 am


    1. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (84)

      Alana – Burnished Chaos

      Thank you Mac, I would love to have you get involved x

      Posted on 1 July, 2017 at 8:56 am


  27. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (85)

    Laura – dear bear and beany https://www.dearbearandbeany.com

    Well done on getting this started I know you’ve had it in the pipeline for a while. It’s a great idea and I look forward to seeing what exciting guest posts you have to share. Thank you for joining us at #SharingtheBlogLove

    Posted on 6 June, 2017 at 1:53 pm


    1. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (86)

      Alana – Burnished Chaos

      Thank you, it’s been a long time coming x

      Posted on 1 July, 2017 at 8:56 am


  28. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (87)

    Sarah TheRealLaraShoe http://www.thereallarashoe.com

    Have fun with your new venture. I’m sure you’ll get some really interesting stories. Thanks for linking up with us on #FabFridayPost
    Sarah TheRealLaraShoe recently posted…Jurassic KingdomA New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (88)

    Posted on 7 June, 2017 at 7:29 am


    1. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (89)

      Alana – Burnished Chaos

      I really hope so, thank you x

      Posted on 1 July, 2017 at 8:57 am


  29. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (90)

    This Mum’s Life http://www.thismumslife.com

    Oooh, this is a fab idea for a series!! It’ll be great to hear so many success stories, especially variations on the same one! I’d love to get involved-I’ll drop you an email!
    This Mum’s Life recently posted…The Big Pink Link Week 63!A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (91)

    Posted on 7 June, 2017 at 3:18 pm


    1. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (92)

      Alana – Burnished Chaos

      Yay, thank you. Can’t wait to read it x

      Posted on 9 June, 2017 at 6:08 am


  30. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (93)

    Lisa Pomerantz http://lisapomerantzster.com

    Hey Alana, This sounds like a great idea for a series! I will be tuned in! #mg

    Posted on 7 June, 2017 at 5:43 pm


    1. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (94)

      Alana – Burnished Chaos

      Thank you Lisa x

      Posted on 1 July, 2017 at 8:57 am


  31. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (95)

    The Mum Project http://www.themumproject.com

    Lovely idea for a series I definitely have a few stories about having a baby who doesn’t sleep : ). Will be sure to send something over thanks for sharing with #GlobalBlogging!

    Posted on 8 June, 2017 at 6:16 pm


    1. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (96)

      Alana – Burnished Chaos

      That would be brilliant, can’t wait to read it x

      Posted on 9 June, 2017 at 6:07 am


  32. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (97)

    Multicultural Motherhood http://www.multiculturalmotherhood.blogspot.com

    This is a really lovely idea. I bet a lot of people will be comforted to read about people who have experienced the same things as them and come out the other side. #coolmumclub

    Posted on 8 June, 2017 at 6:20 pm


    1. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (98)

      Alana – Burnished Chaos

      Thank you, I certainly hope so x

      Posted on 9 June, 2017 at 6:07 am


  33. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (99)

    MMT http://www.mummuddlingthrough.com

    Oh another great idea for a guest series! I look forward to reading them and will have a think about a contribution.

    Thanks for sharing with #coolmumclub
    MMT recently posted…#coolmumclub Linky week 68A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (100)

    Posted on 8 June, 2017 at 7:50 pm


    1. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (101)

      Alana – Burnished Chaos

      Thank you, I’d love to have you join in x

      Posted on 1 July, 2017 at 9:14 am


  34. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (102)

    Helen http://mumatron.com

    Great idea! I’ve been looking for someone to host a guest post where I can talk about a family situation without them knowing. I’ll drop you an email! #coolmumclub

    Posted on 8 June, 2017 at 8:26 pm


  35. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (103)

    Heather Burnett http://www.wordtoyourmotherblog.com

    I’m back again from the #coolmumclub! I want to be a part of the series!
    Heather Burnett recently posted…16 Warning Signs You’re Not Cool Anymore, MomA New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (104)

    Posted on 9 June, 2017 at 1:33 am


  36. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (105)

    Rach http://ourrachblogs.com

    Really looking forward to this series. I love reading about other peoples lives (I’m not nosey – promise) Thanks for sharing with #GlobalBlogging
    Rach recently posted…Don’t Tell Me What To FeelA New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (106)

    Posted on 11 June, 2017 at 6:49 am


    1. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (107)

      Alana – Burnished Chaos

      Ha ha, me too! Thank you x

      Posted on 1 July, 2017 at 8:34 am


  37. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (108)

    Bread http://queerlittlefamily.co.uk

    Sounds like a great idea- I will definitely want to be involved at some point! #kcacols
    Bread recently posted…Poem: AffirmationA New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (109)

    Posted on 11 June, 2017 at 11:49 am


    1. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (110)

      Alana – Burnished Chaos

      Thank you, I’d love to have you join in x

      Posted on 1 July, 2017 at 8:34 am


  38. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (111)

    Helena http://www.thequeenofcollage.blogspot.co.uk

    Good luck with your series. It sounds great. #mg
    Helena recently posted…#MySundayPhoto – PeekabooA New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (112)

    Posted on 12 June, 2017 at 5:40 am


    1. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (113)

      Alana – Burnished Chaos

      Thank you x

      Posted on 1 July, 2017 at 8:33 am


  39. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (114)

    Cheryl @ Tea or Wine http://www.teaorwine.com

    This sounds like a great idea for a new series. It will be reassuring to read how others coped on certain issues and it’s brilliant to have space to celebrate our achievements! Good luck with the series, I hope it all goes well for you. Thanks for linking up to #KCACOLS, hope to see you again next time! x
    Cheryl @ Tea or Wine recently posted…5 Ways My Kids Have it Better Than MeA New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (115)

    Posted on 14 June, 2017 at 10:17 pm


    1. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (116)

      Alana – Burnished Chaos

      Thank you x

      Posted on 1 July, 2017 at 8:33 am


  40. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (117)

    Sam – StressyMama http://stressymama.com

    This is such a good idea. I would love to join in with it. And I look forward to reading everyone elses stories. #fortheloveofBLOG
    Sam – StressyMama recently posted…Did somebody press fast forward? It is nearly Molly’s third birthday .A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (118)

    Posted on 15 June, 2017 at 9:06 am


    1. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (119)

      Alana – Burnished Chaos

      Thank you Sam, I’d love to have you join in, drop me an email with an ideas you have x

      Posted on 1 July, 2017 at 8:32 am


  41. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (120)

    Claire http://www.alifeinpracticeblog.com

    I love this idea and think I have a bunch of posts I could write on this theme. Thanks so much for hosting something like this, it could really help raise awareness for a whole bunch of things! xx #fortheloveofblog

    Posted on 15 June, 2017 at 7:40 pm


    1. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (121)

      Alana – Burnished Chaos

      Thank you Claire. Drop me an email with one of your ideas, I’d love to have you take part x

      Posted on 1 July, 2017 at 8:27 am


  42. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (122)

    The Pramshed http://thepramshed.co.uk/

    This series sounds fab, and there will be so many success stories for people to talk about. Looking forward to reading the posts in the series, and thanks for linking up at #fortheloveofBLOG. Claire x

    Posted on 20 June, 2017 at 9:02 pm


    1. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (123)

      Alana – Burnished Chaos

      Thank you x

      Posted on 1 July, 2017 at 8:25 am


  43. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (124)

    Ali Duke http://alisupsidedownworld.com

    This is a great idea. I am sure it will show people that things will not always be how they seem at the time.
    Ali Duke recently posted…A Day In London and A Preview ScreeningA New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (125)

    Posted on 21 June, 2017 at 2:55 pm


    1. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (126)

      Alana – Burnished Chaos

      Thank you, that’s the hope x

      Posted on 1 July, 2017 at 8:24 am


  44. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (127)

    Tim https://slouchingtowardsthatcham.com/

    This sounds like a great idea. There’s so much negativity and doom and gloom around at the moment, that celebrating successes (no matter how small) seems like something we need to do now more than ever. #KCACOLS

    Posted on 23 June, 2017 at 10:57 pm


    1. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (128)

      Alana – Burnished Chaos

      So very true, thank you

      Posted on 1 July, 2017 at 8:24 am


  45. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (129)

    Madeline (this Glorious Life) http://www.thisgloriouslife.co.uk

    What a fab idea for a guest post series! I’ll get my thinking cap on as I’d love to contribute something! x #KCACOLS
    Madeline (this Glorious Life) recently posted…A weekend away without the children – where to go and what to doA New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (130)

    Posted on 29 June, 2017 at 7:09 pm


    1. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (131)

      Alana – Burnished Chaos

      Thank you, I’d love to have you join in x

      Posted on 1 July, 2017 at 8:23 am


  46. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (132)

    Maria http://www.suburban-mum.com

    What a great idea for a guest series – Best of luck with it all. I remember when nap times stopped – it gives you so much more freedom to do things and you’re definitely less restricted!#KCACOLS
    Maria recently posted…We’re Going On A Bear Hunt With Ready Brek + giveaway!A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (133)

    Posted on 29 June, 2017 at 10:56 pm


    1. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (134)

      Alana – Burnished Chaos

      Thank you, it certainly does x

      Posted on 1 July, 2017 at 8:23 am


  47. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (135)

    Hayley@ Mission: Mindfulness http://www.missionmindfulnessblog.com

    Maybe one day I’ll write for this guest series about potty training twins but at the moment I can’t see how/when that is going to happen…. !!! This is a really good idea for a series. xx

    Posted on 22 July, 2017 at 9:08 pm


  48. A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (136)

    WelshMum http://www.welshmum.co.uk

    What a lovely positive idea for a guest series. I think I’ll be emailing you soon!

    Posted on 23 August, 2017 at 8:18 pm


A New Guest Posting Series: 'Tales From The Other Side Of ...' - Burnished Chaos (2024)


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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.